Bike Saviours Coop is movingThe folks at Bike Saviours Bicycle Collective are moving according to this blurb.The new location of Bike Saviors is: Bike Saviours Bicycle Collective County Administrator Susan Muranishi gets $423,664 a year pensionAccording to this article Alameda County Administrator Susan Muranishi will be getting a $423,664 a year pension when she retires!!!!If you ask me I think she is 100 percent a royal goverment ruler and zero percent public servant. The desert is bloomingMan everything in the desert has flowers on it now. And of course that means my allergies are killing me.It feels like I have the flu, but I suspect I have allergies. On Easter I felt so lousy I wanted to go to sleep in the park. But in Tempe, according to the Urban Camping law it is illegal to close you eyes in a park and go to sleep, so I went to the desert to sleep. Arizona officials target synthetic drugs like 'spice,' 'bath salts'Well, that's what they say in this article.Think of it as creating a jobs program for cops, prosecutors, prison guards and probation officers. Along with flushing the Bill of Rights down the toilet. I'm sick???I suspect I have a nasty case of the flu. Or I have some really nasty allergies.I felt really terrible all day yesterday. Last night I felt pretty cold at times, despite the fact that it is getting warm and the highs are in the 80°F's. Also I have had some chills running up and down my body. Drug cartels dispatch agents deep inside U.S.Well that is what this article says. But I like to think of the drug war as being just a jobs program for overpaid cops."If left unchecked, authorities say, the cartels’ move into the American interior could render the syndicates harder than ever to dislodge and pave the way for them to expand into other criminal enterprises such as prostitution, kidnapping-and-extortion rackets and money laundering."What rubbish!!!! The drug war has been a dismal failure ever since it begin in 1914. The police have never been able to prevent people from using illegal drugs that make them feel good and never will. Others are skeptical about claims cartels are expanding their presence, saying law-enforcement agencies are prone to exaggerating threats to justify bigger budgets.Bingo!!! That's it!!! The drug war is nothing more then a jobs program for well paid cops. California lawmakers consider regulating, taxing ammunitionAccording to this article the tyrants in the Peoples Republic of California want to tax ammunition in an attempt to flush the Second Amendment down the toilet.El alcalde de Phoenix, Greg Stanton es "gun grabber"In this article it sure sounds like Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton is a gun grabber.AG Tom Horne hates gays????From this article it sounds like Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne also hates gays, like he hates medical marijuana users.On the other hand maybe Tom Horne is just an equal opportunity nut job who hates everybody. Trying to bully BisbeeIn this article Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne and Cathi Herrod's Center for Arizona Policy will do anything to prevent gay folks from having the same rights as all us other folks.Ex-Mesa officer pleads not guilty to sex crimesMore of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our government masters.Of course in this case, while the article says the cop is charged with child molestation and sexual exploitation of a minor, that isn't really true. He pretty much was arrested for having dirty pictures on his cell phone. And of course I don't think it should be a crime to look at "dirty pictures" and I think it is a waste of our tax dollars putting people in prison for the victimless crime of looking at "dirty pictures". Mesa shovels out the corporate welfare for the Marriott HotelAccording to this article the city of Mesa is giving hundreds of thousands of dollars in corporate welfare to the rich folks that own the Marriott Hotel.Wow!!! He sure sounds like Mesa Mayor Scott Smith who pretends to be a conservative Republic really behaves like a tax and spend Democrat when it comes to spending our tax dollars. Remember that when tax and spend Mesa Mayor Scott Smith runs for governor. More on the crooks that work for Sheriff Joe???Here is an interesting article about the alleged crooks that work for Sheriff Joe Arpaio.Sky Harbor's Sky Train - a $1.6 billion pork boondoggle?????Love government pork??? Love government boondoggles??? In that case check out this article on the $1.6 billion pork boondoggle called the Phoenix Sky Harbor Sky Train.Rivals prepare for legal battle over abortion bansBoth the US Constitution and the Arizona Constitution forbid the government from mixing religion and government.But since there is no penalty for attempting to flush the Constitution down the toilet and forcing people to obey the laws of their Christian religion politician routinely pass laws which do mix religion and government. Check out this article on how crooked politicians in Arkansas and North Dakota are trying to flush a woman's right to get an abortion down the toilet. Personally my view on abortion is if you don't like it, don't have one. That's also my view on gay marriages. If you think gay marriage is wrong, bad or evil, then don't have a gay marriage. Another attempt to flush Prop 203 down the toilet???In this article the tyrants in Arizona are trying to flush Arizona's medical marijuana which is Prop 203 down the toilet and put any body in jail who has microscopic, but detectable traces of marijuana in their body.Obama wants banks to loan money to deadbeats???From this article it sure seems like President Obama thinks the main purpose of government is to steal money from rich folks and give it to poor folks.Sadly that seems to be how most Democrats get elected. On the other hand the Republican Party isn't much better. It seems like most Republicans who preach limited government are also hypocrites who think the sole purpose of government is to steal money from poor people and give it to rich people. Louis Taylor spends 42 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit.This article is about the Tucson Police Department along with the Pima County Attorneys Office who framed Louis Taylor for murder and caused him to spend 42 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit.GOP should stand firm against drug legalizationIf you want to end the insane and unconstitutional "war on drugs" don't expect any help from the Republicans.In this article the Republicans want to keep drugs illegal. Naperville weighs drug tests at high schoolsFourth Amendment rights against illegal searches???In this article is sure sounds like the folks that run the public schools in Naperville don't think the 4th Amendment applies to children that attend their public schools. The article says they want to have random drug tests for students. Louis Taylor spends 41 years in prison after being framed by Tucson PoliceAnd yet another article on how the racist Tucson Police Department framed Louis Taylor and caused him to spend 41 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit.I am sorry, some of the article I have posted say Louis Taylor spent 41 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit, other articles say he spent 42 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit. Is Tom Horne using Bisbee to launch his re-election bid?In this editorial Laurie Roberts thinks that Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne is trying to shut down gay marriages in Bisbee, Arizona as part of his reelection strategy..BP thugs bust woman for having chicharrones????According to this article US Border Patrol thugs in Nogales busted a woman for having chicharrones!!!!.Jesus, don't these pigs have any real criminals to hunt down???? For those of you who don't know, chicharrones are just potato chips made with pig skins instead of potatoes. They are fried in oil, salted and sometimes sprinkled with chilli. You can buy them at any convenience store or supermarket in Arizona in the isle with potato chips and other junk food. If you go to the Latino stores like Food City they often sell chicharrones with chucks of pork still attached. Mmmm. I love chicharrones. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has an enemies blacklist???From this article it sounds like Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has a blacklist of her enemies whom she will use her power of governor to prevent from being hired by any Arizona government agency.I suspect that a practice like that is 100 percent illegal. But do you really expect the cops, who are controlled by Governor Jan Brewer to arrest her???? Tom Horne on the Sanctity of MarriageHere is an interesting political cartoon on Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne and the sanctity of marriage in Arizona. |
Marijuana legalization wins majority support nationwideAccording to this article most Americans think it is time to legalize marijuana.I suspect that the main people who still are in favor of keeping marijuana are police officers at the city, county, state and federal levels. That's because the insane "war on drugs" pays them big bucks to arrest people for the victimless crime of using or selling marijuana. If we end the insane "war on drugs", these cops who generally make $50,000 a year for entry level police officer jobs and routinely make over $100,000 a year will be force to get real jobs where they actually have to work. And will certainly get huge pay cuts. Phoenix rally to protest prison expansionSadly the "war on criminals" often turns into a government welfare program for the businesses that are involved in building prisons. Those companies frequently lobby for new laws to place people in prison for victimless crimes, or to create draconian sentences for real crimes so they can make big bucks building the prisons that will be used to incarcerate the people that are arrested and found guilty of those crimes.This article is about a protest against one of those prisons which will soon be build Conn. governor signs sweeping new gun bill into lawAccording to this article Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy today signed one of the toughest gun control laws in the nation.I am sure King George, Hitler, Stalin and Mao are smiling in the graves and know that Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy will be a great dictator just like they were. And of course without their guns the people of Connecticut won't be able to do much about it. Saudi Arabia's punishment by paralysisAccording to this article the religious government of Saudi Arabia are going to punish Ali Khawahir for a crime he committed by paralyzing him.Man religions always brag that they are about peace and love, but when you look at the things religious people come up with they are frequently full of hate. Coconino County Sheriff Bill Pribil gun is stolenFrom this article Coconino County Sheriff Bill Pribil seems like a hypocrite who expects us serfs to obey one set of rules while he lives by a completely different standard.If Coconino County Sheriff Bill Pribil had been obeying the same rules he expects us to obey his gun would not have been stolen out of his car. Thursday - April 4Man it was cold this morning when I got up.I have not been wearing any thermal underwear pants for the last week or so because it is getting warm. But today my legs were cold as I walked back to the city. I think that is kind of odd, because today it is expected to hit 90 for the first time this year. The good news is it is supposed to be in the 90°'s up to and including Sunday. Mesa JP Markel K. Chiles busted for shopliftingAccording to this article Mesa Justice of the Peace Markel K. Chiles arrested for shoplifting at a Wal-Mart.More of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our government masters. I wonder how many people Mesa Justice of the Peace Markel K. Chiles has sentenced for to jail for shoplifting? 麻 - MarijuanaThe picture word 麻 means marijuana in Chinese. It depicts two plants under a shelter.It consists of 11 strokes if you want to look it up in a Chinese or Japanese dictionary.
More Tucson marijuana stores openingAccording to this article two new medical marijuana stores are opening in Tucson.They are: Catalina Hills Botanical Care Is the U.S. headed for fiscal collapse?Here are a couple of interesting articles by Sergio Hernandez and David Stockman on the issue of is Congress bankrupting the American economy.Some numbers from the Webmaster on that issueI don't agree with all of these two articles articles, but I think a lot of the stuff is reasonably correct.Second the main difference between the American economy and that of Greece and other third world countries that are routinely bankrupted by their politicians is that the American economy is huge and it will take a lot more thievery by the politicians to destroy it. Personally I suspect that it will only be a matter of time before the thieves in the US House and US Senate increase their level of theft, or taxation as they call it before they destroy the American economy. And the question is not "will the crooks in Congress destroy America", but "when will the crooks in Congress destroy America". Currently the National Debt is $16.7 trillion dollars. That means each of the 314 million men, women and children who live in the USA owe about $53,000 towards their share of the National Debt. If you consider that only ADULTS work and pay Federal income taxes, then that $53,000 increases to $106,000 for every adult in the USA. Then if you consider that only half of the Americans that work pay Federal income taxes, that means their share of the National Debt will jump from $106,000 for each adult to $212,000 for each adult taxpayer. And of course as Congress rolls the printing presses printing trillions of dollars of fiat money those numbers will only increase. When I started keeping track of the amount of money each person owed toward their share of the National Debt, the debt was at about $5 trillion and about 200 million people lived in the USA, making every man, woman and child's share of the National Debt about $25,000. As I just said that number has increased to about $53,000. Last I just gave you the rose colored version of the story. The actual amount of money the US government has promised to pay out is actually around 4 times larger then the National Debt when you throw in other things the US Government has promised to pay for in the future for things such as Social Security or Medicare. So that $53,000 that every man, woman and child in the USA owes toward all their US debt obligations increases to $212,000 when you use those other obligations. The $212,000 each adult taxpayer owes toward all their US debt obligations increases to $848,000. If you use those numbers it should be obvious that America is on the brink of being bankrupted by the crooks in the US Congress. Last for some really good reading on the subjects of "the gold standard", "the Federal Reserve" or "the Fed", and a number of other related subject check out the book: The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal ReserveIt was written by G. Edward Griffin Talking on cell phone while driving causes pot smuggler to be busted.I suspect cops love all those silly laws that make it illegal to do just about anything while you are driving because it gives them a lame excuse to stop people, search them for drugs and run their name thru the computer looking for arrest warrants, which is what happened in this article.Personally I think all these laws against victimless crimes should be repealed including the laws against illegal drugs. 10 Cheap, Effective Ways to Pest-Proof Your HomeI really didn't learn much from this article other then the fact that they say having birds outside your home are a nice way to kill bugs in your yard.But they didn't say how to keep those mockingbirds away, which love to sing at 3 in the morning and wake you up. Also the article says to kill as my flies as possible, which is also a good idea that I wouldn't think of. Cheap Drones Made in China Could Arm US FoesThink of the drones in this article as the AK-47 version of American drones.While some people will argue that the American M-16 machine gun is technically superior to the Soviet AK-47, when you look at it from a cost view point the AK-47 will run circles around the M-16 when it comes to bang for the buck. I suspect the Chinese drones mentioned in this article are pretty much the same way. Dogbert gets a job at the IRS???ASU film festival for Human RightsSure it's put on by a bunch of socialists but my friends at Amnesty International put on a movie there so I decided to go.I also saw the film Bullied to SilenceIt reminded me of David Dorn and his mouth piece Ernie Hancock. Amnesty International showed a film about how the Israeli government was stealing the land from the Palestine people. If you ask me the Palestine people are getting screwed by the Israeli government in the same way the Indians were screwed by the American government. Of course I don't have anything against Jewish people. They were certainly screwed royal by Hitler and the Soviet Union. But of course that doesn't make it right for them to practice genocide against the Palestine people. Proof of citizenship to flip hamburgers in Arizona????It sounds like the racist *ssholes in the Arizona legislator passed the law in this article with the specific intent of running all the Mexicans out of Arizona.Medical-marijuana bill nixed by tyrant Senator Kimberly YeeAccording to this article government tyrant tyrant Senator Kimberly Yee has yanked her bill which would allow the police to steal and destroy legal medical marijuana from licensed medical marijuana patients.Senator Kimberly Yee is a tyrant who needs to be recalled from office and permanently banned from holding office in Arizona. Police teach tactics for handling 'sovereign citizens'While I am a Libertarian an would love to see a limited government like the Founders intended I am not familiar with all these so 'sovereign citizens' in this article.On the other hand I do suspect that literally 99.9 percent of the stuff the folks in the Federal government do is unconstitutional. While I do suspect that our royal rulers in the Arizona government routinely do unconstitutional things I doubt if they have flushed the Arizona Constitution down the toilet like the members of the Royal US House and US Senate have. Did you really expect a cop to be charged with manslaughterIf the police were held accountable under the law like us serfs are the cop in this article should be charged with manslaughter.But don't count on that happening. The police are above the law and can get away with murder. As in this case. F*ck justice, we want the money - Scottsdale PoliceLet's face it the DUI or DWI laws are mostly about raising revenue for the government rather then the protecting people from drunk drivers.In this article the city of Scottsdale is clearly railroading people accused of drunk driving in order to raise revenue for the royal Scottsdale rulers. Widow files claim vs. Arizona in husband’s prison deathAs I said before the police and our government masters are above the law.In this article you can certainly expect the prison workers who are responsible for the death of Anthony Brown will almost certainly get away with murder. Maricopa County official agrees to probation in ethics complaintIn this article Deputy Maricopa County Attorney Peter Spaw gets a slap on the wrist for crimes that would have sent any of us serfs to prison.2 deputies charged with lying about drug arrestSadly the American police are corrupt to the core.In this article Two Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies have been criminally charged with lying about a drug arrest after a videotape of the incident appeared to contradict their account. But don't start feeling good thinking that two corrupt cops will be off the streets. They both will probably get a slap on the wrist and be back on the job framing more of the innocent people they pretent to protect. A Secret Deal on Drones, Sealed in BloodI have said all along that President Obama is just a clone of George W. Bush.In this article President Obama seems to get his jollies by murdering suspect terrorists with drone missile strikes. Less Culpable, but With Longer SentencesIn this article in the New York Times they seem to say that in Arizona Patrick Bearup is being unjustly screwed by the system.The article didn't mention that Patrick Bearup is the son of a man who ran against Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arapio, who brags about being the meanest sheriff in the world and they is probably why he is being screwed by the system. Marriage drives U.S.In this letter to the editor Beth McEldowney thinks that gay folks should be allowed to get married.I agree with her. On Obamacare, Arizonans need to look behind the curtainBend over, according to this article Obamacare is going suck every penny out of your wallet.Once upon a time there was no drug-related crime in the United States.Another letter to editor on why we need to end the insane and unconstitutional "war on drugs".Narcotics Control Act of 1971While I agree with Kirk Muse in this letter to editor that the insane "war on drugs" is a dismal failure and needs to be ended I think that the "Narcotics Control Act of 1971" was passed because as a result of Timothy Leary's arrest in 1968, 1969, or 1970 when both the "1914 Harrison Narcotic's Tax Act" and "1937 Marihuana Tax Act" were declared unconstitutional.$1.58 billion Sky Train pork project opens Monday.Another billion dollar boondoggle comes to Phoenix.This article is about the billion dollar boondoggle at Sky Harbor Airport called "Sky Train". Time to run Kyrsten Sinema out of office????When you read this article about Obamacare I think you will also feel that it is time to run tax and spend socialist Kyrsten Sinema out of office out of office.Horne intenta anular ordenanzaHere is an article on how Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne is doing his best to make Arizona a lousy place for gay folks to live.I think we also need to run gay bashing Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne out of office just like we need to run tax and spend socialist Kyrsten Sinema out of office. Muslims seeking anti-blasphemy lawAccording to this article a lot of nut job Muslims would like to jail and execute anybody that doesn't believe in their mythical god.Not to pick on Muslims, but there are also a lot of nut job Christians who would also love to jail and execute anyone who doesn't believe in their mythical god. Gun grabbers want to flush 2nd Amendment with taxes???In this article gun grabbers are trying to flush the Second Amendment down the toilet by passing laws that tax guns and bullets.Emperor Obama is a blood thirsty murderer just like George W. Bush!!!!Here is another article on how Emperor Obama gets his jollies murdering suspected terrorists with drone missile strikes.I have said it before and will say it again, President Obama is just a clone of Emperor George W. Bush and John McCain. Prudes on Scottsdale City Council try to stamp out prostitution???According to this article the Scottsdale Religious Police (aka the Scottsdale City Council) are attempting to stamp out prostitution in Scottsdale.Hey, I can guarantee that that this law will be a dismal failure like all the other laws designed to stamp out prostitution. Prostitution ain't called the world's oldest profession for nothing. April 8 - Winters BackWhile the last couple of days it has been in the 90°F's today and I think tomorrow the high is only going to be in the 70°F's.It's very windy outside too. When I go to sleep tonight I am going to throw back on my thermal underwear pants and a couple more sweatshirts. But I doubt if the cold weather will last longer then 2 days. April is the month we normally start hitting 100°F in Phoenix. Payday loans are back as Title loansThe idiots in the Arizona legislator made "Pay Day Loans" illegal.But according to this article a new industry surfaced to take their place. That industry is the "Title Loan" industry which gives people loans on their cars. Santa Clara County DA committed violation, possible crimeSadly our government masters routinely think they are above the law.In this article it sure sounds like the Santa Clara County district attorney thinks he is above the law. DOC van rolls on I-10: 10 hurtMore of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our government masters.In this article it sure sounds like the prison guards at the Arizona Department of Corrections think those silly driving laws are for everybody but them to obey. Italian priest held for $5m fraudAnd here is one of those "Do as I say, not as I do" things from our religious leaders.In this article a Vatican Priest is busted for stealing $5 million from a hospital. Note to thief: Follow lawAll those silly gun control laws are not obeyed by criminals. The only thing they do is disarm law abiding citizens.This letter to the editor mocks those silly laws and is about how a Sheriff in Northern Arizona had his gun stolen by a criminal, who in addition to breaking the law about stealing, didn't bother to get a Brady Bill check on himself before stealing the sheriff's gun. Bulletproof vests for elected officials???More of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our government masters at the Arizona State Capital.In this article we have our royal government rulers buying bulletproof vests to protect themselves from us serfs they rule over. Perverted Phoenix Park EmployeeIn this article we have a Phoenix Parks and Recreation employee who loves children in the old Biblical sense.National pulpit may shape Mesa mayor's futureMesa Mayor Scott Smith likes to pass himself off as a conservative Republic but in reality he is a tax and spend socialist.In this article they are asking the question will Mesa Mayor Scott Smith run for governor of Arizona. Let's hope not, we have enough nut jobs for our royal Arizona rulers. Italian Priest, Accused Of Stealing 5.1 Million Dollars From HospitalHere is another article on that crooked Italian Priest who ripped a hospital off for a cool $5.1 million bucks.One more day of cold weather - and rainWow! It got cold last night. I didn't wear my thermal underwear pants like I was planning to and my legs got real cold last night.The good news is this cold weather should be outta here after tonight and summer should be here any time soon when it starts hitting 100°F again. Also I think that base on last night it is true that I sleep much better in warm weather then in cold weather. Again I woke up in the middle of the night freezing. Also it rained a little. It was just a cheep rain, not enough to get you soaking wet, but enough to get you a little wet. Millions of imaginary constituents complaining about gay marriage???From this article it sure sounds like House Majority Leader David Gowan and House member David Stevens, along with Gail Griffin are making up stuff about imaginary constituents to justify their irrational hate toward gay marriage.Hey, gay marriage isn't that bad. If you think gay marriage is bad, then don't have one. Phoenix fire official sues city over genitalia-shaped pastaWow when you read this article he sounds like the overpaid and under worked members of the Phoenix Fire Department has a lot more important things to do with their time then put out fires.And too that the city of Phoenix put up and condones their goofing off and wasting of tax dollars. Yale MBAs, tech investors seek profits from legalized marijuanaFrom this article it sounds like there is big bucks to be made selling now legal marijuana in the states of Washington and Colorado.Of course you have to watch out, because marijuana is still illegal under Federal law, and Emperor Obama will almost certainly send his jackbooted DEA thugs after you. Cop stood on porch nude, police sayMore of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our government masters.Personally I think all victimless crimes, such as the crime of nudity should be legal. In this article a cop in Virgina got arrested for being nude on his front porch. Jesus, don't these pigs have any REAL criminals to hunt down? Why is North Korea our problem?I think the only country that North Korea is a problem for is Red China. And that is because Red China is stuck with supporting North Korea.Now if you ask me the only reason the American government has a problem with North Korea, as in this article is so our leaders can create a government welfare program for the corporations in the military, industrial complex giving them money to make military supplies so we can invade North Korea. Background checks on knife purchases????Maybe the gun grabbers will also start calling for background checks of anybody that purchases a knife after this stabbing in Texas???Rep. Bob Thorpe tries to protect his fellow crooks from us serfs???In this article Arizona House member Rep. Bob Thorpe seems to be sponsoring some sort of Tupperware party for bullet proof vests at the Arizona State Capital.I guess the only good news is that most of them know that that they are hated by the serfs that they rule over and realized the need to protect themselves from us. Will Cathi Herrod go to Bisbee?In this letter to the editor Bob Ellis of Phoenix mocks homophobic Cathi Herrod and asks if she will travel to Bisbee to squash the right of gay folks who want to get married.If Cathi Herrod and her Center for Arizona Policy want to hate gays and treat them as third class citizens that is their First Amendment religious right. But I sure wish Cathi Herrod and her Center for Arizona Policy would stop trying to use the force of government to pass laws requiring the rest of us to obey her silly religious beleifs that treat gay folks as third class citizens. Obama unveils $3.77 trillion spending planDouble talking politicians always want it both ways. They are both agaist any new taxes and for any new taxes that go to the special interest groups that helped them get elected.In this article President Obama seems to be shoveling the BS both ways. On one hand he has demanded that Congress balance the budget and cut out the pork. And on the other hand in this article President Obama wants almost $4 trillion in new Federal pork. Obama - Free cell phones for poor people???Could you please tell me the part of the US Constitution that says poor folks have a Constitutional right to cell phones paid for by rich folks as in this article.Government has a God given right to tax everything you do???In this article the Los Angeles County Supervisors seem to feel that if they can tax it, then you shouldn't be allowed to do it.What did you expect from our royal government masters. Constitutional Safeguards??? Don't make me laugh!!!!!Our govenrment masters pretend to protect our Constitutional rights, but they routinely turn a blind eye to crimes committed by the police which flush those Constitutional rights down the toilet.Read more about it in this article. Oakland Mayor Jean Quan is a liar who will say anything to get elected!!!Some politicians have a gift for lying. In this article Oakland Mayor Jean Quan seems to be one of those politicians.The IRS is monitoring your Facebook and Twitter accounts???According to this article the IRS is monitoring your Facebook and Twitter accounts???I discovered that the FBI, Homeland Security, TSA, DEA, BATF, Secret Service, or some other Federal agency is spying on me after I installed Google Analytics on my website. Every day I get one or two hits from an IP address in the Washington, DC suburb of Shady Side, Maryland which I suspect is a headquarters for some Federal government site that spies on Americans. I should say the city and the IP address changes over time, but it is pretty obvious that somebody in the Federal government is spying on me. For those of you who wish to use Google Analytics to see if the government is spying on you it is free and this link will tell you how to install the software. To get Google Analytics working on your web site all you have to do is create a free account with them and then put the following lines of code on each of your web pages. Google will give you the following code, which you will have to cut and paste on to your web pages. The account number which has been replaced with "*************" will be replaced with your account number. |
Last but not least you don't need to understand any of this computer mumbo jumbo to use Google Analytics. Just cut and paste the code Google gives you and you will be on your way to seeing the government thugs that are spying on you. Once you create the Google account you can visit the Google Analytics site and get reports on who is visiting your websites on an hour by hour basis. I suspect if enough people start doing this Uncle Sam's goons will cut a deal with Google Analytics and order them not to tell you when Uncle Sam's goons visit your website. Obama proposes 94-cent tax hike on cigarettesWow!!!! Obama's 94 cent tax on cigarettes sounds in this article a lot like Kyrsten Sinema's 300 percent tax on medical marijuana.Of course with Kyrsten Sinema in Congress, I suspect she will rubber stamp any tax Obama wants. H*ll, I suspect Kyrsten Sinema will rubber stamp any tax proposed by anybody with her history of loving taxes. Of course when you slap a high tax on an addictive drug like tobacco it won't stop addicts from using the drug. Instead tobacco addicts will turn to illegal markets, such as cigarettes smuggled into the US from Mexico or Canada, and a health problem will quickly be transformed into a criminal problem. The cops, prosecutors, probation officers and prison guards will love it because it will create more high paying jobs for them. But for the rest of it will just create a new "war on tobacco" which will be a dismal failure like the "war on drugs" BP murdered 16 year old Jose Rodriguez????In this article it sure sounds like the Border Patrol murdered 16 year old Jose Antonio Elena Rodriguez????On the other hand I suspect that the BP will defend itself by saying that Jose Antonio Elena Rodriguez had brown skin and must have been doing something wrong. Kinda like the members of the KKK that used to execute Blacks in the South because they knew sooner or later those Black folks would have done something wrong. Judge Richard Baumgartner loves sex and drugs!!!!!In this article Judge Richard Baumgartner sounds like your classic government hypocrite.He is having sex and doing drugs with a prostitute half his age while at the same time he is sentencing other people that do the same thing to prison. Yes, it is time to end the insane "war on drugs" so we can all enjoy those drugs like our government masters do. We also need to legalize all those other victimless crimes like prostitution and gambling. Democrat Kyrsten Sinema a big fan of corporate welfare???From this article it sure sounds like US Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema wants to behave like both a Republican and Democrat.In this article US Congressman Kyrsten Sinema wants to give out $5 billion of our hard earned tax dollars out as corporate welfare to rich corporations that make solar panels. Usually Democrats like US Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema are busy passing laws that steal from the rich and give to the poor. From this article it sure sounds like US Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema wants to behave both like a Republican who steals from the poor and gives to the rich, and a Democrat that steals from the rich and gives to the poor. NRA - Worlds largest gun control organization??? |
Some people like to say that the NRA is the worlds largest gun control organization. I think this editorial cartoon by Steve Benson on April 11, 2013 gives credibility to that. In the cartoon NRA leader Wayne LaPierre is picture on TV saying We think it is reasonable to provide instant criminal background checks for every sale at every gun show. No loopholes anywhere for anyone.Then NRA leader Wayne LaPierre is pictured watching the TV show saying Who is that idiotic bobblehead.And then to the side Wayne LaPierre wife or girl friend is pictured saying It's you Wayne, don't you remember.And at the bottom of the cartoon Steve Benson puts a not that says: Testimony before House Judiciary Committee on Crime, 27, May 1999 A hermit like me in Maine???When I read this article about Christopher Knight who has been living like a hermit for the last 27 years it reminds me of myself.No I am not a criminal and I have not been stealing stuff like Christopher Knight is accused of doing. But I pretty much have been a hermit for all of my adult and childhoods, living in my own shell with almost no contacts with other human beings. I used to have some homes, but the government stole them from me. At least in those days I had a place to live. Now I am homeless and live on the streets. ‘Frustrated’ Mesa teachers picket for more payAccording to this article these teachers on the average receive $10,000 more a year then other teachers in Arizona.But despite that they are government parasites that still want an increase in pay. Look guys, if you don't like your pay quit and find a job else where. That's what us hard working folks in the private sector do. La mayoría de estadounidenses favoreció la legalización de marihuanaEn este articuló la mayoría de estadounidenses favoreció la legalización de marihuanaKnow the enemies of the Second Amendment!!!In this letter to the editor Kara Pelletier, Hildy Saizow, Mari Bailey, Ellen Davis are demanding that the government flush our Second Amendment rights down the toilet.Five women detained in Israel over prayer shawls at Western WallReligious freedom is something that doesn't exist in Israel according to this article.Emperor Obama to cut Social Security benifits????In this article Emperor Obama wants to reduce our Social Security benifits.All my life the govenrment has taken 6.2 percent of each and every pay check I made in Social Security taxes, and promised to use the money to create a nice little nest egg for me when I retired. Now President Obama wants to break that promise and take the money away from me. [OK, it ain't that simple, but that was the lie the government fed us, and most Americans were dumb enough to believe it] Obama - addicted to taxes |
You get a fair trial??? Don't make me laugh!!!Sadly this article applies just as much to the millions of American's arrested for victimless drug war crimes and other victimless crimes like DUI.The government views you as either an enemy that belongs in prison, or a source of cash with a big wallet they want to steal. And in both cases they ain't going to let a fair trial get in their way of putting you in prison and stealing your wallet. In this article it sounds like the the Iraqi, Afghanistan and other Muslim and Arab POWs held in the American prison gulag called Guantanamo will not get a fair trial and will be railroaded by the American government. Sadly these people are being treated as political prisoners, when in fact they are POWs or Prisoners Of War and should be treated according to the Geneva Convention which the American government has signed on to. With Police in Schools, More Children in CourtWho cares about the kids???? These cops wouldn't have their high paying, cushy jobs as "school resource officers" if they weren't sending kids to jail for breaking silly school rules.Let's face it, it's not about the kids. It's about high paying, cushy jobs for cops. Well at least that is probably how the cops and police unions feel about it. Read more about it in this article, and remember, the bottom line is that it's a jobs program for cops and has absolutely nothing to do with educating or protecting the children. It's about creating cushy, do nothing and most importantly high paying jobs for cops. Allergies keep me awake and in painI was up most of last night and in pain.I suspect my allergies get really bad when I go outside, like I do when I go to bed for the night. My mouth was in pain all night and I couldn't sleep very well because of my allergies. Initially I thought I had the flu, but the more this happens I suspect it is allergies. Flushing the 4th Amendment down the toilet????In this article it sounds like the Phoenix Police are pretty much flushing the Forth Amendment down the toilet in order to raise revenue by arresting people for DUI or DWI crimes.According to the article when a Phoenix cop stops a person for allegedly driving drunk the cop can pretty much get a judge to almost instantly rubber stamp a search warrant allowing the cop to draw blood from the person, which will be used against the person in court. Hell, the cop doesn't even need to visit the judge, he can do it all from the computer in his squad car. Again this is a real good reason why we need the Second Amendment to allow the PEOPLE to protect our other rights. Government rulers all talk, no action on public records.This article is pretty much about how when it comes to public records our government rulers are all talk and no action.This article is about public records in the city of San Jose, California, but it applies perfectly to us folks in Arizona, where our public record laws are also a joke. Package addressed to Arpaio had explosive materialsIn this article somebody mailed a bomb to Sheriff Joe.I wonder why??? I thought Sheriff Joe was the most loved sheriff in the United States. OK, I am just joking, but Mike Renzulli might actually think I believe that. For the records and Mike Renzulli, Sheriff Joe is probably the most hated sheriff in the United States. Supreme Court approves of police lyingHere is a blurb about the Supreme Court case Frazier v. Cupp in which the Supreme Court said that it is perfectly OK for the police to lie to people in order to get confessions.If you ask me it sounds like an oxymoron when the police are allowed to routinely lie in their normal day to day work, but are consider choir boys in court that are incapable of lying. Moron AU speakerI was kind of surprised when one woman complain that Muslims are breaking our laws when they have more then one wife.I always thought separation of church and state meant separation of church and state for EVERYBODY, not just Christians. While most of us atheists demand that gay folks be allowed to get married, I was shocked to see this supposedly open minded woman thinking that it is OK for the government to make it illegal for Muslims to have multiple wives. Personally I think a man should be allowed to have as many wives as he wants. If all the wives are willing participants. I also feel the same way about woman. A woman should be allowed to have as many husbands as she wants. Again, if all the husbands are willing participants. I was again shocked when I made a comment to the guy sitting next to me about it. Sadly he agreed with the woman who thought it should be illegal for men to have multiple wives. He said it was for the protection of the woman!!!! I guess you could use the same silly argument against gay marriage. The speaker at the AU meeting was the worst speaker I have ever seen at an AU meeting. He seem to be an angry minister who didn't like the First Amendment preventing Christians from using the government to force their will on the rest of us. Why he was invited to speak at an AU meeting which preaches separation of church and state is beyond me. He said a number of times he was an expert on religion and church because he has several degrees in that area. While he bragged about how smart he was, he didn't impress me and he didn't seem to impress anybody else with is wisdom on church and state and in fact he was almost chased out of the meeting. A number of times he said that the First Amendment and separation of church and state discriminates against Christians. Well guy I have an amazing fact to tell you. That is the whole purpose of the First Amendment is to prevent you religious nut jobs from using government to force your nutty superstitious religious views on the rest of us. Yes, the First Amendment does discriminate again Christians, just like it discriminates against ALL religions, and forces you to keep your personal religious beliefs out of government. I asked him why he thought the First Amendment discriminated against Christians and he lied and said he didn't say that. The guy also said he was open to questions and claimed he had a think skin and could handle any questions we asked him. But that was lie, he quickly shut off our questions and ended the talk after it became apparent that things were not going his way. Last the guy was one of those religions nut jobs who claimed that atheism was a religion. I think his words where that secular humanism is a religion. Sorry guy, neither atheism or secular humanism is a religion. We don't believe in any supernatural stuff like most religions do. Is Janet Napolitano smoking that medical marijuana???In this article Janet Napolitano says the US Mexican border is secure?Hey Janet, are you smoking that medical marijuana???? And if you are are you getting it from a medical marijuana dispensary, or are your goons in the DEA giving you the stuff for free??? RNC: Marriage should be between man, womanSadly the Republican party has switched from the party of limited government to the party of religious nut jobs who want to force their nutty religious views on the rest of us.In this article the Republic Party has decided that marriage should be between a man and a woman and that they don't want any gays getting married. Opium Production in Afghanistan Increases for Third YearMore proof that the insane "war on drugs" is a dismal failure.Despite the fact that the American Empire has invaded and conquered Afghanistan and installed our own puppet government Afghanistan continues to produce record amounts of opium according to this article. Greeted with chocolates and flowers???"If they could, they would greet you with chocolates and flowers, in much the same way we were told our troops would be greeted when they arrived in Iraq. Of course, it didn’t quite work out that way."Even if Clay is a grumpy old man, I think he is a good guy if he says stuff like that as he did in this article. Legal pot draws tourists to U.S. states this weekendTourists are flocking to the states of Washington and Colorado since they legalized marijuana according to this article.Cop murders boyfriend and sonIn this article an officer on the New York City Police force murdered her boy friend and son before committing suicide.Hey, didn't those gun grabbers tell us we would be safer when only cops have guns???? $100 million trolley folly in Tempe???More on that $100 million dollar trolly folly in Tempe in this article.Yuck, they are swimming in Tempe Town Toilet!!!!!Every year about this time, fools come to Tempe, Arizona, take off their clothes and go swimming the the Tempe Town Toilet according to this article.While us serfs call it the Tempe Town Toilet, the royal rulers of Tempe, Arizona don't like that term and call it Tempe Town Lake. Video of bombs at Boston Marathon |
We need answers in Border Patrol murders???I agree 100 percent with Linda Valdez in this editorial stating that we need answers in Border Patrol killing. But sadly it ain't going to happen.The police are corrupt and their isn't any way they are going to arrest their fellow criminals for these murders. Remember the murders at Waco??? When the FBI and BATF murdered and burnt to death 100 innocent Christians in Texas? Not one Federal pig was every arrested for those murders of American citizens. And don't expect it to happen when Border Patrol agents murder Mexicans. Tempe assistant prosecutor, boyfriend held in assaulting each otherIn this article we have more of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our royal government masters in Tempe.Green energy too priceyIn this letter to the editors Steve Willy Williams mocks Kyrsten Sinema's $5 billion corporate welfare program for corporations that manufacture solar cells.Only the police should have guns!!!!The socialists love to tell us that American will be much safer when only our government masters have guns.That is a bunch of rubbish. In this article a New York City police officer users her gun to murder her boyfriend and child before killing herself. Travis County DA pleads guilty to DWIIn this article we have more of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our government masters.Cook County bans computers from courthouses???According to this article the government tyrants in Cook County, which is where Chicago is located have banned cellphones, computers and other electronic devices from government courtrooms. Of course it's for YOUR safety, not the safety of the tyrants who implemented the ban.Believe that and I have some land I would like to sell you in Florida. Cook County bans cell phones from courthouses???According to this article the government tyrants in Cook County, which is where Chicago is located have banned cellphones, computers and other electronic devices from government courtrooms. Of course it's for YOUR safety, not the safety of the tyrants who implemented the ban.Believe that and I have some land I would like to sell you in Florida. Chicago bans computers from courthouses???According to this article the government tyrants in Cook County, which is where Chicago is located have banned cellphones, computers and other electronic devices from government courtrooms. Of course it's for YOUR safety, not the safety of the tyrants who implemented the ban.Believe that and I have some land I would like to sell you in Florida. Chicago bans cell phones from courthouses???According to this article the government tyrants in Cook County, which is where Chicago is located have banned cellphones, computers and other electronic devices from government courtrooms. Of course it's for YOUR safety, not the safety of the tyrants who implemented the ban.Believe that and I have some land I would like to sell you in Florida. Electronics ban starts today at Cook County courthouseAccording to this article the government tyrants in Cook County, which is where Chicago is located have banned cellphones, computers and other electronic devices from government courtrooms. Of course it's for YOUR safety, not the safety of the tyrants who implemented the ban.Believe that and I have some land I would like to sell you in Florida. Federal income tax quietly turns 100According to this article this year is the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 16th Amendment which made it legal for the Federal government to tax income.Did you know the only reason the 16th Amendment was ratified was because the income tax was pushed as a "soak the rich" tax in which rich people would be made to pay the bills of other people? Did you know that the first income tax rate started out at one percent and maxed out at 7 percent? The first income tax only had to be paid by people that made $3,000 or more in 1913, which is about $70,000 in 2013 dollars. And back in those days, most Americans didn't have jobs like they do today where they received pay checks. In those days most Americans lived at home and worked on the farm, and thus didn't make enough money to have to pay income taxes. Get on a jury - Free a political prisonerIn this editorial a Mesa judge says you should do your civil duty and serve on a jury.I feel the same way. You should get on a jury and vote to acquit a person arrested for a victimless crime. Scottsdale uses sex laws to create jobs for cops????According to this article the Scottsdale Police are doing some empire building and trying to create a jobs program for themselves which will allow them to run all the people involved with massage parlors and escort services out of town.Jesus, don't those Scottsdale piggies have any real criminals to hunt down??? Medical-marijuana-packaging bill loses prosecutors’ supportEver since we passed the Prop 203, which is Arizona's medical marijuana program government tyrants have been trying to flush it down the toilet.According to this article a silly law that would mandate silly packaging requirement for medical marijuana for some reason has lost the support of prosecutors’. Tempe prosecutor Kathy Matz arrested for domestic violence???According to this article Tempe prosecutor Kathy Matz was arrested for domestic violence.Tempe prosecutor Kathy Matz arrested for assault???According to this article Tempe prosecutor Kathy Matz was arrested for assault.Pressure cooker bombs common in South AsiaDamn, I never even thought about using a pressure cooker for a bomb as they did in the Boston Marathon bombing.Personally I love pressure cookers because they cook food very quickly. They can also be very dangerous if you don't follow the simple safety precautions that you are supposed to follow. For example if you overfill it with food it can blow up on you. Cops read everything you post online???I suspect that if the internet was around when the Founders overthrew the British government they would have given all internet communications the same First Amendment protections that the US mail gets.But sadly American has turned into a police state where the cops will read everything they can get their hands on as in this article. Heroin use surges in suburbs, small townsIn this article we have more proof that the "drug war" is a dismal failure.Saudi religious police make it illegal for woman to drive???Wow according to this article the Saudi ban on women driving is actually a jobs program for foreign laborers who are imported to Saudi Arabia to drive woman around.A miracle in Colorado Springs???According to this article all you have to do is perform 2 miracles after you die, and you are eligible for sainthood in the Catholic Church.Is Icky the iguana eligible for saint hood???According to this article all you have to do is perform 2 miracles after you die, and you are eligible for sainthood in the Catholic Church. With that in mind I wonder if Icky our iguana is eligible for sainthood.I pray to him once asking for divine intervention in something or other when I was a child, and my prayers were answered. Icky the iguana preformed a miracle. Phoenix officers to begin wearing video camerasI am not quite sure if these cameras worn by Phoenix cops in this article are to prevent the cops from committing crimes, or to help the cops catch criminals.I sincerely doubt the cameras will prevent the cops from committing any crimes, because the cops will simply turn off their cameras before abusing and violating the rights of people they falsely arrest. Police can now draw your blood to prove your drunk???According to this article the Phoenix police have a new method of getting search warrants for people the think are driving drunk which makes a mockery of the Fourth Amendment which requires a search warrant based on probably cause before a cop can search you.In this case the cops have an electric gizmo on their computers which allows them to get a rubber stamped search warrant to draw blood from people they think are driving drunk. Scary!!!!!! Free enterprise vs government - Tesco Fresh and EasyThe good thing about the private sector is that when people make foolish mistakes with the money their mistakes quickly stop when the money dries up, as in the article about how Tesco had figured out it made almost a $2 billion mistake in it's US Fresh and Easy stores.Of course if this had been a government operation, the government would have never admitted it f*cked up royal, and us tax payers would have been paying for the governments mistakes for years. Only police officers can be trusted to handle guns properly!!!!Well, that's what gun grabbing cops try to tell us. But in this article a not too bright piggy shot himself in the leg at his grandson's Boy Scout meeting.Glendale city finances could be nearing steep cliffIn this article we have more on how the royal rulers of Glendale, Arizona, aka the Glendale City Council are spending our tax dollars like drunken sailors.Also if you look at the graphs with the financial figures on how much money goes to the police departments and how many employees the police department has it should be easy to figure out that Glendale, Arizona, like most Arizona cities is a police state. Texas fertilizer plant explodesI suspect the fertilizer which caused a Texas fertilizer plant to blow up in this article is ammonium nitrate.That's the same stuff Timothy McVey used to blow up the FBI building which was the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. Ammonium nitrate is also used by freedom fighters in Iraq and Afghanistan to make the IED bombs used against the invaders from the American Empire. Just to be fair the American government calls these freedom fighters terrorists. Just like the British called George Washington and Thomas Jefferson terrorists. Ammonium nitrate by itself is a high explosive. But it's pretty hard to set the stuff off unless you have blasting caps. But now and then the stuff does go off accidentally as in this case. Diesel oil or diesel fuel is frequently mixed with the ammonium nitrate, because it makes the explosive more powerful. But even without the diesel oil, ammonium nitrate is a very powerful high explosive. The explosion was caused by anhydrous ammoniaNewer reports seems to say the monster explosion at this Texas fertilizer plant was cause by liquid ammonia or anhydrous ammonia according to this article.Ammonia gas and ammonium nitrate caused the blast???Well and according to this article the explosion at the Texas fertilizer plant was caused by both ammonium nitrate and anhydrous ammonia or ammonia gas.A backdoor way to mix religion and government? Probably!!!According to this article it sounds like Texas State Rep. Bill Zedler, from Arlington is using this bill as a way to sneak creationism into the Texas schools and mix religion with government.Look Mr. Bill Zedler I think that you have every right to believe all the silly superstitious things you believe in, but please obey both the Federal Constitution and the Texas Constitution and please don't attempt to use the force of government on me and get the state of Texas to force your silly superstitious religious beliefs on me. Drunk DPS Officer Steven Svestka refuses to leave restroomIn this article a drunk Arizona Department of Public Safety police officer, Steven Svestka was arrested for refusing to leave a woman's restroom.More of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our government masters. Feds allow states to tax people on Indian Reservations???According to this article the Federal government requires Indian government to let state government collect taxes on their reservations.Jesus, and I thought that by treaties signed with the Federal government that most of the Indian tribes in the USA were considered sovereign nations. Well I guess if the Federal government refuses to honor the treaties they signed with the Indians, the are also going to refuse to honor the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. Chandler police, Target host community drug turn-in eventJesus, don't these Chandler pigs have any criminals to hunt down???According to this article the Chandler cops are setting up booths in Target stores asking people to turn in unused drugs. Brewer's budget axes public-defense fundsDo your really think you can get a fair trial from our government masters when as in this article they are doing the best they can to keep poor people from having attorneys to defend themselves????Now if these folks were REAL criminals, I might not have a problem with this, but in American about two thirds of the people sent to Federal prisons are sent there for victimless drug war crimes. I don't know what the percent of people sent to Arizona state prisons for victimless drug war crimes, but I suspect it is in the same area as the 66 percent sent to Federal prisons!!! Supremes - Cops must get a warrant before drawing your blood!!!Wow according to this article cops in some states are forcing people they arrest for DUI to submit to blood tests, without a search warrant. I think that is outrageous!!!!According to the article the Supreme Court is requiring the cops to get a search warrant before forcefully drawing blood from these people. I still think that is outrageous!!!! It is insane to think that a pig is legally allowed to shove a needle in a person vein and draw their blood. Iowa senator decries acceptance of homosexualityIn this article Iowa Senator Dennis Guth, of Klemme is bashing gays on the Senate floor.Jesus, what part of the First Amendment and "Separation of Church and State" doesn't Senator Dennis Guth understand???? Goldwater Institute wants Gilbert to shut popular rec centerIn this article the Goldwater Institute may sue the Arizona city of Gilbert for offering government services that compete with the private sector.4 years in prison for killing alleged burglarIn this article we clearly see their is a double standard on killing suspected criminals.When the police murder a suspected criminal the murder is almost always written off as justified. But in this article Luis Ricardo Hernandez who shot and killed a suspected criminal was sentenced to 4 years in prison for manslaughter. I don't know if the killing was justified, but the police should be held to the same standard as us normal people are when we kill a suspected criminal. I have posted many articles where the police received a slap on the wrist for murdering a person under the same circumstances as Luis Ricardo Hernandez. LA shoots itself in foot with silly porn condom law!!!!In this article it looks like the royal rulers of Los Angeles shot themselves in the foot when the passed a law requiring actors in porn movies to wear condoms.As a result of this silly law there have been almost no porn movies filmed in Los Angeles since the beginning of the year. I am not quit sure who passed the law. I initially thought that the law was passed in the city of Los Angeles. But the article says no permits were issued for porn shoots in Los Angeles County. Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema gets $333,000 in campaign contributionsIn this article Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema seems to have quickly aquired the skills to be a professional Congresswoman.According to the article despite the short time that Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema has been in office she has raised $333,000 in bribes, oops, I mean campaign contributions. Sorry about that they are campaign contributions, not bribes. On the other hand, must of us serfs that Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema rules over can't seem to find much of a difference between bribes and campaign contributions. Drunk DPS piggy busted at Country ThunderAccording to this article Arizona Department of Public Safety Officer Steven Svestka was arrested for refusing to leave a woman's restroom at the Country Thunder concert.Officer Steven Svestka was pretty drunk when he was arrested according to the article. But don't feel sorry for the piggie. If this is like most other arrests of crooked cops, the charges will be quickly dropped and the cop will receive at the most a slap on the wrist for punishment. Cops cheat in police relay race by letting non-cops runAccording to this article in a police relay race in California that only cops are allowed to enter, some of the cops substituted professional racers into the race for them, so their team could win.Yea, and all cops are 100 percent perfectly honest and never commit perjury or frame innocent people. If you believe that I have some land in Florida that I would like to sell you. Union contract prevents corrupt cops from being firedAccording to this article the Chicago Police have a union contract that prevents the city from firing corrupt cops.Sheila Polk is a habitual liar on medical marijuana???From this article it sure sounds like Yavapai County Attorney Sheila Polk is a habitual liar when she talks about medical marijuana.On the other hand maybe she isn't a habitual liar and just a normal liar. According to this article her statement that the Feds would shut down all the Arizona medical medical marijuana dispensaries was a bold faced lie. Life in prison for selling a few kilos of weed???According to this article you can get life in prison for the victimless crime selling marijuana.Alexander Wilson murdered by the Arizona DPS???Here is an article about how Alexander Wilson was murdered by the Arizona Department of Public Safety???Attack web page at the Phoenix New Times???I wonder, did Steve clean up all the viruses off of Pat's computer????Read the nitty gritty details here. This web page popped us
New Orleans officer booked with forcible rapeAccording to this article New Orleans police officer Desmond Pratt was arrested and booked with the alleged forcible rape of a 15 year-old girl.I always thought that cops didn't consider it rape if you have a gun and a badge??? It's not rape if you have a gun and a badge???According to this article New Orleans police officer Desmond Pratt was arrested and booked with the alleged forcible rape of a 15 year-old girl.I always thought that cops didn't consider it rape if you have a gun and a badge??? Cop pulls gun on McDonald's customer for taking too long in line????Remember only police officers can be trusted with guns!!!! Well at least that what the gun grabbing cops want us to think.According to this article Scott A. Biumi, a sergeant with the DeKalb County police department pulled a gun and assaulted a teenager at a McDonald’s for the crime of taking too long in line. Medical marijuana in Illinois????If the governor of Illinois signs the bill in this article medical marijuana will be legal in Illinois.The bad news is that the Illinois medical marijuana law seems to suck the big one. It sounds much more restrictive then Arizona's Prop 203 and we have one of the worst medical marijuana laws in the nation. Mayor Scott Smith wants more drunks in Mesa???Usually our government nannies are always trying to pass laws preventing people from drinking, selling or buying liquor.I was quite suprised when this article said that Mesa Mayor Scott Smith and other government nannies on the Mesa City Council are demanding that the Marriott Springhill Suites Hotel get a liquor license and sell booze. The Marriott Springhill Suites Hotel is being build next to the new Chicago Cubs stadium in Mesa. The Chicago Cubs stadium is an $84 million corporate welfare program that the city of Mesa is creating for the multi-millionares that own the Chicago Cubs, which us serfs they rule over will pay for. Criminalizing Children at SchoolThe police are doing the best they can to turn the recent school shooting at Newtown, Conn into a jobs program for cops thru-out the USA, in which jobs are created for cops at government schools to protect the kiddies in case a trillion in one chance that some nut job decides to shoot up the school.According to this article that isn't very good for either the education or the mental health of the kiddies when you turn schools into armed police camps where minor discipline problems are turned into matters where the cops ticket or arrest the children for their criminal behavior. And of course when this happens the cops who are racists will also see this as an opportunity to abuse Black children by singling them out for criminal charges. Most Glendale tax dollars go to the POLICE!!!!Most people don't think of American cities as police states.How about if I told you that according to this article 41 percent of the money in the city of Glendale's budget go to the police. Would you think of the city of Glendale being a police state? And that 41 percent of the budget that the city of Glendale spends on the police is not unusual or abnormal, but pretty much typical of the amount of money city governments spend on their police forces. Boston cops inconvenience 4.5 million to catch 2 criminals???According to this article the cops in Boston inconvenienced the 4.5 million people that live in the Boston metro area by shutting down the MBTA bus and subway system in an attempt to catch the 2 criminals allegedly responsible for the bombing of the Boston Marathon.I think MBTA stands for Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, and that they are the government entity that runs the bus and subway system in the Boston metro area. Cops are as honest as choir boys - Honest (OK my fingers are crossed)According to this article in a California race that is a race for cops, put on by cops some of the police departments are violating the rules of the race by letting professional runners compete in the race for them so their department can win.Of course these cops will tell you that they are 100 percent honest and it would be impossible for them to frame a suspect, or commit perjury in court. But if the cops are going to lie and cheat to win a silly race you can certainly expect them to lie in court and frame innocent people which the think are guilty. Cave Creek Unified School District drug use forumIt would be interesting to attend this forum on drug use put on by the the Cave Creek Unified School District to see what kind of lies and propaganda the government is teaching our kids about drug use.I suspect it will be used to justify the insane and unconstitutional war on drugs. Free home drug testing kits!!!!!You may want to check this out to see what kind of propaganda these folks are handing out about the insane and unconstitutional war on drugs in this articleRural Metro and First Check are handing out free teen drug prevention information and free home drug testing kits to parents on Friday. But it looks like both Rural Metro and First Check are not doing this because they love your children, but rather because the both have a financial interest in continuing the insane and unconstitutional American war on drugs. First Check either sells or manufacturers the drug test kits they are giving out, and it is in their financial interest that you use their kits to check your children for drugs as much as possible. According to the web site in the ad Rural Metro is one of the largest 911 service providers in the country, and I suspect that one way or another they have a financial interest in continuing the drug war. F*ck his Constitutional rights, he is a criminal!!!Sadly according to this article that is what the police are saying in the case of the guy accused of being the Boston Marathon bomber.Of course I disagree with that 100 percent. If you were to ask me I would tell the guy to take the 5th and not say a word to the FBI or any other cops. It's his Constitutional right!!!!!! Half of all arrests are for for victimless drug war crimes???I often say that two thirds, or 66 percent of the people in Federal prisons are their for victimless drug war crimes.Some people say my number is too high, but anyway you look at it the percent of people arrested for victimless drug war crimes is a huge number. In this article about a warrant round up in Maricopa and Pinal counties 50 percent of the arrests are for victimless drug war crimes. U.S. uses the Bible as “an excuse for invading other countries.”I certainly think it is wrong to murder innocent people as a political protest, as they did in the Boston Marathon bombing.But as long as the American foreign policy terrorizes people in foreign countries we will continue to have terrorist attacks because of our foreign police. In this article Tamerlan Tsarnaev who was the alleged bomber killed by the cops is quoted as saying the American government justifies it's military invasions based on the Bible. I suspect he is right in many ways, even if I think the Boston bombing was wrong. Will cops torture Boston bombing suspect to get answers???More of the old "do as I say, not as I do" from our government masters.According to this article the police want to force the alleged Boston Marathon bomber to answer questions without informing him of his 5th Amendment rights. I suspect the Founders overthrew the British government because of police tactics like that. Senator Lindsey Graham - send Tsarnaev to GuantanamoSenator Lindsey Graham seems like a hypocrite who doesn't think anybody who is accused of a crime should have Constitutional rights.In this article Senator Lindsey Graham wants to ship the suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing off to the Guantanamo gulag without a trial. Senator John Mccain - send Tsarnaev to Guantanamoaaa2_police.html#sendemtoGuantanamo Senator John Mccain seems like a hypocrite who doesn't think anybody who is accused of a crime should have Constitutional rights.In this article Senator John Mccain wants to ship the suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing off to the Guantanamo gulag without a trial. DUI and "drug war" laws are a jobs program for cops????From this article is sure seems like the DUI laws are mostly a jobs program for over paid and under worked cops and have little to do with public safety.Income tax passed because it was a "soak the rich" tax???Here is another article on the 100th anniversity of the passage of the 16th Amendment which is the admenendment to the Constitution which allowed Congress to start the Federal income tax.The author seems to agree with me in saying that the only reason the 16th Amendment passed was that it was billed as a "soak the rich" tax designed to get wealthy people to pay for running the government. "Alleged" ADHS computer crash shuts down pot dispensaryIn this article an alleged crash on a computer run by the Arizona Department of Health Services computer shut down a new medical marijuana dispensary.Since Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and Arizona Department of Health Services director Will Humble are both medical marijuana haters I suspect most of these crashes of the Arizona Department of Health Services medical marijuana computer are 100 percent intentional and designed to prevent people from using medical marijuana. Fair trial??? Don't make me laugh!!!!!From this article is sure sounds like their is a double standard on collecting evidence used in trials.The cops want to use video tapes made of James Holmes while he was in jail against him in his trial. If that is don't I thank that the defense team of James Holmes should be allowed to video tape the prosecutors and police 24/7 and be allowed to use any dirt they dig up to discredit them. But don't count on that happening, the system is stacked and most people don't have the financial resources to receive a fair trial against the more or less unlimited resources of the prosecutors and police. James Holmes' Prosecutors Want to Use Jail Video at TrialFrom this article is sure sounds like their is a double standard on collecting evidence used in trials.The cops want to use video tapes made of James Holmes while he was in jail against him in his trial. If that is don't I thank that the defense team of James Holmes should be allowed to video tape the prosecutors and police 24/7 and be allowed to use any dirt they dig up to discredit them. But don't count on that happening, the system is stacked and most people don't have the financial resources to receive a fair trial against the more or less unlimited resources of the prosecutors and police. Boston bombing: Reddit learns how 'witch hunts can start'This article about rumors on Reddit destroying people lives reminds me of how lies and rumors spread about me by members of the Libertarian Party destroyed my life.Still a bit chillyLast night I didn't wear any thermal underwear period.All I wore was about 4 sweatshirts and a coat, along with a pair of Levis. I was a bit chilly, but I didn't freeze. I hope it will be warmer tonight. Today's high is expect to be around 90°F. Tempe city employee drowns in Tempe Town ToiletAccording to this article Joseph O’Connor, a Tempe city employee died in the Tempe Town Toilet.While most people in Tempe call that smelly cesspool along the Salt River the Tempe Town Toilet, the royal rulers of Tempe, aka the Tempe City Council, hate the name and call it the Tempe Town Lake. Tempe Town Toilet causes nothing but problems for local residentsThe Tempe Town Toilet cause nothing but problems for local residents according to this article.Tempe Town Lake causes nothing but problems for local residentsThe Tempe Town Lake cause nothing but problems for local residents according to this article.Advances in Science of Fire Free a Convict After 42 YearsHere is another article about how the corrupt racist Tucson Police Department and the corrupt racist Pima County Attorney's office framed Louis C. Taylor for murder and caused him to be jailed for 42 years for a crime he didn't commit.Senator Lindsey Graham - send Boston Marathon bomber to GuantanamoFrom this article we see that Senator Lindsey Graham is clueless about minor things he should know such as the Bill of Rights.Senator John Mccain - send Boston Marathon bomber to GuantanamoFrom this article we see that Senator John McCain is clueless about minor things he should know such as the Bill of Rights.Celebran millones el Día Mundial de la MarihuanaAccording to this article in Spanish millions of people worldwide celebrate 420 day. 420 Day is slang for Marijuana Day.4-20: Hoy se celebra el Día de la MarihuanaAnd here is another article in Spanish on Marijuana Day or 420 Day.Phoenix city council bans gun ads at bus stops???In this article we find out that most of the members of the Phoenix City Council are gun grabbers who want to take away our guns.According to the article the Phoenix City Council has banned gun ads at bus stops. Rival marijuana measures thrown into the electoral potIn this article we have a number of medical marijuana propositions on the ballot in Los Angeles.Sadly most of these propositions are about creating laws which give special interest groups the right to exclusively sell medical marijuana and have almost nothing to do with freedom. US Air Force supports rapists????In this article it sounds like the Arizona National Guard and the US Air Force has a good old boy network which doesn't thing their is anything wrong when a man rapes a woman. Lt. Gen. Craig Franklin threw out the conviction of Lt. Col. James Wilkerson because hey, in the Air Force it's OK for a man to rape a woman.They are not bribes!!! They are campaign contributions!!!Well, I guess the thousands of dollars in free food giving to members of the Arizona House and Arizona Senate in this article are technically not bribes, they are campaign contributions.Well call them what you want, but to the man on the street they ARE bribes. Public servants or government parasites???According to this article San Francisco fireman Gary Altenberg pulled in $363,000 this year which included $221,000 in overtime.Feds to blow $890,000 on empty bank accountsIt's not much, but according to this article Uncle Sam p*sses away $890,000 every year on fees for empty bank accounts.Medical marijuana will create 1,500 jobs in ArizonaAccording to this article medical marijuana will create 1,500 jobs in Arizona.Of course the article forgot to mention the 10,000's and probably 100,000's of jobs that the insane "war on drugs" has created in Arizona for cops, prosecutors, public defenders, judges, probation officers and other people who are involved in putting people in prison for the victimless crime of using or selling marijuana. Disbarred Maricopa County Attorney Thomas to run for governorHey, Hitler got elected President of Nazi Germany. George W. Bush got elected President of the USA. Ev Mecham was elected government of Arizona. And Jan Brewer is currently governor of Arizona. Ain't no reason moron and tyrant Andrew Thomas couldn't be elected to be the government of Arizona as he claims to want to in this article.Andrew Thomas for governorAccording to this editorial some member of the media are real happy that disbarred Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas is running for governor of Arizona.EJ Montini at the Arizona Republic says Andrew Thomas for governor (curse for Arizona, blessing for the media) Maricopa County to settles Andrew Thomas Sheriff Joe lawsuitAccording to this article the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors will pay $1.4 million to settle a lawsuit created by current gubernatorial hopeful Andrew Thomas and Sheriff Joe Arpaio.Conley Wolfswinkel will receive $1.4 million to compensate for search warrants served on the developers’ offices by sheriff’s deputies looking for evidence of fraud. What about Fifth Amendment rights?According to this letter to the editor you don't have any Constitutional rights when you are around the police.Yavapai County deputies had lied in probeBack in December, 2012 a number of cops who are members of the motorcycle gang the Iron Brotherhood beat up a Glendale man in Prescott bar.According to this article those cops lied to the police about their involvement in the beating of the Glendale, Arizona man. 34% of teens say pot improves drivingAccording to this article a third of teenagers think marijuana improves their driving skills.While I am 100 percent for the legalization of ALL drugs, I certainly do not think people should drive when they are stoned or drunk. Also while I don't know why these kids are in fantasy land when it comes to knowing about the effects of marijuana on their driving skills I suspect it may be because the government schools spin a lot of lies about the effects of drugs, and because of that the kids don't believe anything the schools say. No bribery charges for Mesa justice of the peace Markel K. ChilesMore of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our government masters.According to this article, Mesa judge Markel K. Chiles who is accused of shoplifting at Walmart offered Mesa Police officers Rich Rivera and Steve York a $1,000 bribe to make the charges go away won't face any bribery charges. If that is true, I wonder how many bribes Mesa Judge Markel K. Chiles has taken to make cases go away in his East Mesa Justice Court??? When you subsidize stupidly you get lots of stupidityAnd of course that is exactly what is happening in this article where the Arizona Corporation Commissions is forcing Arizona utilities to subsidize solar power or solar cells used to generate electricity.Seattle Police Chief Jim Pugel is sorry he got caughtAccording to this article Seattle Police Chief Jim Pugel is sorry he got caught making film mocking homeless people???The video, released Thursday evening by the department, shows some officers dressed as homeless people under a viaduct. Set to the tune of “Under The Boardwalk,” the footage shows the “homeless” drinking, breaking into cars and being rousted by police as they sing the altered lyrics of “Under The Viaduct.” Bush’s legacy keeps getting worseAccording to this article George W. Bush’s seems to be finding his proper place in history.Miranda rights silenced Boston bombing suspectIn this article Federal police officers flushed the 5th Amendment rights of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev until a judge came along and read him his 5th Amendment rights.Sadly, you can't rely on the police to honor your Constitutional rights. And of course those Constitutional rights are supposed to protect you from police criminals, just like the police criminals who flushed the Constitutional rights of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev down the toilet. It's OK for the police to drive when they are drunk???Man, cops can come up with the lamest excuses on why it's OK for them to commit crimes which the rest of us go to jail for.Check out this article and find out why Oregon cop Jason Servo thinks he was screwed over when he was fired for crashing an unmarked Gresham police car into a ditch when he was drunk. Apparently Jason Servo thinks that has a cop, he has some sort of God given right to drive while he is drunk. L.A. County deputies allege department hid FBI informantI don't know who is right or who is wrong in this article.But when you read articles like this it sure sounds like the police normally operate to protect THEIR interests, not the public's interests. Cops had to flush Dzhokhar Tsarnaev 5th Amendment rights????Well, that's what the cops want us to think in this article.Of course the who purpose of the 5th Amendment is to protect us from abusive cops and government tyrants, Yes, the same abusive cops that violated the Fifth Amendment rights of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Of course if the cops get there way, there will be no need to have trials and juries either. The cops would prefer that they be allowed to throw anybody they think is a criminal into a prison for an indefinite time period, which of course would be determined by the cops. San Jose: Rollout of curb-sitting policy urged by police auditor, community groupsIn this article it sounds like the San Jose police are being told to document that age, race and sex of people they falsely arrest as if this will some how justify the false arrests.Rep. Kyrsten Sinema raises $330,000From this article it seems like Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema is turning into a typical elected official that works for herself and the special interest groups that helped get her into power rather then the people she pretends to serve.Congressional pay cut? Not anytime soonFrom this article don't expect members of the U.S. Congress or U.S. Senate to cut the fantastically high salaries they make of $174,000 down to a salary of what they are actually worth, or to a salary that they could make in a comparable job in the private sector.Let's face, they are not "public servants", but "royal rulers", just like the "royal rulers" that the American colonists overthrew in their little 1776 revolution against the British. Public servants or government parasites???According to this article San Francisco fireman Lt. Gary Altenberg pulled in $363,000 this year which included $221,000 in overtime.I suspect a lot of people, including myself, don't think of Lt. Gary Altenberg as a public servant, but rather a parasite sucking the public tit for his huge wages, which is far more then the average person who pays taxes makes. New film looks at ‘War on Whistleblowers’Don't count on ending government corruption anytime soon, when you read this article you should quickly figure out that our government masters while they may pretend to be against crimes committed by government employees will do everything they can to prevent those employees from being punished.Sadly Emperor Obama is just a Democratic version of George W. Bush!!!After reading this article you should be able to figure out that Emperor Obama is just a Democratic clone of George W. Bush!!!The article is pretty much about how our government masters don't like it when whistle blowers expose government corruption. Mexican government is still corruptThis article is about how Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto faces crisis over PRI vote-buying scandal .Sadly the American government supports these crooks and even gives them billions of dollars to terrorize the citizens of Mexico to support the insane and unconstitutional American war on drugs. ‘Shy bladder’ syndrome leads to lawsuitAccording to this article Jennifer Conner flunked her drug test, not because she uses illegal drugs, but because she has a ‘Shy bladder’ syndrome and could not pee into the bottle fast enough to satisfy the government nannies that give the silly drug tests.Because of that Jennifer Conner is suing the Iowa Methodist Medical Center. Feds want to put "id tags" in gunpowder and explosives???In this article the Feds want to put serials numbers, which are basically color coded bits of plastic into all gunpowder and explosives that are manufactured to make it easy for the cops solve shootings and bombings.Judge: Phoenix officers must do union work off the clockFor years the royal rulers of the city of Phoenix have allowed police officers be be paid for work they perform not for the city of Phoenix but rather for the police union which shakes down the city of Phoenix for more money for the cops.A judge has shut down that illegal and unconstitutional practice according to this article. Phoenix continues it's war against messy yard criminalsHere is Phoenix latest attempt to shake down people who have mess yards in this article.I suspect this practice is unconstitutional. But I am sure the members of the Phoenix city council could care less. Even if it is unconstitutional, they won't be punished for passing the law and causing the tax payers of Phoenix to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in lawsuits. LA pays $2.1 million to women shot in Dorner caseIn their hunt for fugitive male and Black LA cop Dorner, the trigger happy members of the LAPD shot up two Latino woman.Accoding to the article the women will receive $2.1 million from the city of Los Angeles. Of course I doubt if the trigger happy cops who almost murdered these two women will get even a slap on the wrist for punishment. Elected officials say f*ck the law!!!!As usual our royal government masters don't obey the laws they themselves passed to protect us serfs from them.According to this article 6 years ago Arizona passed a law requiring city governments to pay property owners when they pass messy yard laws that reduce the value of your property. As expected our royal government rulers are not obeying their law. Of course most of the silly messy yard laws that are passed are blatantly unconstitutional. Did you really expect the same people that pass these unconstitutional laws to obey another silly law that requires them to compensate property owners when they pass unconstitutional messy yard laws??? Of course not!!!! That is kind of like expecting a bank robber to obey the gun control laws which make it illegal for criminals to have guns. Santa Clara County district attorney's hiring practices ignite debateWhen you read stuff like this in articles it makes you think that government is mostly about taking our money and giving it to the special interest groups that helped our elected officials, rather then our elected officials being the "public servants" they love to tell us they are.Recorded interrogations should be the normIn this article the author thinks that all police interrogations should be tape recorded do to police abuse and lies.Sat, April 27 - The jerk thinks I am his work slave????When I got up today I discovered that the jerk had planned out my day for me and that I would be his little work slave to help some Mexicans laborers that he had hired to work on the yard.Gee, it sure would have been nice if the jerk had told me about the plans he had for me. The jerk even ordered me to put some shoes on and when it turned out that I don't have any shoes he ordered me to wear a pair of his. Here are some prior blurbs on the Jerk. Media kept from Phoenix-area eatery inspectionsAccording to this article Maricopa County is no longer going to allow the medial to come with the restaurant cops when they inspect restaurants for health violations.Personally I don't think the restaurant cops, or any cops for that matter should allow anybody to follow them around when they come by to inspect your business. On the other hand if a business wants to allow the medial to watch the restaurant cops do the inspection of their business they should be allowed in. Of course I don't even think the restaurant cops should be allowed to inspect your business period. Pot in a pill: All the pain relief without the smokeAnother article on those silly marijuana pills the government loves, but patients hate.The problem with marijuana pills is it is very hard to control your level of high because the drug takes a long time to effect you after you eat it. DEA offers drop-off day for unwanted prescription drugsJust what part of the US Constitution give the DEA or Drug Enforcement Administration the power to collect used, or perhaps unused drugs from people as in this article?Oh, there is not such article in the Constitution. LA pays $2.1 million to women shot in Dorner caseAccording to this article the city of Los Angeles is paying $2.1 million to the two Latino women, that the trigger happy LAPD shot up when they were looking for a Black, male, fugitive cop.Of course I doubt if the trigger happy pigs will get even a slap on the wrist for their attempted murder of the women. Solar cells can't compete with power from the gridWhen you subsidize stupidity, you get lots of stupidity!!!And of course this article is about how the government is subsidizing solar cells which can't even economically compete with electricity from the grid. MCSO deputy pleads guilty to theft, forgery-related chargesAccording to this article Maricopa County Sheriff’s deputy Torrey McRae has pleaded guilty to theft and forgery-related charges because he stole money used to pay snitches and confidential informants.This is kind of odd, because cops are rarely arrested for crimes they commit, and in the rare cases they are arrested they usually get a slap on the wrist for their crimes. Maricopa County says F*ck the 1st AmendmentAccording to this article the Maricopa County Health inspectors will no long let folks in the media follow them around when they inspect restaurants.MCSO Commander Bob Rampy under hacking inquiryAccording to this article Former Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Commander Bob Rampy, is the subject of an ongoing federal investigation spurred by the security breach.Federal investigators earlier this month served a search warrant on the home of former Cmdr. who federal court documents say is suspected of committing “fraud and related activity in connection with computers. Senator Lindsey Graham - send Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to GuantanamoSadly in this article Senator Lindsey Graham doesn't seem to understand that American's accused of crimes are considered innocent until proven guilty. In this article Senator Lindsey Graham wants to send Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the guy accused of the Boston Marathon bombing to Guantanamo.Senator John Mccain - send Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to GuantanamoSadly in this article Senator John Mccain doesn't seem to understand that American's accused of crimes are considered innocent until proven guilty. In this article Senator John Mccain wants to send Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the guy accused of the Boston Marathon bombing to Guantanamo.Will Mayor Stanton do double flip on Phoenix food tax?From this article it sounds like Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton is a liar who will say anything to get elected.When running for Mayor, Greg Stanton said he would repeal the Phoenix sales tax on food. Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton has flip flopped on that and now wants to keep the food tax, probably because the special interest group which helped him get elected want to keep the tax. And of course that special interest group is the Phoenix Police, which receives most of the money from that sales tax. US tries new aerial tools in Caribbean drug fightAfter you read this article you should be convinced that the insane and unconstitutional "drug war" is nothing more then a jobs program for a large number of high ranking and very well paid government bureaucrats.US drug war laws not enforceable in foreign countriesIn the insane and unconstitutional drug war the American government routinely arrests people in foreign countries for breaking American drug war laws.While this article doesn't address the drug war laws, it does say that American laws can't be enforced outside of the USA. Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu spends our money like a drunken sailor????From this article it sure sounds like Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu spends our money like a drunken sailor.Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu is pretty much a gay clone of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arapio. DPS report: Officer started Prescott bar brawlThis is another article on how a gang of police officers who are also members of a motorcycle gang beat up a Glendale man in a Prescott bar.According to the article the cops started the fight. US uses drug war to turn Mexico into a police state???Wow, when you read this article it sure sounds like the American war on drugs is turning Mexico into a police state.Mesa city council lobbies for more drunks in Mesa???According to this article the members of the Mesa City Council, along with Mesa Mayor Scott Smith are demanding that the the Marriott Springhill Suites Hotel have a liquor bar.I am not exactly sure, but I think that the Marriott Springhill Suites Hotel is part of the $100 million dollars or so that the city of Mesa is giving to the Chicago Cubs in corporate welfare. Mesa Mayor Scott Smith wants more drunks in Mesa???According to this article the members of the Mesa City Council, along with Mesa Mayor Scott Smith are demanding that the the Marriott Springhill Suites Hotel have a liquor bar.I am not exactly sure, but I think that the Marriott Springhill Suites Hotel is part of the $100 million dollars or so that the city of Mesa is giving to the Chicago Cubs in corporate welfare. Sun, April 28 - Summer is here!!!!Well it finally hit 100°F so that means summer is officially here in Phoenix.It's kind of odd because after our long cold winter 100°'s F actually seems kind of warm. But I should adjust and in a few days 100°'s F will feel just nice. Atheist MeetupI also went to the atheist meet up in Tempe at the Boulders.It was pretty fun. The jerk who insulted me last time because I am a Libertarian wasn't there. It sounded like the guy who runs it was also ticked off because of the guys behavior. I met the guy who did the AU web page before me. He is an electrical engineer and works at a company that makes obsolete semiconductor devices. He is also a gun owner. That certainly is good news compared to all the other socialists in AU. He is also the guy who runs HSGP, and he knows Pat. Air Force Two grounded in FlagstaffAccording to this article Vice President Joe Biden is back in Washington after spending the weekend in Arizona. But Air Force Two is still sitting on the tarmac at Flagstaff Pulliam Airport, where it has been grounded since landing Friday.And it could be there for several days. Biden’s office said the plane’s engines “ingested some debris” after landing. A 75 year parking meter contract in Chicago???Now that sure sounds like something that somebody greased the palms of the members of the Chicago city council to get.According to this article the Chicago Parking Meters LLC got a 75 year contract to operate parking meters for the city of Chicago. GPS location of your photos???At this web site they will use the GPS metatags embedded in you photos to tell you the location that your photo was shot at.Most modern cell phones will allow you to record the location of any photos you shoot by embedding meta tags which contain the GPS location the photo was shot in the photo's files. Will some people, like those phony baloney libertarians, David, Ernie and Mike will accuse me of giving this information to the cops, I am sure the cops already have this information and know how to extract the GPS information from you photos. A few months back software billionaire John McAfee made the news on this issue when he was a fugitive and was releasing photos to the media. Some hacker took the photos and extracted the GPS information and determined that John McAfee was lying about the location he claimed the photos were shot at. Glendale assistant police chief under investigationFrom this article it sounds like Glendale Assistant Police Chief Greg Dominguez may have threatened to beat us someone he thought was selling spice to his son.
Riding High: Arizona's Zero-Tolerance Stance on Pot and DrivingHere is an interesting article on the legality of smoking marijuana and driving in Arizona.A couple of interesting things from the article. First while measuring you blood alcohol is a reasonable indicator of how stoned you are, measuring the tests for marijuana are almost worthless for gauging how stoned you are. A really stoned person can have a very low test level, and a perfectly straight person can have a high test level. Second Arizona crime labs usually test for three molecules when examining blood for evidence of marijuana use: THC, its primary metabolite, hydroxy-THC, and the inactive metabolite carboxy-THC. Oddly carboxy-THC doesn't get you stoned. Third, never, never admit to the cops that you are a medical marijuana users. They will use it against you in court. And never, never, never admit to the cops that you have smoked marijuana anytime in your life. Again that will be used against you in court. Fourth if you are a pot smoker you probably know this, but marijuana doesn't effect your driving anywhere near the level that alcohol does. Statistics compiled by the Arizona Department of Transportation each year show that alcohol impairment is believed by police to be responsible for five to 10 times the number of fatal and injury crashes statewide as all other illegally used drugs combined. 10,000 cops in Los Angeles???aaa2_police.html#cops10000losanglesAfter Dorner claim, other fired LAPD cops want cases reviewedaaa2_police.html#asffirecopswadntreviewsalalaWith Bags of Cash, C.I.A. Seeks Influence in Afghanistanaaa2_american_war_machine.html#ciabribesinafghanistanArmy says no to more tanks, but Congress insistsaaa2_american_war_machine.html#militaryporktanks428NYPD corrupt to the core!!!!!New York Police whistle-blowers testify at stop-frisk trialaaa2_police.html#corrupttothecoresasdfasdfThe FBI wants to wiretap your internet viewing????aaa2_police.html#fbiwiretapesinternetIndiana cop accused in fatal drunk-driving crash arrested againaaa2_police.html#DavidMBisarddrunkcopper$40 million dollar solution for $10 problem???Arizona education hindered by lack of central data systemaaa2_police.html#millionsforschoolpolicestateBayer Aspirin??? No Bayer Heroin!!!!bayer_heroin.htmlMenlo Park to install license plate readers at all city entrances???aaa2_police.html#menloparkplatereadersGlendale F*ck the public records lawsglendale_royal_rulers.htmlStates repealing 'Blue Laws' that ban hunting on Sunday???aaa2_religion_goverment.html#huntingbansrepealedDisbarred Maricopa County Attorney Thomas to run for governorSourceAndrew (Evan) Thomas (Mecham) for GovernorSource Make Public records requestTempe proposal would ensure vacant-land owners maintain propertyAnd this article is about messy yard tyranny in the People's Republic of Tempe.Website hacked by Homeland Security???Ask anne about his. Of course it's a waste of time to call the cops when it's the cops that are committing crimes.Website hacked by Homeland Security???Website hacked by Homeland Security???Website hacked by Homeland Security???Website hacked by Homeland Security???Website hacked by Homeland Security???Website hacked by Homeland Security???Website hacked by Homeland Security???Website hacked by Homeland Security???Website hacked by Homeland Security???Send that/those emails when my account gets UNdisabledGovernment employees vs registered votersnumber_government_employees.html Can you trust the government to fairly tax marijuana?? fair marijuana tax don't make me laugh Fair taxes are an oxymoron. 1914 Harrison Narcotic Tax Act 1937 Marihuana Tax Act both acts were tax acts intended to make ALL drug illegal 1937 firearms tax act $200 tax on a gun that costs $10??? 1914 Income tax 1% tax 10% max? tobacco taxes liquor taxes sinema 300 percent tax on medical potSend out "Learn English" emailsSend out emails that allow people to learn English by sending them one email every day or every week with a few English words.Homeless guy thrown off the bus!!!!!Write a blurb about the homeless guy I saw sunday who was kicked off t he bus. It was the guy with the PHD in Chemistry who was kicked off the bus nobusrideforyoujerk.htmlKnow your rights forum??? For NORML???Know your rights seminar.NORML Free Clinic for poor patients???NORML Free Prescriptions for poor patientsfinish finish finish finish put in all other places where I have obama's drones white_paper_on_drones.htmlLearn JQuery!!!And maybe LISP along with Code Igniter!!!!Food Stamps revoked for medical marijuana users???Research food stamp issue. Are they really booting people who have medical marijuana prescriptions??? I bet that is why they let people who have food stamps get a prescription for half price or $75 instead of the regular $150. So they can easily identify the people who get food stamps and turn them over to the Feds and have their food stamps revoked. 1) email to people 2) put in the correct places 3) remember "spending others people money" is a polite way of saying stealing. they are a bunch of crooks in congress Can you trust the government to fairly tax marijuana?? Fair taxes are an oxymoron. 1914 Harrison Narcotic Tax Act 1937 Marihuana Tax Act both acts were tax acts intended to make ALL drug illegal 1937 firearms tax act $200 tax on a gun that costs $10??? 1914 Income tax 1% tax 10% max? tobacco taxes liquor taxes sinema 300 percent tax on medical pot escholzia californica amapola de california a legal drug???? grab the other articles in igles and español and do a blurb on it. www.paisanomagazine.comPublic servant or royal government ruler???According to this article Alameda County Administrator Susan Muranishi will be getting a $423,664 a year pension when she retires!!!!If you ask me I think she is 100 percent a royal goverment ruler and zero percent public servant. Tempe City Logo???Check out this cool city of Tempe logo I found!!!!! |
Tempe Town Lake causes nothing but problems for local residentsThe Tempe Town Toilet causes nothing but problems for local Tempe residents according to this article.Messy yard cops shake down Tempe barber Dan ArmijoIn this article the tyrannical Tempe Messy Yard Police shake down Tempe barber Dan Armijo.Dan Armijo runs Nash’s Valley Fair Barber Shop which is over on Southern and Mill Avenue at 115 E. Southern Ave in Tempe. Hey Dan Armijo, I would come by your shop and get a haircut, but hell, I haven't gotten a hair cut since the early 1990's. I don't need a hair cut any more then you need a jackbooted messy yard cop at your barber shop. Jack Lowell's got a peace sign in his front yardAccording to this article Jack Lowell has a cool peace sign in his front yard.I suspect it is driving the Tempe messy yard cops nuts. Social Security - How to get your lootSure everybody knows that Social Security is a Ponzi scheme that the government uses to tax the krap out of you while at the same time lulling you into believing that your government masters are putting the money they steal from you into a banking account that you can cash out when you retire.Even if Social Security is a Ponzi scheme designed to screw you, you can get a few cents out of every dollar the government stole from you back. Here is a series of articles by the Arizona Republic on how to do that. My WillOK, in case I get run over by a truck, or killed by government goons here is a copy of my will.Spanish Ordinal NumbersOne, two three, uno, dos, tres. First, second, third, primero, segundo, and tercero. OK here are the Spanish Ordinal Numbers.The Spanish AlphabetOK, here is the Spanish alphabet.B is referred to as be grande ("big B") and the V as ve chica ("little V"). U is sometimes topped with a dieresis or umlaut, as in vergüenza. "RR" (erre doble) was once considered as a separate letter. "CH" was also considered a separate letter. Spanish Language Newspapers & Magazines in PhoenixThis url lists a bunch of Spanish language newspapers and magazines in the Phoenix metro area.Map of the Phoenix Canal SystemFor your viewing pleasure right here we have a map of the Phoenix canal systemCops try to murder homeless people???Man I got screwed up this morning. I gut stuck by a 2 inch cactus needle in my leg.Marijuana, grown in a National Park near you!!!!According these articles drug cartels are moving their operations from Mexico to places that are cheaper to operate in.And of course that means they are now growing their marijuana in American National Parks which are closer to the final destination of their drug users in the USA. Babes from the Los Angeles TimesHere are some hot babes from the LA Times. Don't worry they all have their clothes on and are legally allowed on these tripod web pages.Libertarian Party Platform April 5, 2011This is the Libertarian Parties Platform which I copied on April 5, 2011 from this site on my reading listHere are some books on my reading list.They are mostly computer geek books, or books that document the history of evil government deeds. A Table of Contents for Homeless in ArizonaA toc for Homeless in Arizona?IBM mainframe computers???Hmmm.... Just what are IBM mainframe computers?COBOL, TSO, CICS, IMS, TSO, SPF, VM/CMS, VSAM, ISAM whats all that stuff? I am a rock?I am a RockRecycle Plastic Bags - Throw a monkey wrench into the recycling program???Recycle plastic bags and throw a monkey wrench into city recycling programs???I hate those annoying government recycling programs which always lose money and the only environment they make better is the wallets of the special interest groups the government let run the program. After reading this article I may just start recycling all my plastic bags!!!! More articles on Kyrsten SinemaSome previous articles on Kyrsten Sinema.Here are some other articles on Kyrsten Sinema - Kyrsten Sinema. 1 2 3 4 If you love taxes and hate guns your will probably love Kyrsten Sinema. If you think most people are too stupid to run their own lives and that most people need a government nanny to tell then how to live you will probably get along with Kyrsten Sinema real well. If you think that marijuana should be effectively illegal by taxing the krap out of it you will probably love Kyrsten Sinema and her proposed 300 percent tax on medical marijuana.