You get a fair trial??? Don't make me laugh!!!
Sadly this article applies just as much to the millions of American's arrested for victimless drug war crimes and other victimless crimes like DUI.
The government views you as either an enemy that belongs in prison, or a source of cash with a big wallet they want to steal. And in both cases they ain't going to let a fair trial get in their way of putting you in prison and stealing your wallet.
Guantanamo dogged by new controversy after mishandling of e-mails
By Peter Finn, Published: April 11
The military justice system at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, which has been dogged by charges of secret monitoring of proceedings and defense communications, became embroiled in a fresh controversy Thursday when it was revealed that hundreds of thousands of defense e-mails were turned over to the prosecution.
The breach prompted Col. Karen Mayberry, the chief military defense counsel, to order all attorneys for Guantanamo detainees to stop using Defense Department computer networks to transmit privileged or confidential information until the security of such communications is assured.
Army Col. James Pohl, the chief judge at Guantanamo, also ordered a two-month delay in pretrial proceedings in the military-commission case against Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, who is accused of organizing the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen. Defense attorneys in the trial of Khalid Sheik Mohammed , the professed mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, and four co-defendants filed an emergency motion — via a handwritten note — seeking a similar pause in proceedings.
Pretrial hearings in both cases were set to resume this month.
“Is there any security for defense attorney information?” said James Connell, attorney for Ali Abdul Aziz Ali, one of the Sept. 11 defendants. “This new disclosure is simply the latest in a series of revelations of courtroom monitoring, hidden surveillance devices and legal-bin searches.”
The inappropriate transfer of the e-mails follows other questions about government intrusion and secrecy that have undermined the legitimacy of a judicial process that has struggled to establish itself as an effective forum for the prosecution of some terrorism cases.
In February, a military lawyer acknowledged that microphones were hidden inside devices that looked like smoke detectors in rooms used for meetings between defense counsel and their clients. The military said the listening system was not used to eavesdrop on confidential meetings and had been installed before defense lawyers started to use the rooms. The government subsequently said it tore out the wiring.
That same month, Pohl learned that the soundproofed courtroom at Guantanamo was wired with a “kill switch” that allowed an unknown government entity, thought to be the CIA, to cut audio feed of the trial to the public gallery. Pohl ruled that in the future only he could turn off the audio feed to protect classified information. But defense lawyers questioned whether the audio equipment in the courtroom had been manipulated to allow the government to monitor attorney-
client conversations.
In the latest controversy, the prosecution gained access to about 540,000 e-mails from defense teams. It is not clear which cases or lawyers the e-mails concerned; a Pentagon spokesman declined to comment, citing ongoing litigation.
Defense attorneys said prosecutors told them that they stopped looking at the e-mails as soon as they realized that the messages contained confidential defense information.
The mishandling of the e-mails was detected when IT specialists were conducting a search of the government’s computer system on behalf of prosecutors in a particular case. When they did so, they came across not only the e-mails they were seeking but also those between defense lawyers.
Defense attorneys said military IT personnel unsuccessfully tried to refine their search parameters two more times — and in each case discovered more confidential defense material.
In another controversy, defense counsel recently complained that huge volumes of work files were lost when the Defense Department tried to upgrade its network and mirror at Guantanamo the computer system that is available to defense lawyers handling detainee cases in the Washington area.
“Entire files, months of work was just gone,” said Navy Cmdr. Stephen C. Reyes, an attorney for Nashiri. “I have no evidence of any nefarious conduct, but it demonstrates again that we don’t have confidence that our files and communications are secure.”
Reyes noted that a prosecution file also was recently found in the defense computer system.
The latest delay in the commission hearings comes as the Obama administration faces a widening hunger strike among the detainees at Guantanamo.
Attorneys for the detainees and the military have clashed over the number of participants in the protest. The Pentagon said Thursday that 43 of the 166 detainees were on hunger strike, of whom 11 are being force-fed, while defense attorneys said the overwhelming majority of the 120 or so detainees in Camps 5 and 6 are on hunger strike.
The military has refused requests from the media, including The Washington Post, to allow reporters to observe conditions at the camps. Human Rights groups also have requested unfettered access to the camps.
A team from the International Committee of the Red Cross is visiting the camp, but the organization does not make its recommendations public.
ICRC President Peter Maurer said Thursday in an interview at The Post that the hunger strike is born of detainees’ frustration at being held indefinitely without any further review, even in cases in which they have been cleared for transfer out of Guantanamo.
With Police in Schools, More Children in Court
Who cares about the kids???? These cops wouldn't have their high paying, cushy jobs as "school resource officers" if they weren't sending kids to jail for breaking silly school rules.
Let's face it, it's not about the kids. It's about high paying, cushy jobs for cops.
Well at least that is probably how the cops and police unions feel about it.
With Police in Schools, More Children in Court
Published: April 12, 2013 175 Comments
HOUSTON — As school districts across the country consider placing more police officers in schools, youth advocates and judges are raising alarm about what they have seen in the schools where officers are already stationed: a surge in criminal charges against children for misbehavior that many believe is better handled in the principal’s office.
Since the early 1990s, thousands of districts, often with federal subsidies, have paid local police agencies to provide armed “school resource officers” for high schools, middle schools and sometimes even elementary schools. Hundreds of additional districts, including those in Houston, Los Angeles and Philadelphia, have created police forces of their own, employing thousands of sworn officers.
Last week, in the wake of the Newtown, Conn., shootings, a task force of the National Rifle Association recommended placing police officers or other armed guards in every school. The White House has proposed an increase in police officers based in schools.
The effectiveness of using police officers in schools to deter crime or the remote threat of armed intruders is unclear. The new N.R.A. report cites the example of a Mississippi assistant principal who in 1997 got a gun from his truck and disarmed a student who had killed two classmates, and another in California in which a school resource officer in 2001 wounded and arrested a student who had opened fire with a shotgun.
Yet the most striking impact of school police officers so far, critics say, has been a surge in arrests or misdemeanor charges for essentially nonviolent behavior — including scuffles, truancy and cursing at teachers — that sends children into the criminal courts.
“There is no evidence that placing officers in the schools improves safety,” said Denise C. Gottfredson, a criminologist at the University of Maryland who is an expert in school violence. “And it increases the number of minor behavior problems that are referred to the police, pushing kids into the criminal system.”
Nationwide, hundreds of thousands of students are arrested or given criminal citations at schools each year. A large share are sent to court for relatively minor offenses, with black and Hispanic students and those with disabilities disproportionately affected, according to recent reports from civil rights groups, including the Advancement Project, in Washington, and the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, in New York.
Such criminal charges may be most prevalent in Texas, where police officers based in schools write more than 100,000 misdemeanor tickets each year, said Deborah Fowler, the deputy director of Texas Appleseed, a legal advocacy center in Austin. The students seldom get legal aid, she noted, and they may face hundreds of dollars in fines, community service and, in some cases, a lasting record that could affect applications for jobs or the military.
In February, Texas Appleseed and the Brazos County chapter of the N.A.A.C.P. filed a complaint with the federal Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights. Black students in the school district in Bryan, they noted, receive criminal misdemeanor citations at four times the rate of white students.
Featured in the complaint is De’Angelo Rollins, who was 12 and had just started at a Bryan middle school in 2010 when he and another boy scuffled and were given citations. After repeated court appearances, De’Angelo pleaded no contest, paid a fine of $69 and was sentenced to 20 hours of community service and four months’ probation.
“They said this will stay on his record unless we go back when he is 17 and get it expunged,” said his mother, Marjorie Holmon.
Federal officials have not yet acted, but the district says it is revising guidelines for citations. “Allegations of inequitable treatment of students is something the district takes very seriously,” said Sandra Farris, a spokeswoman for the Bryan schools.
While schools may bring in police officers to provide security, the officers often end up handling discipline and handing out charges of disorderly conduct or assault, said Michael Nash, the presiding judge of juvenile court in Los Angeles and the president of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges.
“You have to differentiate the security issue and the discipline issue,” he said. “Once the kids get involved in the court system, it’s a slippery slope downhill.”
Mo Canady, the executive director of the National Association of School Resource Officers, defended placing police officers in schools, provided that they are properly trained. He said that the negative impacts had been exaggerated, and that when the right people were selected and schooled in adolescent psychology and mediation, both schools and communities benefited.
“The good officers recognize the difference between a scuffle and a true assault,” Mr. Canady said.
But the line is not always clear. In New York, a lawsuit against the Police Department’s School Safety Division describes several instances in which officers handcuffed and arrested children for noncriminal behavior.
Many districts are clamoring for police officers. “There’s definitely a massive trend toward increasing school resource officers, so much so that departments are having trouble buying guns and supplies,” said Michael Dorn, director of Safe Havens International, in Macon, Ga., a safety consultant to schools.
One district in Florida, Mr. Dorn said, is looking to add 130 officers, mainly to patrol its grade schools. McKinney, Tex., north of Dallas, recently placed officers in its five middle schools.
Many judges say school police officers are too quick to make arrests or write tickets.
“We are criminalizing our children for nonviolent offenses,” Wallace B. Jefferson, the chief justice of the Supreme Court of Texas, said in a speech to the Legislature in March.
School officers in Texas are authorized to issue Class C misdemeanor citations, which require students to appear before a justice of the peace or in municipal court, with public records.
The process can leave a bitter taste. Joshua, a ninth grader who lives south of Houston, got into a brief fight on a school bus in November after another boy, a security video showed, hit him first. The principal called in the school’s resident sheriff, who wrote them both up for disorderly conduct.
“I thought it was stupid,” Joshua said of the ticket and his need to miss school for two court appearances. His guardian found a free lawyer from the Earl Carl Institute, a legal aid group at Texas Southern University, and the case was eventually dismissed.
Sarah R. Guidry, the executive director of the institute, said that when students appeared in court with a lawyer, charges for minor offenses were often dismissed. But she said the courts tended to be “plea mills,” with students pleading guilty in the hope that, once they paid a fine and spent hours cleaning parks, the charges would be expunged. If students fail to show up and cases are unresolved, they may be named in arrest warrants when they turn 17.
In parts of Texas, the outcry from legal advocates is starting to make a difference. Jimmy L. Dotson, the chief of Houston’s 186-member school district force, is one of several police leaders working to redefine the role of campus officers.
Perhaps the sharpest change has come to E. L. Furr High School, which serves mainly low-income Hispanic children on the city’s east side. Bertie Simmons, 79, came out of retirement 11 years ago to try to turn around a school so blighted by gang violence that it dared not hold assemblies.
“The kids hated the school police,” said Ms. Simmons, the principal. They arrested two or three students a day and issued tickets to many more.
Ms. Simmons searched for officers who would work with the students and build trust. She found them in Danny Avalos and Craig Davis, former municipal police officers who grew up in rough neighborhoods, and after years of effort, the campus is peaceful and arrests and tickets are rare. Discipline is usually enforced by a principal’s court with student juries, not summonses to the criminal courts.
“Writing tickets is easy,” Officer Avalos said. “We do it the hard way, talking with the kids and coaching them.”
With new guidelines and training, ticketing within the Houston schools was reduced by 60 percent in one year. Citations for “disruption of classes,” for example, fell to 124 between September and February, from 927 in the same period last year.
“Our role is not to be disciplinarians,” Chief Dotson said in an interview. “Our purpose is to push these kids into college, not into the criminal justice system.”
Government rulers all talk, no action on public records.
While the article is about San Jose, California, here in Arizona our public records laws are a joke.
Arizona's public records laws, or freedom of information act which is
A.R.S 39 §121
requires government bureaucrats and elected officials to answer all requests for public records as quickly as possible. That's the good news.
The bad news is there is no criminal or civil penalties for government bureaucrats and elected officials who refuse to obey the law.
And you can't call the cops to enforce the public records law. The only way you can do that is for YOU to sue the bureaucrat who refused to honor your request for public records.
And the Arizona's public records law doesn't even guarantee that your expenses for suing will be covered. It says "The court MAY award attorney fees and other legal costs"
San Jose fights disclosure of email, text message records
By John Woolfolk
Posted: 04/12/2013 06:21:01 AM PDT
SAN JOSE -- San Jose drew praise for its progressive approach to open government in the digital age by adopting a policy three years ago making elected officials' personal email and text messages about city business public records subject to disclosure.
But the City Council this week voted unanimously to appeal a judge's ruling last month that effectively applies that policy to the whole city workforce by declaring government employees' communications about public business subject to the California Public Records Act whether on official or private devices.
The case sets up a showdown that will be watched statewide and beyond over what open-government advocates say has become a gaping hole in public records law that was written in the typewriter era and didn't contemplate officials with Gmail, Facebook and iPhones. And they say, bring it on.
"I'm glad the city is appealing the ruling, since it is likely to be affirmed on appeal," said Peter Scheer, executive director of the First Amendment Coalition in San Rafael. "That will force all California cities and counties to treat emails about government business as public records, regardless of the status or ownership of the email accounts or devices. What matters is the substance of the message -- is it about government business or is it purely personal? -- not the technology."
San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed, who ran as an open-government champion, had made the same argument in 2010 when he
pushed a policy that would require disclosure of messages about city business sent or received by the mayor, council members and their staffs whether they were communicated on personal or city phones and networks. The City Council approved the policy unanimously in March 2010 on a trial basis and, citing no problems since, made it permanent in December.
Scheer said at the time the council adopted the policy that he knew of no other city that had gone so far in updating public records policy to account for modern technology. Most cities have fought efforts to force disclosure of officials' messages on private networks, citing both privacy concerns and practical questions of how a government could search for relevant documents and messages on phones and email networks it doesn't control.
Reed said that such disclosure rules covering private devices and networks can be justified and managed on a small scale involving a few dozen elected officials and their staffs. But he said the council appealed out of concern that applying those rules throughout a city organization of 5,500 full-time employees -- the practical effect of a decision that personal emails are subject to the California Public Records Act -- would be invasive and burdensome.
"It's about the scope of it," Reed said. "I think it's too broad. It sets up practical problems."
The case originated in June 2009 when activist Ted Smith requested voice mails, text messages, and emails sent or received by the mayor and council members related to a downtown redevelopment project in San Jose, whether on official or personal networks and devices. He sued in August that year when the city claimed it lacked authority to access any records on officials' private personal accounts.
Last month, Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge James P. Kleinberg ruled in Smith's favor, stating that under the city's interpretation of public records law, "a public agency could easily shield information from public disclosure simply by storing it on equipment it does not technically own."
"Regardless of where a record is retained, if it is drafted by a public official," Kleinberg wrote, it "constitutes a 'public record.' "
Scheer said that while the practical and privacy concerns cities have raised are legitimate, they can easily be overcome by requiring public officials to copy messages about public business to their official email where the city can search for and retrieve it.
In the city's petition with the Sixth District Court of Appeal, San Jose argues that the council disclosure policy for private email and phone networks is irrelevant to Smith's case because it was adopted 10 months after his records request and was not retroactive. The city added that "local policies simply do not affect the courts' interpretation of the Public Records Act," and that the council had chosen to limit its policy to affect about 30 city employees.
But San Jose also advanced arguments that seemingly conflict with the policy that the council adopted for itself.
"A council member is not a governmental entity," San Jose's appellate filing stated. "A council member is an individual public official with no authority to act alone on behalf of the city. Consequently, emails and documents found on a council member's personal computer or personal electronic device do not fall within the definition of a public record because any record personally and individually created by a council member is not a documentation of a transaction or activity of the city as a local agency."
Contact John Woolfolk at 408-975-9346. Follow him on Twitter at
Is Janet Napolitano smoking that medical marijuana???
On the front page of this weeks April 11, 2013 issue of the Spanish language newspaper La Prensa it said
La frontera sí está seguro: Napolitano
Translated to English that more or less says
"The border is secure: Napolitano"
I bet the 7 to 20 million illegal Mexicans in the USA are laughing their butts off over that headline.
Or maybe she was talking about the drug war?
If so I bet the 18 million or so people who regularly smoke marijuana are laughing their butts off over that headline. Well at least the ones who can read Spanish!!!
Here is the URL for La Prensa
We need answers in Border Patrol murders???
I agree 100 percent with Linda Valdez on this murder by the Border Patrol.
But Linda Valdez is very naive expecting the cops to arrest and jail one of their own buddies for murder. It ain't going to happen.
I have posted 100's of articles on other police crimes and the police routinely do get away with murder and they rarely get more then a slap on the wrist, if that much for their crimes.
The crime I vividly remember happened around November, 2004 when a News 12 helicopter caught some Phoenix Police beating up a Mexican they arrested for hijacking a car. They had the evidence they needed to nail those crooked Phoenix cops on tape, but I believe Rick Romney who was then Maricopa County attorney decided not to press charges. See
News 12 video tapes Phoenix Police beating
Assault by police claimed
Yes, the Mexican who hijacked the car was a criminal. But so were the Phoenix Police officers who beat him up for his crime.
And of course we have Sheriff Joe's goons who routinely murder innocent people in his tent city gulag. Yes, Maricopa County has paid millions in out of court settlements for those murders, but I don't think the police criminals that committed the murders have received anything more then a slap on the wrist and a stern warning not to do it again [well except to criminals who deserve it, like the people they murdered - and that's from Sheriff Joe, not me]
Linda Valdez
Posted on April 11, 2013 10:13 am by Linda Valdez
We need answers in Border Patrol killing
The Border Patrol is a fast growing national police force whose power and secrecy should worry civil libertarians.
After six months, the public that funds this national police force doesn’t even know the identity of the agent or agents involved in killing a youth in Nogales, Mexico, with a barrage of bullets fired across the border.
It smacks of cover-up.
Can you imagine the outrage if Mexican police had gunned down an American youth with equal gusto?
Jose Antonio Elena Rodriguez, 16, was shot numerous times — and as many as 11 bullets hit him from behind.
The Border Patrol alleges he was throwing rocks at them – an activity that the distance and angle of the border fence would have made more futile than threatening.
A witness has come forward, according to reporting by the Republic’s Bob Ortega, to say Elena Rodriguez was not throwing rocks.
Does anybody know for sure?
After six months, does anybody believe the FBI investigation hasn’t found some answers? If that’s the case, somebody send the FBI some coffee. They need to get moving.
Or are they – and Homeland Security — just hoping the whole thing blows over?
Protests yesterday at the border show that this is not going to go away. Nor should it.
The Border Patrol has extraordinary power, and there have been other deadly encounters where rocks were met with bullets.
According to Ortega:
“There have been eight incidents in the past three years in which agents have shot and killed alleged rock-throwers, among 20 deaths caused by agents since the beginning of 2010. In all but three of those cases, the FBI investigations remain open and the Border Patrol and the DHS have declined to release any information, including the names of the agents involved.”
We need answers. We need them now.
Those who paint dystopian scenarios about an out-of-control national government threatening civil liberties are often the same people who demand tougher border security. They ought to be careful what they ask for.
The Border Patrol needs to be accountable. Not secretive.
Phoenix officers to begin wearing video cameras
So the cops will decide when to turn on the cameras????
This makes as much sense as giving bank robbers a video camera and telling them they are on the honor system to turn on the video camera before they rob any banks.
Of course I suspect now and then a cop will forget to turn off his camera before beating up a person.
That happened in the case when the Fullerton, California police beat up and murdered
Kelly Thomas.
But normally cops are smart enough to turn off their cameras before they commit any crimes. Or "accidentally lose and destroy the cameras" if they do forget to turn them off when they commit a crime.
Some Phoenix officers to begin wearing video cameras
By Cecilia Chan The Arizona Republic-12 News Breaking News Team Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:43 PM
Police officers in the Maryvale Precinct of west Phoenix will begin wearing video cameras on Monday to record their interaction with the public.
Phoenix Police Department teamed with Arizona State University to purchase 50 on-officer cameras with a $500,000 federal grant to study the impact of the cameras on crime and accountability. The cameras will be worn for about a year.
“The whole purpose of the test is to really find out what type of impact it has on law enforcement,” police spokesman Tommy Thompson said. “Is there really a need for this kind of technology?”
The camera is about the size of a pager and will be clipped in the middle of an officer’s shirt area, Thompson said. The officer will turn the camera on when dealing with the public and download the footage onto a computer at the end of the shift. The footage can not be edited.
Arizona law requires that only one person be aware that they are being recorded, but officers will disclose they are recording an interaction if asked, officials said.
The Maryvale Precinct was chosen because it has two squad areas. One squad will wear the cameras and the other, as a control group, will not, Thompson said.
The data obtained from the two groups will help determine if cameras enhance an officer’s ability to conduct domestic violence and other criminal investigations, he said.
Thompson said many times in a domestic violence situation, a victim will later change the story in court because of financial dependency on the abuser.
The data also will show if the cameras measurably impact how officers and citizens behave, he said.
The department first tested the cameras in 2011 for 90 days with 18 officers in the South Mountain and Cactus Park precincts. The three-month trial period resulted in 860 hours of video, where footage was used as court evidence in 62 cases, according to police.
The pilot program was spurred by the recommendation of a task force created after a March 2010 controversy over an officer's confrontation with Phoenix Councilman Michael Johnson at the scene of a fire.
Other police departments in Mesa, Surprise and Peoria are testing or implementing digital cameras that officers wear to record virtually everything an officer does during a shift.
Legal pot draws tourists to U.S. states this weekend
Legal pot draws tourists to U.S. states this weekend
Associated Press Mon Apr 15, 2013 7:07 AM
DENVER — Thousands of people are expected to join an unofficial counterculture holiday celebrating marijuana in Colorado and Washington this coming weekend, including out-of staters and even packaged tours. The events and crowds will test the limits of new laws permitting pot use by adults.
More than 50,000 are expected to light up outdoors in Denver’s Civic Center Park on April 20 to celebrate marijuana legalization. Thousands more are headed to the nation’s first open-to-all Cannabis Cup, April 20-21, a U.S. version of an annual marijuana contest and celebration in Amsterdam. Expected guests at the Cannabis Cup, a ticketed event taking place inside the Denver Convention Center, include Snoop Lion, the new reggae- and marijuana-loving persona for the rapper better known as Snoop Dogg.
Marijuana activists from New York to San Francisco consider April 20 a day to celebrate the drug and push for broader legalization. The origins of the number “420” as a code for pot are murky, but the drug’s users have for decades marked the date 4/20 as a day to use pot together.
Marijuana remains illegal under federal law, and its sale without a doctor’s recommendation isn’t allowed yet in Colorado or Washington. Neither state allows open and public use of the drug. But authorities largely look the other way at public pot-smoking, especially at festivals and concerts, and entrepreneurs are finding creative ways to capitalize on new marijuana laws.
One of them is Matt Brown, co-owner of Denver’s new “My 420 Tours,” which gives traveling pot users everything but the drug. Brown has sold 160 tour packages to visiting pot smokers for the April 20 weekend. Prices start at $499, not including hotel or air.
The tour sends cannabis tour guides to pick up marijuana tourists at the airport in limousines, escort them to Cannabis Cup and other Denver-area marijuana celebrations and deposit them at a hotel where smoking — tobacco or reefer — is permitted on room patios.
Marijuana tourists on Brown’s tour can add extra days of touring medical marijuana dispensaries and commercial growing operations. A cannabis cooking class is another option. Five-day tours run $649 to $849.
“People are fascinated by what’s happening here, and they want to see it up close,” Brown said. “We want to make sure people don’t come here, land at the airport, rent a car and drive around stoned all weekend.”
Celebrations were planned in Washington state, too, though April 20 isn’t as broadly celebrated as Seattle’s annual Hempfest, which draws hundreds of thousands of people to a waterfront park every summer.
Associated Press writer Gene Johnson contributed from Seattle.
Kristen Wyatt can be reached at Johnson can be reached at
Police can now draw your blood to prove your drunk???
I think this is outrageous, allowing pigs to stick needles in people and draw their blood.
"the driver’s blood is taken by an officer trained to do the procedure. The department has 110 trained officers"
And again I sure that it is tyranny like this that the Founders gave us the Second Amendment for.
Last if you ask me this practice seems to violate the spirit of the 4th Amendment, if not the letter of the law when a pig can just hit an electronic button on his computer to pretty much get a rubber stamped search warrant from some electronic robot that pretends to be a judge.
The right of the people to be secure in
their persons, houses, papers, and effects,
against unreasonable searches and seizures,
shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall
issue, but upon probable cause, supported by
Oath or affirmation, and particularly
describing the place to be searched, and the
persons or things to be seized
Last I wonder what percent of these electronic search warrants result in the pigs taking blood from people who are stone cold SOBER???
Search-warrant process in DUIs faster for Phoenix police
By Cecilia Chan The Arizona Republic-12 News Breaking News Team Thu Apr 11, 2013 8:37 PM
Phoenix police officers can now get a signed search warrant for a blood sample from a suspected drunken driver within minutes from their patrol car.
Officers don’t have to drive to a station, type or write up a warrant, fax it to the court and then wait up to an hour or more for a faxed approval from a judge.
“We see an extreme benefit to our department from an efficiency standpoint, putting cops back quicker on the streets and collecting evidence quicker,” police spokesman Steve Martos said. “From our standpoint it has worked incredibly well for us.”
An officer stopping a suspected impaired driver must obtain a search warrant if the driver refuses to provide a blood sample.
The results of a blood test can take up to six weeks to process and are use in court, Martos said.
An officer makes a DUI arrest based several factors including witness observation of the driving behavior, bloodshot watery eyes, odor of intoxicating liquor, driver’s statement and failing a field sobriety test, he said.
“When we used breathalyzers, we still needed an accumulation of different factors in order to use the breathalyzer,” Martos said. “Blood is now taken in lieu of the breathalyzer as it is a more accurate read on the operator’s blood alcohol content.”
The eSearch Warrant Application allows an officer to send a warrant from a patrol car’s computer directly to a judge, who can approve or reject the document on a laptop from the bench in between cases, Martos said. The court’s Search Warrant Center is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The Maricopa County Superior Court and the Phoenix Police Department launched the pilot program last fall with seven police DUI vans and recently rolled it out to all patrol officers. Cost to implement the program was not readily available.
“Over the course of the last few months, it’s taking around 10 minutes to get (a warrant) back,” Martos said.
And time is of essence when dealing with a DUI case where the evidence is degradable, Superior Court Presiding Judge Norman Davis said.
“Blood alcohol dissipates over time,” Davis said. “It’s in everyone’s interest, police and the defendant, to get timely accurate results for evidentiary purposes later on.”
Davis said the court has applied for a $40,000 state grant to expand the program to all Valley law enforcement agencies. If funding is available the system could be in place next year, he said.
Davis added that the streamlined process has reduced the court’s time to process each request.
Martos said the department doesn’t track how m any search warrants for blood samples are processed.
But, Martos said, the department handled more than 6,100 DUI cases last year and “we do have to draw search warrants often for these types of cases.”
Once a warrant is granted, the driver’s blood is taken by an officer trained to do the procedure. The department has 110 trained officers, Martos said.
Phoenix Police Department exclusively uses blood tests in DUI cases and breath tests only in situations where blood can’t be taken, Martos said.
Blood tests in DUI cases are more accurate and hold up better in court, he said. The department transitioned to blood-only evidence in 2010, joining Valley agencies, including Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale, Gilbert and Peoria police.
Davis said the court next year, depending on funding, will look at other warrants where the improved technology makes sense.
The court issued approximately 680 search warrants per month in fiscal year 2010, according to the court website.
Electronics ban starts today at Cook County courthouse
I suspect if the Founders were alive today they would tell you they passed the Second Amendment to protect us from the tyrants that passed this ban on electronic devices in court houses.
I guess if they really want to make themselves safe from their subjects in court houses they will soon only allow us to enter court houses when we are naked and handcuffed. Something I have heard the TSA would love to do on airlines.
Electronics ban starts today at Cook County courthouse
By Jennifer Delgado Tribune reporter
7:07 a.m. CDT, April 15, 2013
A crackdown on cellphones and other electronics in Cook County criminal courthouses begins Monday at the busiest criminal court facility in the country.
The ban on smartphones, computer tablets and other electronic devices takes effect Monday at the Leighton Criminal Court Building at 26th Street and California Avenue.
The hard-line policy was set to begin in January, but Circuit Chief Judge Timothy Evans delayed its implementation for three months after critics attacked the plan.
After the announcement last December, other county officials appeared caught by surprise by the change and expressed concern mostly about a shortage of kiosks for cellphone storage. Evans offered the three-month grace period to work out those kinks.
At the criminal courthouse at 26th and California, three cash-operated vending machine-style units, each able to hold 60 cellphones — at a cost of $3 a pop — have been set up, said sheriff's spokeswoman Eleni Demertzis.
The spokeswoman said the sheriff's office has no idea what to expect Monday at 26th and California.
"We're just hoping that the word gets out" about the ban, Demertzis said.
Deputies will not allow anyone with a cellphone inside the courthouse once the storage space runs out, she said.
Eventually the ban will be extended to 12 other criminal court facilities, but Evans' office offered no timetable for that.
Current and former judges, attorneys, government employees, reporters and people reporting to jury duty are among those exempt from the ban.
Cellphones will still be allowed in the Daley Center, where mostly civil matters are handled.
Evans insists the policy is designed to safeguard criminal courthouses, but he has offered few details to support the need for the ban. His office said he was unavailable Thursday to take questions.
When he first announced the change in December, Evans said some judges had complained that spectators in courtrooms had photographed witnesses, jurors and judges and in other instances had texted testimony to upcoming witnesses waiting outside.
When asked for specifics, his office said Thursday it did not track that information.
"This ban is important to uphold our justice system and the safety of our courts," a news release quoted Evans as saying. "Intimidation will not be tolerated."
Twitter: @jendelgado1
Opium Production in Afghanistan Increases for Third Year
We can't even win the war on drugs when we invade a country and install our own puppet government???? Maybe it's time for our government masters to realize their "war on drugs" is a dismal failure that never has worked and end it.
Of course don't count on that happening, because the "war on drugs" is a jobs program for millions of overpaid and under worked cops who pretty much have the political clout to prevent the war on drugs from ending.
Opium Production in Afghanistan Increases for Third Year
Published: April 15, 2013
KABUL, Afghanistan — For the third year in a row, opium cultivation has increased across Afghanistan, reversing earlier drops stemming from a decade-long international and Afghan government effort to combat the drug trade, according to a United Nations report released on Monday.
The report’s findings raised concerns among international law enforcement officials that if the trend continued, opium would be the country’s major economic activity after the departure of foreign military forces in 2014, leading to the specter of what one referred to as “the world’s first true narco-state.”
Afghanistan is already the world’s largest producer of opium, and last year accounted for 75 percent of the world’s heroin supply. “The assumption is it will reach again to 90 percent this year,” said Jean-Luc Lemahieu, the United Nations’ top counternarcotics official here.
The report, the Afghanistan Opium Risk Assessment 2013, issued by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and based on extensive surveys, found that opium cultivation has increased in 12 of the country’s 34 provinces. Herat, in western Afghanistan, is the only province in which cultivation is expected to decrease, the report said.
The report suggests that Taliban insurgents took advantage of insecurity in several provinces to assist opium farmers and win over popular support — plus protecting an important form of income for their operations. Opium cultivation has increased most wherever there has been insecurity.
Over all, the number of acres devoted this year to opium poppy cultivation is expected to top the figure in 2008, when poppy plantings reached a peak of 388,000 acres, Mr. Lemahieu said. After 2008, eradication efforts, as well as a cash incentive program for provinces that eradicatedopium poppy crops, helped reduce cultivation dramatically through 2010.
This year three provinces — Balkh, Faryab and Takhar in the north and west — are in danger of losing their poppy-free status, according to the United Nations. report. They are among 16 provinces that had been declared poppy-free; such provinces receive $1 million awards from the American Embassy, paid directly to the governor’s office.
In February, the State Department announced that it was handing out $18.2 million in Good Performers Initiative Awards for reducing poppy cultivation in Afghanistan. There was no immediate response from American Embassy officials on how the program would be affected by the new United Nations data.
Opium production has become particularly high in Helmand Province in the south, the country’s major opium-producing area, and in Kandahar Province. In both places, the surge of American troops helped to beat back Taliban influence, but as those troops returned home last year, cultivation increased dramatically. More than 70 percent of opium production now takes place in three provinces where the surge occurred.
“This country is on its way to becoming the world’s first true narco-state,” said one international law enforcement official, who did not want to be quoted criticizing the Afghan government. “The opium trade is a much bigger part of the economy already than narcotics ever were in Bolivia or Colombia.”
But Mirwais Yasini, former head of counternarcotics for the Afghan government and now a prominent member of Parliament, said, “I wouldn’t go that far.”
“But if it goes on like this in the future, I am worried about that happening,” he said.
Mr. Yasini said eradication efforts had been countered by insecurity, compounded by corruption at local, provincial and national levels. “I don’t see anything tangible that has been done; there is no meaningful crop substitution and no effective enforcement,” he said.
The United Nations has estimated in the past that opium trafficking makes up 15 percent of Afghanistan’s gross domestic product, a figure that is expected to rise as international military and development spending declines with the NATO withdrawal at the end of 2014.
The mining sector, the other big hope of economic self-sufficiency for Afghanistan, is still moribund as the Afghan Parliament continues to bicker over a mining law, and lack of security and legal clarity has prevented the large-scale exploitation of mineral resources.
The increase in opium poppy cultivation is attributed mainly to historically high prices for opium, coupled with insecurity. Prices began rising dramatically in 2010 when a poppy blight severely reduced crop yields, but they have remained high since. Farmers earn as much as $203 a kilogram for harvested opium, compared to only 43 cents a kilogram for wheat or $1.25 for rice, according to the report.
Mr. Lemahieu praised efforts of the Afghan Ministry of Counternarcotics, but said international donors had greatly underfunded key programs to combat trafficking, with only $300,000 of a requested $11 million pledged this year.
This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:
Correction: April 15, 2013
An earlier version of this article referred incorrectly to the proportion of Afghanistan’s opium production that comes from three provinces where the “surge” of extra American troops were deployed to beat back the Taliban. It is more than 70 percent, not more than one-third.
Medical-marijuana-packaging bill loses prosecutors’ support
Medical-marijuana-packaging bill loses prosecutors’ support
By Lindsey Collom The Republic | Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:03 PM
The complexity of the legal debate over whether federal law trumps the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act has prompted the state’s prosecuting-attorneys association to withdraw its support of legislation their members had helped craft to protect children from accidentally eating medical cannabis.
A bill to enforce bland wrapping on candy containing marijuana will likely die, as attorneys say that it’s too difficult to keep legislating medical marijuana in an atmosphere of legal challenges and that the issue needs to be decided in the courts. The same argument was made last week when a bill to require police to destroy medical marijuana seized in criminal investigations was withdrawn by its sponsor.
The Arizona Prosecuting Attorneys’ Advisory Council voted last week to no longer support Senate Bill 1440. The council did so because it conflicts with an argument prosecutors are making in a case before the Arizona Supreme Court stemming from when a Yuma County Superior Court judge ordered the Sheriff’s Office to return marijuana seized from a California woman who had permission to use the drug for medical purposes.
In an amicus “friend of the court” brief filed earlier this month, Yavapai County Attorney Sheila Polk argued that because the state’s medical-marijuana law sets up a procedure for its cultivation, distribution and use, it is “in complete conflict with the federal law and regulations that govern the classification, production, distribution, marketing and use of drugs and medicine in the United States.”
With the attorneys association’s move and growing opposition among lawmakers following calls by dispensary owners to block the measure, the bill is all but dead.
SB 1440 would require medical-marijuana products to be dispensed in white, opaque wrappers with black lettering in order to conceal medicine made to look like candy or sweet treats. It would expand current health-department rules that, in part, require dispensaries to place a standard warning label on their products similar to those found on cigarettes.
Dispensary owners have been trying to block the legislation, calling it a “backdoor attempt” to shut down the industry because of a clause that would revoke a dispensary’s license for a single infraction. On Friday, the Regulated Dispensaries of Arizona Association issued a statement applauding the attorneys association for concluding “SB 1440 was a bad bill with a good intention.”
“It was horribly anti-business, forcing the termination of a state-regulated dispensary and the patients that depend upon it for a single infraction,” the statement said, adding that the group “will continue to be supportive of additional legislation so long as it isn’t an attempt to shut down the popular, important and voter-approved dispensary program.”
M. Ryan Hurley, an attorney for the Regulated Dispensaries of Arizona Association, said the industry favors establishing packaging rules to prevent medical marijuana from falling into children’s hands, but “the way the bill was drafted, it has nothing to do with those products specifically, and it doesn’t really deal with the problem they’re going after.”
In a memo to legislators on Wednesday, Hurley said most dispensaries appear to be complying with SB 1440 by prepackaging medical marijuana in prescription bottles or heat-sealed cellophane packets so that “patients can be assured that what they are getting is what they paid for.” Dispensary agents then place the items in a white, opaque bag “similar to what you would get leaving a pharmacy,” Hurley said.
But the bill’s primary sponsor, Sen. Kimberly Yee, R-Phoenix, said an opaque bag doesn’t go far enough.
“The intent was to provide that all packaging look the same so when it’s on a kitchen counter and you’ve got kids in the house, they can see it’s in a sealed container,” Yee said. “That’s sort of the sticking point. We were trying to work out a compromise of what they (dispensary owners) would be comfortable with.”
Kimberly MacEachern, a staff attorney at the prosecuting-attorneys association, said it ultimately didn’t make sense to negotiate with dispensaries about packaging marijuana as medicine, particularly when there are federal guidelines for medicine delivery.
“While all that discussion was going on, we were filing these briefs and doing this research and coming to these conclusions contemporaneously,” MacEachern said. “At some point, we realized the mere act of negotiating is creating a conflict because our position is it (marijuana) isn’t medicine.”
Scottsdale uses sex laws to create jobs for cops????
Scottsdale shakes down massage parlors???
From this article it sounds like the Scottsdale City Attorney’s Office and the Scottsdale Police Department are creating a jobs program for themselves to they can create more jobs for cops to arrest hookers and lawyers to prosecute them.
Oddly not one person other then the Scottsdale Police and Prosecutors complained about any problems with massage parlors or prostitutes in this article. So I suspect that as I said before this "problem" was invented by the cops and prosecutors, and the only solution to the problem is more laws, which will create jobs for more cops and prosecutors.
Scottsdale drafting ordinance to more strictly regulate escort, massage services
By Julian Osorio The Arizona Republic - 12 News Breaking News Team Mon Apr 8, 2013 5:55 PM
Scottsdale officials have been drafting a revised ordinance that would more strictly regulate massage facilities and escort services that operate in the city.
The move, city officials say, is designed to deter illegal activity, such as prostitution, conducted behind the business doors of some operators.
The changes would include tougher permitting requirements to operate and a new fee schedule.
The proposed changes would allow the city to strengthen the integrity and professionalism of each industry, according to the city’s website.
The Scottsdale Police Department has been investigating prostitution complaints in the escort and massage industries for years, said Sgt. Mark Clark, spokesman for the Scottsdale Police Department.
The proposed ordinance is a collaborative effort between the City Attorney’s Office and the Police Department, he said.
Officials have identified detrimental secondary effects from escort operations, including violent crimes, drug use, and health risks through the spread of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, according to the proposal.
The goal of the ordinance is to halt prostitution, protect legitimate escort patrons, and preserve the health and welfare of the community, a draft of the proposal says.
Among the proposed revisions to the escort industry is added mandatory jail time for individuals convicted of certain crimes, expanded list of violations, a requirement that any escort service post its city-permit license number in any advertisement, revised definitions and permit requirements for escort assistants, and a stipulation that no permit or license can be issued to a person convicted of prostitution as early as 10 years before an application submission.
Scottsdale last updated its escort services ordinance in 1988.
According to a report released by the Scottsdale Police Department, there have been 21 escort-related charges in Scottsdale since 2011. The majority were for lack of proper identification and permits.
A separate proposal targets unprofessional practices at massage facilities.
The requested ordinance includes requirements that a licensed on-site manager is present at a facility when any massage therapy is being performed.
In addition, all doors must be unlocked during massage therapy and mobile massage units will not be allowed to park on public streets except during special events.
Other changes includes verbiage regulating massages. The new language states that it is illegal to touch any other person’s genitals or anus, conduct any actions intended to sexually arouse or appeal to sexual desires, according to the proposal.
The current ordinance allows city officials to inspect any massage facility during normal business hours.
No specific incidents sparked the evaluation of the city ordinance but the city felt it was time to clarify and tighten up the ordinance, said Caron Close, Scottsdale city prosecutor.
Several massage therapists in Scottsdale contacted for this article said they supported city efforts to crack down on unsavory businesses, but none wanted to be identified and quoted.
The proposed changes are scheduled to be considered by the City Council on June 4.
Proposed fees
Here are proposed fees for massage businesses and escort services under a draft being consideration by Scottsdale. The City Council will review the proposal in June:
Escort bureau application, $100; massage facility application, $100.
Annual escort bureau license, $175. Annual massage facility license, $300.
Escort and assistant application, $100; late renewal penalty, $200.
Escort and assistant permit, $100.
City fingerprinting fee, $10; on-site manager ID card, $10; escort and assistant ID card, $10; change of location fee, $50.
Source: Scottsdale.
Travis County DA pleads guilty to DWI
More of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our government masters.
Travis County DA pleads guilty to DWI
Associated Press Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:20 AM
AUSTIN, Texas — The Travis County district attorney has plead guilty to a drunken driving charge two days after a 911 caller alerted authorities to a vehicle weaving and crossing into oncoming traffic.
In a letter to the prosecutor and the court, Rosemary Lehmberg said Monday her plea was unconditional and to any charge the prosecutor felt was supported by the facts.
Lehmberg was booked into the county jail early Saturday after being arrested for driving while intoxicated. She was released on $3,000 bond.
An arrest affidavit said she performed a field sobriety test and told deputies that she consumed two vodka drinks. Lehmberg was re-elected to a second four-year term last May.
Her letter said she guilty of DWI and of acting unreasonably and that the fault is her own
Tempe assistant prosecutor, boyfriend held in assaulting each other
More of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our government masters.
Tempe assistant prosecutor, boyfriend held in assaulting each other
By Cecilia Chan The Arizona Republic-12 News Breaking News Team Fri Apr 12, 2013 10:08 PM
A Tempe assistant city prosecutor and her live-in boyfriend were arrested Wednesday on suspicion of assaulting each other, according to Tempe police.
Kathy Matz and Keith Walls were arrested late Wednesday night at the Tempe home they shared and transported to the city jail, according to a police report. Both had been drinking, police said.
Each posted a $500 bail Thursday, police spokesman Michael Pooley said.
Police arrived at the home at about 11:10 p.m. Wednesday after Matz called 911.
According to the report, Walls and Matz were on the bed, watching television when he asked Matz to move over. When he returned from the bathroom, she still had not moved and as he laid down in bed, she told him to get out and sleep on the couch, the report said.
Walls told police he refused and when he sat up in bed, Matz punched him in the back of his head.
They both got out of bed and Matz began shouting obscenities and swinging her closed fists at him, hitting him in the eye and kneeing him in the groin, he said.
Walls said he then threw water on Matz from a cup before he walked out of the room and proceeded to pack his clothes.
Matz told police that Walls was upset with her being on his side of the bed and he began to push her off the bed causing her to fall to the floor.
The report said Matz told police that Walls also threatened to shoot her with her gun that she kept under her side of the bed. She then pushed Walls away from her and he picked up a plastic cup of water and threw it at her, hitting her in the eye, the report said.
Police found no visible injuries on Matz when they arrived, but doctors found a bruise on the back of her head that she claimed was from hitting the headboard when she was being assaulted by Walls, according to the report. Doctors were unable to determine when she received the contusion and she never told officers on scene about the injury, police
Matz also complained that Walls gave her two bruises to her left wrist when he grabbed her. But police said they were unable to determine when she received the injuries and she did not tell officers on scene about the bruises.
Walls had a small bruise under his right eye, according to the report.
Matz will be placed on paid administrative leave while the matter is reviewed under the city’s Personnel Rules and Regulations, according to the city spokeswoman Nikki Ripley.
Her case will be transferred to a different jurisdiction in Maricopa County, she said.
Matz has worked for the city since 1998 in a number of roles, including city clerk and assistant to former Mayor Neil Giuliano, Ripley said. Her current salary is $115,045 and she is one of seven prosecutors on the city staff.
Both Walls and Matz told police they would not aid in the prosecution. Walls told police that he just wanted the relationship to be over.
Get on a jury - Free a political prisoner
Hate the drug war??? Think the laws against victimless crimes such as prostitution and gambling are wrong and should be abolished???
Do your civic duty and get on the jury of a person arrested for a victimless crime such as any drug war crime, prostitution or gambling and vote to acquit the person.
It's your RIGHT as a juror to vote to acquit when the person accused of the crime is guilty as hell, but the laws are unfair and unjust.
In the days of slavery in America, jurors routinely voted to acquit people who were guilty as hell of helping slaves escape, because slavery is unjust.
The same thing happened in the days of the American Prohibition. Bootleggers and drunks who were guilty as hell were routinely acquited by jurors because they thought the laws were unjust.
For more on this check out the Fully Informed Jury Association at
Don't think of jury duty as the government cheating your out of a few days of your wages. Think of jury duty as your way of kicking a government tyrant in the balls and freeing a political prisoner.
Anderson: Jury duty is your duty
Mark Anderson is a judge in West Mesa Justice Court.
Posted: Monday, April 15, 2013 9:12 am
‘But your Honor, I didn’t know you actually had to show up!”
This was the excuse given by Michael Hanley (*not his real name), a construction worker ordered to the West Mesa Justice Court recently to explain why he failed to appear for jury duty.
On March 21, a group of 18 otherwise typical citizens were surprised to be held in contempt of court for failure to appear for jury duty. They paid fines ranging from $75 to $250. They had failed to respond on two occasions to a mailed summons informing them that their service as a juror at the court was required by law.
“I always throw these letters in the trash” and “I’m just too busy to deal with this,” were among the excuses given by these citizens when asked to explain why they had ignored the jury summons.
In spite of some other more creative excuses, everyone left with their wallets lighter and a greater awareness of the importance of jury duty.
The reason for the hearings, called Order to Show Cause hearings, was the needless cancellation of two scheduled jury trials earlier this year simply because not enough prospective jurors showed up. In our court, a jury trial is set for every Friday. If a trial is cancelled, it is a hardship on the defendant, the attorneys who have prepared for the trial, and the court staff as well.
Jurors failing to appear never used to happen, but apparently, over time many people seem to have forgotten the importance of our system of justice and the wisdom of the founders who instituted the idea of being judged by one’s peers.
As Thomas Jefferson said, “I consider trial by jury as the only anchor yet imagined by man by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution.”
There are some legitimate reasons for someone to be excused from jury duty. These are explained on the jury summons. If you are over 75 years old, unable to understand English, are active military, a police officer, or if serving on a jury would cause extreme physical or financial hardship, you may be excused, but you need to provide the information to the jury commission by submitting the juror affidavit questionnaire.
The jury system only works when citizens participate. One day a jury may be sitting in judgment in a case where you are the defendant. If that were to happen, you would want the jurors to respond to their jury summons prepared to take their role seriously, listen attentively, and render a fair verdict. As judges, we are capable of conducting bench trials with no jury, but the right to request that a jury decide innocence or guilt is a cornerstone of our justice system.
So, when you get that envelope that says jury summons on the outside, don’t throw it away. Read it carefully and do your civic duty. Otherwise you might find yourself on the wrong end of a $250 or even $500 fine.
West Mesa Justice of the Peace Mark Anderson was elected in November 2010. Prior to his election to the bench, Anderson served 14 years in the Arizona State Legislature.
Brewer's budget axes public-defense funds
I am not quite sure what percent of the people are arrested for victimless drug war crimes at the state level.
I have read that at the Federal level two thirds of the people in Federal prisons are their for victimless drug war crimes.
Some people have said that number is wrong, but whatever it is there is a huge number of people arrested for victimless drug war crimes.
Brewer's budget axes public-defense funds
By JJ Hensley The Republic | Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:52 PM
The “Fill the Gap” program was touted in the late 1990s as a way to bring meager funding for public defenders in line with government funding for police and prosecutors.
Because many counties report that nearly 90 percent of their criminal defendants require court-appointed counsel, the state program was seen as a way to make the criminal-justice system more equitable, as well as achieve the more noble and constitutionally required goals of fair and swift justice.
But the gap between respective funding for Arizona’s prosecutors and public defenders continued to grow along with the state budget crisis, and lawmakers began using money allocated for indigent defendants for other purposes — while leaving prosecutorial funding relatively intact.
Now, Gov. Jan Brewer’s latest budget proposal would likely spell the end of the program.
Brewer’s budget proposal would permanently end state aid to indigent defendants while keeping the prosecutors’ portion of the program in place. The proposal would reallocate the public-defense funds to the Arizona Department of Public Safety’s equipment fund.
The proposal would send $1.9 million to DPS instead of aiding indigent defendants, said Brewer spokesman Matthew Benson.
Benson said the state’s budget crisis is forcing administrators to make cuts across the board — even programs to help children and the infirm are not immune — making aid to indigent defendants just one more state effort likely to suffer.
“You always have to balance these things, and in the governor’s estimation, the more significant need right now is in public safety at DPS,” Benson said. He noted that a significant number of the agency’s patrol cars have put in more than 100,000 miles of service.
“We say that with the caveat that the counties have resources, too,” Benson said. “In our estimation, it’s appropriate that they pick up some of the slack here when it comes to indigent defense.”
But some county officials say the move is another example of the state pushing costs back onto county taxpayers in an effort to make the state budget appear balanced.
The amount of money involved was never excessive. The funding was distributed based on a formula that accounts for county sizes and the demands on their criminal courts. Maricopa County, the state’s largest, was was home to more than 3 million people in 2000, and typically has more than 40,000 felony cases filed each year.
The county received just under $700,000 in 2001, when the fund was relatively flush.
Rural counties in particular have come to rely on that funding to supplement their public-defense obligations. It is short-sighted to believe that removing those funds will not have an impact on the court system, said John Blackburn, executive director of the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission, which distributed the money.
“It’s not a lot of money, but in some of the jurisdictions, it’s a big deal,” Blackburn said. “But it’s part of the system. You can’t take stuff away from one part of the system and expect it to continue to flow as effectively as if you fund all of it.”
The funds have not been consistent recently.
When the state’s budget crisis was at its worst in 2011, administrators swept the aid for indigent defendants into other areas. Last year, the money sat in an account and went unallocated.
But the prosecutors’ portion of Fill the Gap funds has remained relatively constant, with the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office allocation falling about 15 percent since 2001, and Yavapai County’s dropping by about 10 percent in the same period.
Dean Trebesch, the Yavapai County Public Defender who formerly served the same role in Maricopa County, said the decision to permanently remove the money could put the state back on the path it sought to avoid when the Fill the Gap funds were first enacted.
Trebesch was among the advocates, along with county prosecutors and judges, who pushed for state indigent-defense funds in the 1990s because an influx of state and federal money had added more police and prison beds, but suspects were languishing in jail because there were not enough public defenders to take their cases.
The state’s chief justice at the time grew outraged after learning of a case involving teenage gang-rape suspects who had been in jail for two years without a trial.
“The counties were strapped financially and it was a huge burden on the counties, naturally, to fund all three elements of the criminal-justice system,” Trebesch said of the reasoning behind state funding. “Jail costs were high. And it’s not of value to the victims to see the case languishing in the system unnaturally.”
Public defenders and court administrators in counties too small for a dedicated public-defense office used the money in a variety of ways to supplement their operations, according to annual reports.
In fiscal 2010, Coconino County court administrators used the money to help pay for urine tests to expedite more than 100 drug- and alcohol-related cases and for diversion programs.
That year, Maricopa County used the funds to offset the costs for nine attorneys and a secretary, and Yavapai County used the funds to support an attorney assigned to juvenile cases.
Trebesch said the effort to push that cost back to the counties could lead to lengthier jail stays for inmates who have not yet gone to trial and longer delays for trials, which does a disservice to the suspect, the victim and the taxpayer.
“I’m not here sitting as a bleeding heart,” he said. “I’m a pragmatist, and a person who has a burden. While it (Fill the Gap) never produced the reality we expected, it was a step in the right direction, and now we’re back to square one again.
“That money’s got to come from somewhere. ... You can’t close your eyes. It’s not going to go away. The best way to address it is to provide adequate funding so the cases move through the system.”
Heroin use surges in suburbs, small towns
I guess this means the drug war is a dismal failure???
Oddly while heroin is demonized as being an evil, evil bad drug, it is pretty harmless.
The only real negative thing about heroin and other opiates is that they are physically additive. But so are legal drugs like caffeine and tobacco.
Heroin doesn't have any harmful effects on the body, like tobacco or liquor. Despite the fact that it has been demonized as the worst drug on the planet.
While you can overdose on heroin, most of the ODs are caused when people mix heroin with other drugs and you have a synergistic effect where the combined drugs cause the overdoes.
Back when heroin and all the other opiates were legal the drugs didn't cause any real problems.
Almost all of the health problems caused by heroin use are not because of the drug itself, but because the drug is used illegally. Such as sharing dirty needles.
Heroin use surges in suburbs, small towns
By Donna Leinwand Leger USA Today Mon Apr 15, 2013 9:33 PM
Heroin in Charlotte has become so easy to get that dealers deliver to the suburbs and run specials to attract their young, professional, upper-income customers.
These lawyers, nurses, cops and ministers are showing up in the detox ward at Carolinas Medical Center, desperate to kick an opiate addiction that often starts with powerful prescription painkillers such as OxyContin and Vicodin.
The center analyzed the patients’ ZIP codes to find out where heroin had taken root, says Robert Martin, director of substance abuse services at the medical center.
“Our heroin patients,” he said, “come from the five best neighborhoods.”
What Martin and others like him are witnessing is a growing and more dangerous wave of drug addiction sweeping the country, ensnaring a new population — several hundred thousand Americans — in the heroin trap and importing crime to America’s suburbs. Feeding the frenzy: Prescription painkiller addicts are finding their drug of choice in short supply, so heroin becomes their drug of last resort.
As addicts move from legitimate prescriptions to the black market of pure, precisely measured narcotic pain pills to the dirty world of dealers, needles and kitchen table chemists, health officials and police are noting sharp increases in overdoses, crime and other public health problems.
“When you switch to heroin, you don’t know what’s in there from batch to batch,” says Karen Simone, director of the Northern New England Poison Center, which in September documented a spike in heroin overdoses in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont.
What’s driving the shift
America arrived at this moment after a decades-long increase in the number of people using, and abusing, powerful pain pills. The narcotics had become easier to obtain — some pain clinics issued prescriptions by the thousands — and many found a quick path to the black market.
To stem the abuses, authorities over the past decade began cracking down on clinics, and drug companies began creating pill formulations that made them harder to crush and snort for a quick high. Thus, opiate addicts have found it more difficult, and expensive, to get their fix. An 80 mg OxyContin can cost $60 to $100 a pill. In contrast, heroin costs about $45 to $60 for a multiple-dose supply.
OxyContin, a narcotic painkiller in the opiate family, came on the market in 1996. By 2001, it became the nation’s best-selling brand-name narcotic pain reliever. Although it’s a highly effective drug for people suffering from chronic pain from diseases such as cancer, the Drug Enforcement Administration noted high levels of abuse, particularly in West Virginia and Kentucky, where it became known as “hillbilly heroin.”
Once tighter restrictions were in place, prescription painkiller abuse declined, particularly among young adults 18 to 25, according to the most recent National Survey of Drug Use and Health. At the same time, the number of heroin abusers rose sharply.
Painkiller abuse. The number of people who say they regularly abuse painkillers dropped from 5,093,000 in 2010 to 4,471,000 in 2011, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Young adults who said they regularly abused painkillers dropped from a high of 1.62 million in 2006 to 1.22 million in 2011, the survey found.
Opiate use. The survey estimated that 281,000 people 12 and older regularly used heroin in 2011, up from a decade low of 119,000 in 2003.
Treatment requests. Another study that measures the number of people seeking treatment for heroin found increases in 30 of 39 states reporting data in 2011 to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. In 2011, 238,184 sought treatment for heroin addictions, up from 224,198, SAMHSA spokesman Brad Stone said.
Legal substitute
Doctors, substance abuse counselors, police and federal agents from Portland, Maine, to San Diego, in cities such as Charlotte and small towns in central Pennsylvania, also report surges in heroin use. In Illinois, the state crime commission in March called heroin an epidemic after authorities noted that the Chicago metro area ranks first in the nation for people admitted to the emergency room for heroin use.
Public health authorities in Portland, Maine, which struggled with pain killer abuse for nearly a decade, expected an increase in heroin abuse and are dealing with the fallout of overdoses, says Ronni Katz, substance abuse prevention program coordinator for the city.
The trend to heroin bore out in Mark Publicker’s 24-bed detox ward at Mercy Hospital Recovery Center in Portland, where as many as half the patients are addicted to opiates. Publicker saw a startling change six to eight months ago as patients, who once favored oxycodone, reported intravenous heroin as their opiate of choice.
IV heroin is particularly dangerous because addicts may share needles, exposing themselves to blood-borne diseases such as HIV and hepatitis, and can easily overdose when injecting heroin directly into their bloodstream, Publicker said.
“As bad as oxycodone is, heroin is worse,” Publicker said. “It’s worse because here in Maine, it’s injected. We’re talking about a novice population of drug injectors who are not educated about needle use.”
Drug is ‘huge’
Once considered an urban drug, heroin has found an unwelcome home in small towns and suburbs.
In Minnesota, one in five people seeking treatment is addicted to opiates, says Carol Falkowski, the former drug abuse strategy officer for Minnesota and a member of the Community Epidemiology Working Group at the National Institute of Drug Abuse, which tracks trends in drug use.
“Heroin is huge. We’ve never had anything like it in this state,” she says. “Most people did not believe that heroin would happen here in Lake Woebegone, but it really has a grip, not only in the Twin Cities, but all around the state.”
In Elizabethtown, Pa., a borough of 12,000 people in Lancaster County, Police Chief Jack Mentzer noted prescription pill addicts gradually turn to heroin over the past 18 months.
“Folks are looking for that better high,” Mentzer said. “Lots of them started with prescription drugs. When that didn’t do it, they would start crushing them. And when that didn’t work, they turned to more of the street drugs.”
With the street drugs came the crime wave.
“The No. 1 thing that we see are the crimes that are directly or indirectly related to the drug abuse,” Mentzer said. “They will do almost anything for a quick dollar, stealing from mom and dad, committing burglaries.”
Chandler police, Target host community drug turn-in event
So whats the point??? Have the cops run out of dangerous criminals to catch and are now acting as garbage men???
I suspect it's mostly propaganda by the Chandler PD, so they can get an increase in their budget.
Chandler police, Target host community drug turn-in event
Posted: Monday, April 15, 2013 8:51 am
A community drug turn-in event, in partnership between Target and the Chandler Police Department, will be held 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, April 27 at the Target located at 3425 W. Frye Rd., Chandler.
Residents can turn in unused, expired or unwanted prescription and over-the-counter medications for proper destruction. Medications should be in their original containers. [Why should the medications be in their original containers??? Do the cops want to run your name thru the computer looking for arrest warrants??] Thermometers, needles or other medical waste cannot be accepted.
Cops read everything you post online???
From this article it sounds like they have teams co cops reading everything that is posted on line looking for even trivial criminal violations.
This Chicago teenager was busted for the victimless crime of posting a Craigslist ad selling his pet alligator.
I also posted articles before about Phoenix and Tempe cops who work full time posting internet ads posing as hot, horny, underage teenager girls looking for old men to have sex with.
On these web pages I get at least one visit everyday from a site in the Washington D.C. area
(IP address located in Shady Side, Maryland),
which appears to be a Homeland Security office that is spying on
me for my posts documenting crimes committed by the police.
The site that logs the visits was broken into several times, by
I suspect police with the Homeland Security, or perhaps hackers
hired by the Homeland Security and they modified the logging software.
Sadly only 30 years after 1984, America is beginning to look like the police state written in the novel 1984.
Police: Galewood neighborhood man tries to sell alligator on Craigslist
By Rosemary Regina Sobol Tribune reporter
2:30 a.m. CDT, April 16, 2013
A Northwest Side man accused of trying to sell a baby alligator on Craigslist for $300 was arrested Monday evening, police said.
Juan A. DeJesus, 19, of the 1700 block of Meade Avenue, was charged Monday with one count of misdemeanor possession of wildlife, police said.
A state Department of Natural Resources police officer responded to an advertisement that was posted on Craigslist and went to DeJesus' home Monday afternoon under the pretenses he was going to purchase the alligator, police said.
The ad, which has since been pulled from Craigslist, stated:
"Baby gator for sale, id consider a trade for a leachie gecko. Sale price is 300 obo asap."
DeJesus came out of his home with the alligator and said he would like to have $300 for it, but the officer identified himself and told DeJesus of the violation, police said.
The alligator was seized as evidence and given to other IDNR agents and DeJesus was transported to the Grand Central District police station to be processed, police said.
DeJesus could not be reached immediately Tuesday morning. He is scheduled to appear in court at the Daley Center on May 31.
Tempe prosecutor Kathy Matz arrested for domestic violence
More of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our government masters.
Tempe assistant prosecutor, boyfriend held in assaulting each other
By Cecilia Chan The Arizona Republic-12 News Breaking News Team Fri Apr 12, 2013 10:08 PM
A Tempe assistant city prosecutor and her live-in boyfriend were arrested Wednesday on suspicion of assaulting each other, according to Tempe police.
Kathy Matz and Keith Walls were arrested late Wednesday night at the Tempe home they shared and transported to the city jail, according to a police report. Both had been drinking, police said.
Each posted a $500 bail Thursday, police spokesman Michael Pooley said.
Police arrived at the home at about 11:10 p.m. Wednesday after Matz called 911.
According to the report, Walls and Matz were on the bed, watching television when he asked Matz to move over. When he returned from the bathroom, she still had not moved and as he laid down in bed, she told him to get out and sleep on the couch, the report said.
Walls told police he refused and when he sat up in bed, Matz punched him in the back of his head.
They both got out of bed and Matz began shouting obscenities and swinging her closed fists at him, hitting him in the eye and kneeing him in the groin, he said.
Walls said he then threw water on Matz from a cup before he walked out of the room and proceeded to pack his clothes.
Matz told police that Walls was upset with her being on his side of the bed and he began to push her off the bed causing her to fall to the floor.
The report said Matz told police that Walls also threatened to shoot her with her gun that she kept under her side of the bed. She then pushed Walls away from her and he picked up a plastic cup of water and threw it at her, hitting her in the eye, the report said.
Police found no visible injuries on Matz when they arrived, but doctors found a bruise on the back of her head that she claimed was from hitting the headboard when she was being assaulted by Walls, according to the report. Doctors were unable to determine when she received the contusion and she never told officers on scene about the injury, police
Matz also complained that Walls gave her two bruises to her left wrist when he grabbed her. But police said they were unable to determine when she received the injuries and she did not tell officers on scene about the bruises.
Walls had a small bruise under his right eye, according to the report.
Matz will be placed on paid administrative leave while the matter is reviewed under the city’s Personnel Rules and Regulations, according to the city spokeswoman Nikki Ripley.
Her case will be transferred to a different jurisdiction in Maricopa County, she said.
Matz has worked for the city since 1998 in a number of roles, including city clerk and assistant to former Mayor Neil Giuliano, Ripley said. Her current salary is $115,045 and she is one of seven prosecutors on the city staff.
Both Walls and Matz told police they would not aid in the prosecution. Walls told police that he just wanted the relationship to be over.
Tempe prosecutor Kathy Matz arrested for assault
More of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our government masters.
Tempe assistant prosecutor, boyfriend held in assaulting each other
By Cecilia Chan The Arizona Republic-12 News Breaking News Team Fri Apr 12, 2013 10:08 PM
A Tempe assistant city prosecutor and her live-in boyfriend were arrested Wednesday on suspicion of assaulting each other, according to Tempe police.
Kathy Matz and Keith Walls were arrested late Wednesday night at the Tempe home they shared and transported to the city jail, according to a police report. Both had been drinking, police said.
Each posted a $500 bail Thursday, police spokesman Michael Pooley said.
Police arrived at the home at about 11:10 p.m. Wednesday after Matz called 911.
According to the report, Walls and Matz were on the bed, watching television when he asked Matz to move over. When he returned from the bathroom, she still had not moved and as he laid down in bed, she told him to get out and sleep on the couch, the report said.
Walls told police he refused and when he sat up in bed, Matz punched him in the back of his head.
They both got out of bed and Matz began shouting obscenities and swinging her closed fists at him, hitting him in the eye and kneeing him in the groin, he said.
Walls said he then threw water on Matz from a cup before he walked out of the room and proceeded to pack his clothes.
Matz told police that Walls was upset with her being on his side of the bed and he began to push her off the bed causing her to fall to the floor.
The report said Matz told police that Walls also threatened to shoot her with her gun that she kept under her side of the bed. She then pushed Walls away from her and he picked up a plastic cup of water and threw it at her, hitting her in the eye, the report said.
Police found no visible injuries on Matz when they arrived, but doctors found a bruise on the back of her head that she claimed was from hitting the headboard when she was being assaulted by Walls, according to the report. Doctors were unable to determine when she received the contusion and she never told officers on scene about the injury, police
Matz also complained that Walls gave her two bruises to her left wrist when he grabbed her. But police said they were unable to determine when she received the injuries and she did not tell officers on scene about the bruises.
Walls had a small bruise under his right eye, according to the report.
Matz will be placed on paid administrative leave while the matter is reviewed under the city’s Personnel Rules and Regulations, according to the city spokeswoman Nikki Ripley.
Her case will be transferred to a different jurisdiction in Maricopa County, she said.
Matz has worked for the city since 1998 in a number of roles, including city clerk and assistant to former Mayor Neil Giuliano, Ripley said. Her current salary is $115,045 and she is one of seven prosecutors on the city staff.
Both Walls and Matz told police they would not aid in the prosecution. Walls told police that he just wanted the relationship to be over.
Supremes - Cops must get a warrant before drawing your blood!!!
Of course I find it outrageous that the cops can stick a needle in your body and draw blood even with a search warrant.
I am sure that if the Founders were around they would tell us that it is for tyrannical things like this that they gave us the Second Amendment for.
Supreme Court rules police must usually try to get warrant before testing blood in DUI cases
By Associated Press, Updated: Wednesday, April 17, 8:25 AM
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that police usually must try to obtain a search warrant from a judge before ordering blood tests for drunken-driving suspects.
The justices sided with a Missouri man who was subjected to a blood test without a warrant and found to have nearly twice the legal limit of alcohol in his blood.
Sens. Heidi Heitkamp and Tim Johnson join other prominent figures in endorsing marriage rights.
Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote for the court that the natural dissipation of alcohol in the blood is generally not sufficient reason to jettison the requirement that police get a judge’s approval before drawing a blood sample.
Missouri and the Obama administration were asking the court to endorse a blanket rule that would have allowed the tests without a warrant.
Eight of the nine justices rejected that plea. Only Justice Clarence Thomas would have held that a warrantless blood test does not violate a suspect’s constitutional rights.
The case stemmed from the arrest of Tyler McNeely in Missouri’s rural Cape Girardeau County. A state trooper stopped McNeely’s speeding, swerving car. The driver, who had two previous drunken-driving convictions, refused to submit to a breath test to measure the alcohol level in his body.
He failed several field sobriety tests. The arresting officer, Cpl. Mark Winder of the Missouri State Highway Patrol, said McNeely’s speech was slurred and he was unsteady on his feet.
There seemed little dispute that Winder had enough evidence to get a warrant for a blood test, but chose not to. Instead, he drove McNeely to a hospital. A technician drew blood from McNeely, who was handcuffed throughout the process.
McNeely’s blood-alcohol content was 0.154 percent, well above the 0.08 percent legal limit.
But the Missouri Supreme Court upheld a lower court order that threw out the results of the blood test. The state high court said the blood test violated the Constitution’s prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizures. Police need a warrant to take a suspect’s blood except when a delay could threaten a life or destroy potential evidence, the Missouri court said.
About half the states already prohibit warrantless blood tests in all or most suspected drunken-driving cases.
The Supreme Court did not offer much guidance Wednesday about when police may dispense with a warrant. Justice Anthony Kennedy, in a separate opinion, said a later case may give the court to opportunity to say more on that subject.
The case is Missouri v. McNeely, 11-1425.
Only police officers can be trusted to handle guns properly!!!!
Retired cop drops gun, shoots self at Des Plaines school
By Jonathan Bullington Tribune reporters
8:18 p.m. CDT, April 16, 2013
A retired police officer accidentally shot himself when he dropped his gun inside a Des Plaines school while attending his grandson's Boy Scout troop meeting.
Police and school officials said the man was carrying his licensed, loaded gun inside a fanny pack Monday evening at Iroquois School, and that the gun went off and a bullet struck him in the leg after he dropped the pack.
The man, who school officials called a troop leader, was taken to Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge. Des Plaines police Chief William Kushner said the man is a retired Chicago police officer.
No one else was injured, and police did not file charges because no laws were broken, Kushner said.
The retired officer is licensed to carry the firearm, according to a letter to the school community from Iroquois Principal Michael Amadei.
"Of course, the district does not condone bringing firearms on school grounds," the letter states.
Kushner said he initially heard that the retired officer was in serious condition, but school officials said the man's injuries were "not as serious as anticipated."
Amadei's letter said the school "will continue to work with" police and Scouting officials "to clarify any questions that arise. ... Student safety is our number one priority."
Representatives of the Boy Scouts of America Northwest Suburban Council could not be reached for comment late Tuesday.
Tribune reporter Robert McCoppin contributed.
US drug war laws not enforceable in foreign countries
This is interesting in relation to drug war cases where the American government has arrested people in foreign countries, who have never been on American soil for committing "drug war" crimes against the American government.
In those cases the American government has either extradited the people to the USA [I think], or kidnapped them and illegally brought them to the USA to stand trial [This has happened. I remember cases where Mexican nationals have been kidnapped and brought to the USA and put on trial for drug war crime. Also if you remember the American government invaded Panama, overthrew dictator Manuel Noriega and then brought him to the USA for drug war crimes, which I think were for exporting cocaine from Panama to the USA].
But in this case the Supremes said that the American government can't force people in foreign countries to obey American laws.
Sadly I suspect the Supremes will be hypocrites on this issue and say that the government can arrest people in foreign countries, who have never been to America for violating our "drug war" laws.
Justices Bar U.S. Suit in Nigerian Human Rights Case
Published: April 17, 2013
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday that Nigerian plaintiffs who said foreign oil companies had been complicit in violating their human rights may not sue in American courts. The decision severely limited the sweep of a 1789 law that had been used to address human rights abuses abroad.
The decision was unanimous, but the court members divided along ideological lines on their reasoning.
Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., writing for the majority, said a general presumption against the extraterritorial application of American law barred the suit. He added that some contact with the United States would not be sufficient to overcome the presumption.
“Corporations are often present in many countries,” he wrote, “and it would reach too far to say mere corporate presence suffices.”
Justices Antonin Scalia, Anthony M. Kennedy, Clarence Thomas and Samuel A. Alito Jr. joined the majority opinion.
The 1789 law, the Alien Tort Statute, allows federal courts to hear “any civil action by an alien for a tort only, committed in violation of the law of nations or a treaty of the United States.”
The law was largely ignored until the 1980s, when federal courts started to apply it in international human rights cases. A 2004 Supreme Court decision, Sosa v. Álvarez-Machain, left the door open to some claims under the law, as long as they involved violations of international norms with “definite content and acceptance among civilized nations.”
In a concurrence, Justice Stephen G. Breyer, joined by Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, said he “would not invoke the presumption against extraterritoriality.”
He said suits under the law should be allowed when “the defendant’s conduct substantially and adversely affects an important American national interest, and that includes a distinct interest in preventing the United States from becoming a safe harbor (free of civil as well as criminal liability) for a torturer or other common enemy of mankind.”
Justice Breyer said that standard had not been satisfied in the case decided Wednesday, Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co., No. 10-1491.
LA shoots itself in foot with silly porn condom law!!!!
Porn filming declines sharply since L.A. condom law passed
By Kurt Streeter
April 17, 2013, 3:21 p.m.
Film permits issued for porn shoots in Los Angeles County have dropped to almost zero since a law was enacted requiring actors to use condoms during shoots.
So far this year, only two permits have been issued for pornographic filming, far off the pace for an industry that typically gets about 500 permits annually, according to Paul Audley, president of FilmLA, a nonprofit agency that oversees permitting throughout Los Angeles County. “It’s a steep drop,” Audley said, adding that “both of those applications came in January.”
Coupled with an apparent increase in filming in nearby Ventura County -- where one politician says some residents have complained about “seeing people naked” during film shoots -- the decrease has been seized on by porn industry insiders who have long claimed that efforts to regulate their industry would end up hurting Los Angeles’ pocketbook.
“We’re not surprised by this,” said Diane Duke, chief executive of the Free Speech Coalition, a film industry trade group. “Movie companies are beginning to look for other areas,” outside the San Fernando Valley, the longtime home base for most of the industry.
Duke said that Measure B, the ordinance passed by Los Angeles voters in November mandating condom use during film shoots, has created difficulties for the industry because most consumers want to see scenes without condoms. She added that many film companies are simply deferring production, waiting for the results of a lawsuit expected to be heard in U.S. District Court challenging the measure on free speech grounds. The new law also requires studios to apply to Los Angeles County for health permits.
Michael Weinstein, president of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, which like many other public health groups has strongly advocated the restrictions, said that porn studios in Los Angeles simply need to accept the vote.
The industry’s prediction of a filming exodus that would create a deep economic hole was “heard by the voters in L.A. County, and 57 percent voted for Measure B.” Weinstein said. “We live in a democracy.”
Weinstein added that there was no evidence the industry has started filming elsewhere, nor was their evidence that nearby states such as Nevada were keen to allow X-rated filming.
But parts of Ventura County are already grappling with an increase in porn film permits since the Los Angeles law took effect, said Linda Parks, a Ventura County supervisor. Parks said residents of a neighborhood she represents near Thousand Oaks are upset because companies from Los Angeles have started shooting and “people are hearing moans and groans and seeing naked people.”
The supervisor said she is planning to introduce legislation modeled on Measure B -- and a similar law in Simi Valley -- in an effort to regulate porn filming in her county.
State Assemblyman Isadore Hall (D-Compton) has proposed an Assembly bill similar to Measure B that would cover all of California.
The decline in permits was first reported by the Daily News of Los Angeles.
Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema gets $333,000 in campaign contributions
When it comes to accepting bribes, oops, I mean campaign contribution U.S. Rep. Kyrsten Sinema is a professional!!!!
OK, they are not bribes, they officially are campaign contributions, but for the man on the street it's hard to see the difference.
And of course people who give suitcases full of money to Congressmen, expect something in return for their cash.
U.S. Rep. Kyrsten Sinema recently sponsored a $5 billion dollar corporate welfare program for corporations which make solar cells. I am sure she will say it wasn't a result of the campaign contributions she receive from the solar industry. But the rest of us have our questions.
Last but not least Kyrsten Sinema when she was a member of the Arizona State Legislator
sponsored a bill which would have slapped a 300 percent tax on medical marijuana in an attempt
to flush the will of the people down the toilet who voted for Prop 203 which legalized medical marijuana
in Arizona.
Sinema, Barber flex fundraising muscle
By Ronald J. Hansen and Rebekah L. Sanders The Republic | Wed Apr 17, 2013 3:51 PM
Though she is only a freshman on Capitol Hill, U.S. Rep. Kyrsten Sinema has quickly established herself as one of the more prolific fundraisers in Congress.
Sinema, a Phoenix Democrat, collected $333,000 between January and March and ranked 55th among all incumbents in the House. Her haul wasn’t far behind the $345,000 raised by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.
Posting an impressive fundraising total in the beginning of an off-election year could help Sinema ward off potential challengers to her toss-up seat — or at least intimidate them. Two fellow Arizona Democrats, Reps. Ron Barber of southern Arizona and Ann Kirkpatrick of northern Arizona, were close behind in total fundraising, reflecting the importance of campaign cash for the three incumbents who took narrow victories last year.
Barber raised $297,000 and Kirkpatrick $314,000.
By contrast, Reps. Trent Franks of Glendale and Paul Gosar of Prescott, two Republicans holding among the safest conservative seats in the country, raised less than $100,000 combined. Both ranked near the bottom of fundraisers among incumbents, Federal Election Commission records show.
“The first quarter fundraising shows that Kirkpatrick, Barber and Sinema are taking their re-elections seriously,” said Nathan Gonzales, deputy editor of the non-partisan Rothenberg Political Report, based in Washington, D.C. “If you raise a lot of money early, it does give challengers pause. But I don’t think at this early stage potential challengers look at a fundraising number and think, ‘It’s too big, and there’s not enough time to get there.’ ”
“By the time we get to next summer and fall,” Gonzales added, when the election cycle will be at its peak, “both sides will be dumping money in.”
Among potential challengers to Sinema, retired Air Force Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers, a Tempe Republican, raised $103,000 in the first quarter. Rogers’ total was among the highest in the country among non-incumbents. Sinema represents parts of Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa, Chandler, Paradise Valley and Scottsdale.
Rogers, who has begun sending e-mails touting her campaign bid, ran in the district last year, as did Vernon Parker and Martin Sepulveda. Parker, who won the Republican primary and lost to Sinema in November, raised $11,000. Sepulveda took in 70 cents.
Republicans in Barber’s district appear to be pinning their hopes on retired Air Force Col. Martha McSally. Barber barely scraped by her in November, but easily raised more cash than McSally in the first quarter. McSally reported $8,400 in contributions, half of which came from a Georgia-based GOP PAC.
Barber’s district includes part of Tucson and all of Cochise County near the U.S.-Mexico border.
In recent months, McSally has appeared on national news shows, sent out e-mails from her campaign account and visited political groups in the district, sending signals that she will run again, but she has declined to make it official.
“If we see a couple more quarters from McSally with that showing, there will be concern on the Republican side,” Gonzales said. But “for someone like McSally who just got off the campaign trail, I think there’s usually a natural pause before getting things ramped up again.”
Rep. Raul Grijalva, a Democrat, raised $75,000; Rep. Ed Pastor, a Democrat, raised $90,000; Rep. Matt Salmon, a Republican, raised $94,000; and Rep. David Schweikert, a Republican, raised $172,000.
Senate filings were not yet available.
Cops cheat in police relay race by letting non-cops run
Sheriff demotes top supervisors over relay race
By Robert Faturechi and Jack Leonard
April 17, 2013, 4:49 p.m.
Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca demoted three top supervisors this week in connection with an alleged cheating scam during a regional law enforcement relay race last year, officials said.
The allegations arose from the “Baker to Vegas” event – a foot race for charity that draws police agencies from several states. After that race, the event’s organizers received word that one of the contest’s faster participants was not a law enforcement employee.
It turned out that the team representing the sheriff’s Transit Services Bureau allowed someone not listed on their roster to run a portion of the race, officials said.
“What could have been in your noggin to think you could get away with something like that?” asked Chuck Foote, a retired LAPD officer who helps organize the race. “This is for law enforcement…. As far as I know he wasn’t anything.”
The event's organizers banned the team from participating this year.
Baca opened an internal probe into the matter, and this week, disciplined those involved.
Sheriff’s spokesman Steve Whitmore said five employees were disciplined, with three getting demoted – considered one of the worst reprimands next to getting fired.
“Whenever there’s deception, the sheriff believes it's inappropriate and action has to be taken,” Whitmore said. “The sheriff has always been this way and will continue to be.”
Whitmore declined to identify the officials disciplined, or say specifically what each did wrong. A sheriff’s source briefed on the matter said the three supervisors who were demoted included a commander and two captains.
Most Glendale tax dollars go to the POLICE!!!!
This article had a photo and graph which showed that the police in Glendale get 41 percent of the budget.
That is followed by the fire department which gets 22 percent of the budget.
And all other departments combined share the remaining 37 percent of the budget.
They had a second graph that showed the number of Glendale police employees was 550, the number of fire department employees was 250. All the other city employees on the graph were 500. So the police and fire departments have more employees then all the other departments combined.
Those numbers are typical for other city budgets I have seen and the money spent on the cops is usually twice as much at the fire department, and that the police and fire departments budgets are always more then that of all the other city departments combined.
Which leads me to say that America cities are police states because most of the money is spent on the police.
The sad part is that most of the arrests the police make are for victimless drug war crimes. I have read that at the Federal level two thirds of the people in prisons are there for victimless drug war crimes. I am not sure what percent of people in state prisons are there for victimless drug war crimes, but I suspect it is also a huge number.
Glendale city finances could be nearing steep cliff