ASU College of Law moving to PhoenixASU College of Law moving from Tempe to Downtown PhoenixAccording to this article the ASU College of law is moving from the ASU Tempe campus to the ASU campus in downtown Phoenix.Construction is expected to begin in the spring of 2014, with a completion in late 2015. It should open the following spring. San Jose light rail is a dismal failureFrom this article it sounds like the San Jose light rail system which is run by VTA or the Valley Transportation Authority is a dismal failure that loses tons of money.On the other hand aren't all light rail systems dismail failures that lose ones of money???? Being a police officer is a dangerous job????Most police officers like to brag that they risk their lives on a daily basis to protect you from evil criminals.Is that true, or is that a lie that police officers make up to justify their high wages and get sympathy from the public? Well if you read this article I think that you will quickly realize that being a cop isn't a dangerous job and that cops love to give us that line of BS to justify their high pay. First of all ANY job that requires you to drive a vehicle is a relatively dangerous jobs. Anytime people drive cars, trucks or other vehicles they risk getting into automobile accidents which often can cause serious injuries or deaths. So for that matter anybody that drives a vehicle, such as a taxi cab driver, a school bus driver, a delivery truck driver, a newspaper carrier, the mailman and a police officer has a job that is more dangerous then people that don't drive. So in that sense, since most cops drive cars, they have jobs that are dangerous. Just like taxi cab drivers, school bus drivers, delivery truck drivers, newspaper carriers and mailmen. But when it comes to really dangerous jobs the job of a police officer rarely makes it into the top 10 most dangerous occupations. The highest I have ever seen a police officer come up to is 7th in the list and that was only once. Year in and year out the top 3 most dangerous jobs are fishermen, loggers and construction workers. Any how read this article about police officers and you will probably realize that being a cop isn't a dangerous job at all. Well other then that part about driving a car. Do we need a $96,200 police officer at every high school????Should every high school have a police officer or "school resource officer" on the campus who is paid $96,200 a year???Read this article and make up your own mind. Do we need a $96,200 "School Resource Officer" at every high school????Should every high school have a "School Resource Officer" on the campus who is paid $96,200 a year???If your are not familiar with the term "School Resource Officer" it is a politically correct term for a police officer that works on a school campus. Read this article and make up your own mind. Do we need a $96,200 cop at every high school????Should every high school have a cop or "school resource officer" on the campus who is paid $96,200 a year???Read this article and make up your own mind. Police motorcycle gang beats up Glendale man???In this article members of a police motorcycle gang are accused of beating up a Glendale man.The police motorcycle gang is called the Iron Brotherhood Motorcycle Club. This club of alleged police criminals has chapters all over the United States with the cop who beat up this Glendale man being members of the Arizona Chapter of the Iron Brotherhood Motorcycle Club. Here is another article on the incident. This article has a lot more details about what happened. Some stuff for the search enginesThis stuff is just so Google and Yahoo will tell the whole world about my web site. Don't worry you won't be punished if you don't look at it. And if you do look at it there won't be any tests on the material!!!!
Our government masters are above the law???In this article it sounds like there is a long history of our government masters setting themselves above the laws they expect the rest of us to obey.In the article members of the Independent Redistricting Commission want a federal court to block them from being questioned about the legislative maps they drew. Reduce your taxes? Bribe the county assessor???If you live in California or particularly in Los Angeles County read this article for an easy way to reduce your property taxes.It's called bribing the tax collector. All you have to do is give a bribe, oops, I mean give a large campaign contribution to Los Angeles County Assessor John Noguez, and bingo your property taxes will magically drop. Chicago church has wood from the crib of Jesus???Wow this church in Chicago has wood fragments from the crib of baby Jesus according to this article.Well as P. T. Barnum said, "There is a sucker born every minute". From what I have read there are enough wood fragments floating around from the alleged crib that Jesus was born in and the alleged cross Jesus died on that they would have required several large forests to grow them all. Politicians have lousy work ethics???In this article we find out that Chicago Alderman Sandi Jackson or is that Alderwoman Sandi Jackson missed five of 16 City Council meetings this year. She made it to four committee meetings out of 72.Turns out Ald. Jackson's chronic absenteeism isn't unique. Many aldermen have spotty attendance records at committee meetings. The idea that Chicago aldermen, who earn more than $100,000 a year, can show up for monthly council meetings, pancake breakfasts and fundraising parties but skip the bread-and-butter committee work is disturbing. Maybe I should rephrase that and say politicians have lousy work ethics in areas that are not related to raising bribes, oops, I mean raising campaign contributions!!! Islamists’ Harsh Justice Is on the Rise in North MaliRead this article if you want to see what happens when you mix religion and government in the Muslim world.I'm not picking on the Muslims here, fundamentalist Christians frequently preach the same barbaric punishments for sinners. Sounds like the Chinese have copied the Patriot ActAccording to this article the Chinese are tightening restrictions Internet and telephone use.Wow!!! I wonder if they some how got a copy of the Patriot Act and have made it apply in China. FBI removes many redactions in Marilyn Monroe fileThe government spies on lots of innocent people and Marilyn Monroe was one of them according to this article.I kind of doubt that Marilyn Monroe was a dangerous criminal who if left unchecked would have caused the end of Western Civilization as we know it. But hey, the FBI certainly did. I doubt if the FBI really thought that way, but if folks in the FBI want to keep their high paying jobs they have to find somebody to spy on, and of course Marilyn Monroe was one of those people. I also suspect that is the same reason the FBI goons spy on me and read my web page every day. Not because I am a dangerous criminal that dangerous criminal if left unchecked would have caused the end of Western Civilization, but because it justifies them keeping their high paying do nothing jobs. According to Greg Tivnum, his relative J Edger Hoover, the famous FBI guy said that JFK had Marilyn Monroe murdered. It's a long interesting story. I think there is a good change that Greg Tivnum was possibly one of the people that started spreading lies around about me that I was a government snitch. I don't have any solid evidence, but there is some circumstantial evidence. District Attorney Jay Boyarsky committed misconductAccording to this article District Attorney Jay Boyarsky caused Dariel Shazier to be involuntarily committed to a state mental hospital on the grounds that he was a sexually violent predator.The article says "This is not a case in which the prosecutor [Jay Boyarsky] engaged in a few minor incidents of improper conduct rather, the prosecutor engaged in a pervasive pattern of inappropriate questions, comment and argument throughout the entire trial." Base on that you would figure District Attorney Jay Boyarsky would have been fired from his job and had his license to practice law revoked.
But don't expect our government masters to be punished for crimes they commit,
that rarely happens.
This is one of the scariest things about being homeless. You know some nut jobs hate homeless people and want to hurt or kill you. I have been attacked 3 times since I have been homeless. Once I think someone may have tried to poison me. And once I think someone shot at me. The first attack was when I was sleeping along a canal in Phoenix. I couldn't find the URL, but I suspect it is in this web site. Some guy tried to sneak up and steal my wallet while I was sleeping under a bridge. I woke up and the guy didn't rob me. But when I was leaving to find another place to sleep the guy came up behind me and hit me in the head with a rock causing me to fall into a canal and break my finger, along with causing a cut in the back of my head. I don't know if the guy wanted to kill me or not when he hit me in the head and knocked me into the canal. Maybe he wanted to kill me by making me drown in the canal. Maybe he wanted to kill me when he hit me with the rock on the head. I don't know I am just speculating and guessing. I suspect the guy lived in a halfway house near where the attack occurred. The next incident happened when somebody put cholla cactus parts on the cardboard I slept on and in the tree above where I was sleeping. I think I documented that in this URL. Or maybe at this URL Luckly I wasn't hurt. My shoe had a hole in it and I stepped on one of the cholla cactus parts before I had a chance to sit on my cardboard bed which was covered with them. After that happened I shined my flashlight into the tree that was above where I sleep and discovered they also put cholla cactus parts in the tree. I left and quit sleeping in that place. I think cops were responsible for that attempted attack. Another time I was beaten up by 3 Blacks on Broadway and 46th Street at about 5 in the morning. Here is the write up on that. I think that was a racist attack, because the 3 Black guys just beat me up and left me lying in the road. They didn't even try to rob me. I got a few stitches out of that to close up the cut they cause. It was winter and I was wearing lots of clothing to keep warm, so even thought they punched me a whole bunch of times the bruises were not that bad because I had a good number of lawyers of clothing between their fists and my body. In another location I used to sleep someone may have tried to poison me. Again I am not positive and just guessing. I think I documented that in this URL. In that case people have figured out that I was sleeping in a desert area. I suspect they poured some type of poison, probably an insecticide on the cardboard I was sleeping on an attempt to poison me. That night I remember to waking up being sicker then all sh*t. I was only sick that one day. I don't think the poison, if it really was poison affected me longer then a few hours. I threw away the cardboard that I had been sleeping out because I didn't want to accidentally sleep on it again and I moved to a different area to sleep. Within a half mile of that area I think I was also shot at. I have to go back to prior web pages to remember the details. But I was going home at night and apparently somebody was waiting for me and followed me after I got to the desert area where I sleep. I remember hearing some type of gunshot. It may have been an air rifle. I have to look at my notes. That again scared the sh*t out of me and I left that area and NEVER came back.
I couldn't find the URL, but I suspect it is in this web site. Phoenix Police Chief Daniel V. Garcia is overly concerned about looksIf the Phoenix Police Chief Daniel V. Garcia was really concerned with fixing the problem in the Phoenix Police he would be firing crooked cops left and right.But sadly it seems that Phoenix Police Chief Daniel V. Garcia is only concerned with out side appearances according to this article. The article says he wants his cops to retake their oath every year. Sorry Police Chief Daniel V. Garcia, making a crooked cop retake his oath every year isn't going to stop him from committing perjury or testilying as the cops call it. You need to fire these crooked cops, not make them retake some silly oath the never intended to obey. Merry Christmas - Please drive drunk, we need the money!!!!!It's the Christmas and New Year Holidays and it's time for the cops to shake down people for drunk driving.Sadly it's mostly about raising revenue and has little to do with safety. Read more in this article. Sheriff Joe uses Connecticut murders to feed his ego???According to this article Sheriff Joe is going to use his armed volunteer posse to protect the children in schools. Yea, sure. I suspect it's all about feeding Sheriff Joe's ego like all of his silly publicity stunts are.Congress repeals 4th Amendment - AgainAccording to this article Congress has more or less flushed the 4th Amendment down the toilet.Federal Power to Intercept Messages Is ExtendedAccording to this article Congress has more or less flushed the 4th Amendment down the toilet.Foreign Intelligence Surveillance ActAccording to this article Congress has more or less flushed the 4th Amendment down the toilet.FCC proposes changes to lower pay-phone rates for prisonersOne of the biggest rip offs in the criminal injustice system in the American prison system is the prices the prisons charge convicts for phone calls and stuff they sell the convicts in prison stores.In this article the FCC is taking about regulating that. The initial thought is the kind and loving folks at the FCC will probably protect the convicts who are being screwed by their government masters. But sadly government bureaucrats usually almost always turn these things around and protect the businesses they regulate, instead of the people they claim to protect. Personally I don't think the government should regulate anything. Congress woman Kyrsten SinemaHere are a few articles on Arizona Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema.In Arizona Kyrsten Sinema is famous for that 300 percent tax she attempted to slap on medical marijuana. Some folks criticize Kyrsten Sinema for being a tax and spend Democrat, something I think she will disagree with. But if you think that the government knows how to spend your money better then you do, Kyrsten Sinema is the person you should vote for. Bloomberg blames Apple thefts for rise in New York's crime rateHmmm NYC Mayor Bloomberg is blaming Apple for the rise in New York's crime rate according to this article.That's how government works. Politicians always blame somebody else for any problems that happen. On the other hand politicians always seem to take credit for anything good that happens. I suspect that if the crime rate drops, Mayor Bloomberg won't give Apple the credit for the decreasing crime rate, but rather say that the lower crime rate is a result of his heroic leadership and fantastic work of the NYPD. 'Fiscal cliff' a danger to Arizona defense industry, basesAll politicians claim to want to cut spending and balance the budget. But somehow it always seems that these politicians always want to cut somebody else's spending and keep or increase their share of the Federal pork.In this article most of the Arizona elected officials admit they want to cut somebody else's spending and keep THEIR PORK. Students are free to pray in schoolIn this letter to the editor Kara Estes of Phoenix points out that even though government mandate prayers are not allowed in government schools that students are still free to pray to the God of their choice.Politicians are not held accountable for their actions???In this article a Federal judge dropped a lawsuit that Salvador Reza filed against Russell Pearce.If you ask me the politicians don't want to be held accountable for their actions. And of course those same politicians demand that us serfs they rule over be 100 percent accountable for our actions. In the article Salvador Reza was never charged with any crimes, but he was banned from the Senate Building by the police. However he was never given a trial or a hearing. He was just alleged banned from the Senate Building because he ticked off Russell Pearce. I think that is unfair. Judge dismisses Salvador Reza lawsuit against Russell PearceIn this article a Federal judge dropped a lawsuit that Salvador Reza filed against Russell Pearce.In the article Salvador Reza was never charged with any crimes, but he was banned from the Senate Building by the police. However he was never given a trial or a hearing. He was just alleged banned from the Senate Building because he ticked off Russell Pearce. I think that is unfair. Using the Connecticut shooting to create a jobs program for copsLet me get this straight, we have one or two of these horrific school shootings every 5 or 10 years.Yes they are horrible and bad and all that stuff. But does it really justify hiring one armed police officer to sit in every one of the nations 70,000+ schools. Yes hiring a police officer who does nothing but wait for some nut job to attack the school. Personally I don't think it is worth the cost. On the other hand I think that many police chiefs who are interested in expanding their empires think the Connecticut shooting is a great excuse to hire more cops to expand the size of their fiefdoms. Here are a few articles on that subject. As H. L. Mencken said "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." Experts: Trained police necessary to protect schoolsLet me get this straight, we have one or two of these horrific school shootings every 5 or 10 years.Yes they are horrible and bad and all that stuff. But does it really justify hiring one armed police officer to sit in every one of the nations 70,000+ schools. Yes hiring a police officer who does nothing but wait for some nut job to attack the school. Personally I don't think it is worth the cost. On the other hand I think that many police chiefs who are interested in expanding their empires think the Connecticut shooting is a great excuse to hire more cops to expand the size of their fiefdoms. Here are a few articles on that subject. As H. L. Mencken said "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." City Council members use discretionary accounts to rip off taxpayers???In this article the Arizona Republic shows how city council members in 10 cities, including Phoenix, Peoria, Glendale, Mesa, Chandler and Avondale use discretionary funds to rip off the taxpayers by padding their salaries and using the money to help themselves get reelected.In the article all the city council members denied ripping off the public, and said the money was not spent on pork for themselves but rather for good government that benefits us all. Of course it doesn't take a real bright person to read thru the lines and come to the conclusion that these royal government rulers are ripping off the taxpayers. City Council members side skirt competitive bidding laws???In this article they talk about how city government rulers try to bypass state competitive bidding laws by awarding contracts to companies in their city, even though the companies don't have the lowest bid.Of course once you remove the requirement that the contract go to the lowest bidder it allows the city council members to accept bribes, or campaign contributions as they call them in exchange for handing out contracts which are no longer given to the lowest bidder. A perfect example of this is in Tempe where Tempe City Council member Ben Arredondo was busted for accepting bribes from contractors in this article and this article. Phoenix cops arresting jaywalkers????Of course in a legal sense the Phoenix police are arresting jaywalkers according to this article.When ever you are detained by the police and not free to go you have been "arrested" according to the legal definition of "arrest", so in this case the Phoenix Police are arresting jaywalkers, writing them tickets, and then letting them go, if they don't have any warrants out for their arrest. Jesus, don't these pigs have any real criminals to hunt down??? You know criminals like robbers, rapists and muggers who commit real crimes that hurt people? Not some poor slob who commits the victimless crime of jaywalking, when he walks across the street during a red light and there isn't any cars coming. On the other hand I suspect it's a lot safer to bust jaywalkers instead of hunting down real criminals like robbers, rapists and muggers who frequently can be dangerous. According to the article there were a dozen or more cops at the light rail station writing tickets for jaywalking. In Phoenix cops are paid a minimum of $25 an hour and the ones with a lot of experience frequently make over $50 an hour or a $100,000 a year. For every hour these cops are working we are paying the 12 or more of them somewhere between $300 and $600+ an hour to bust jay walkers??? Wow we certainly are paying these cop big bucks to hunt down people for the victimless crime of jaywalking. Obama: Gun control ‘not something I will be putting off’Looks like Obama is finally going into this gun grabbing mode according to this article.Tucson gun buyback effort raises legal questionsAccording to this article a gun buy back the royal rulers of Tucson are having is a 100 percent waste of time from a legal stand point.The members of the Tucson city council want the serfs they rule over to think these guns will be destroyed, but the article say that according to recent changes in the Arizona law, the guns must either be returned to their orginal owners or sold to the public. I suspect this is mainly a way for the Tucson City Council members to get votes from the gun grabbers that live in Tucson by pretending to remove guns from the city. As the article points out ALL the guns bought back MUST be returned to their owners or resold. Well if the city of Tucson follows Arizona law, and you can't count on that. Our royal government masters frequently think they are above the law. Hace mucho frio!!!Man it sure has been cold the last 4 or 5 days. Most of the days the high has been in the 50°F's or at 60°F which is really cold for Phoenix.While it gets real cold at night in the winter, in the day time it is usually warm enough to go outside without a jacket. Of course that hasn't been true this week. Thermostat hooked up to the web???I saw one of those home improvement shows and they had this cool thermostat that was hooked up to the web on the show.If you have one of those smart cellphones that can talk to the internet you can use your cellphone to turn your heater on and off over the internet. If you are on a trip when you get a half hour from your home you can turn on your heater with your cellphone so it is nice and warm when you get home. Illinois pension MessTo really screw things up it takes unaccountable government bureaucratsThis article talks about the screwed up pension mess, which is affecting both the Chicago and Illinois government.The article seems to say how the mess happened is pretty hard to define. I think they are wrong. Politicians love to steal your money and give it to the special interest groups that helped them get elected. But politicians know if they tax the krap out of you while they are stealing your money they will be quickly booted out of office. So politicians come up with schemes to steal your money NOW, but to prevent you from getting the bill until they are long gone, preventing you from booting them out of office. This usually involves borrowing money, or delaying the payment of current debts into the future. At the Federal level it involves printing money. And that is the whole reason Chicago and Illinois are in this mess. Years ago the politicians promised people boatloads of money, and the debt is now due. And of course those politicians who caused the mess are long gone and there isn't anything the voters can do to punish Catholics use "Natural Law" to spread their hate of gays!!!According to this article the Catholic Church has figured out that in American you can't mix religion and government so they have stopped asking the government to pass laws that discriminate against gays because the Bible says gays are second class citizens.Now the Catholic Church is using the line that gay marriage violates "Natural Law" in an attempt to get the government to pass laws that discriminate against gay folks. At Israel School, Anyone Can Learn to Be a ProphetAccording to this article for just 200 shekels, about $53, and in only 40 short classes, the Cain and Abel School for Prophets says it will certify anyone as a modern-day Jewish soothsayer.As P. T. Barnum said there is a sucker born every minute. Ole Miss home to medical marijuana labThis article is about a marijuana lab at the University of Mississippi.I was suprised because the article says that an estimated 1 million Americans have prescriptions for medical marijuana. Muslim hater mistakenly shoves Hindu on subway tracksAccording to this article Erika Menendez who had told police she has hated Muslims mistakenly murdered Sunando Sen, a Hindu by shoving him on the subway tracks in New York City.Erika Menendez probably didn't realized it, but she may have murdered an ally. Muslims and Hindus have been fighting for centuries in India and Pakistan. Sadly it seems that religion brings out the worst in people. Drone War Spurs Militants to Deadly ReprisalsI consider all of the people killed by American drones to be murder victims.Sadly in this article it says Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and Pakistan militants have been murdering innocent people they think are helping the CIA and American government launch these drone attacks which are also used to murder innocent people. I had by life destroyed by a phony baloney Libertarian who has been spreading lies that I am a government snitch. The good news is that phony baloney Libertarian hasn't murdered me yet. Sadly a lot of un-Libertarian jerks flock to the Libertarian party, like the jerk that destroyed my life by spreading lies that I am a government snitch.
Reasonable Restrictions on your First and Second Amendment rightsHere is an interesting article about reasonable restrictions on your 1st and 2nd Amendment rights.Imagine that the First Amendment is subject to just a few 'reasonable restrictions.' All you have to do, it turns out, is apply for a federal Churchgoing License, a federal Prayer Permit, a federal Publication Permit, or a federal Letter-to-the-Editor License, whichever is appropriate.Sadly if you slapped all those 'reasonable restrictions' on the First Amendment it would mean for all practical purposes that you don't have any 1st Amendment rights. If you ask me there are NO reasonable restrictions on your rights. Free homes for the homeless - paid for with your tax dollarsLook I may be homeless, but I have never applied for free government services like free housing or food stamps.And it make me pretty mad when the government creates these silly and free welfare programs for people like this. I think charity should come from private citizens who want to help needy people. It is wrong when some government elected official creates a charity program which collects it's money at gun point. Nearly 29 percent of high schoolers smoke marijuanaWhen you have a law that is broken by nearly a third of the population I suspect the problem is with the law, not the people breaking the law.According to this article almost a third of high school kids in Arizona smoke marijuana. If you ask me it's time to legalize marijuana. Syrian rebels make their own, fix tanksWill the gun grabbers want to make every day common tools and chemicals illegal, because after all as this article says they can be used to make weapons.Lying drug companies say opiates not addictive????I hate to admit that I am a caffeine addict when so many Homeland Security spies read this web page, but it's true.Every day I drink at least four 12 ounce cans of Mountain Dew to get my caffeine fix. Of course millions of other Americans, including a good number of the Homeland Security goons who spy on me are also addicted to caffeine and nicotine and have to get their daily fix either with a caffeine laced drink, coffee or those cancer sticks called cigarettes. If I don't get my caffeine fix I get withdrawal symptoms which are headaches. Of course the moral here is there is nothing wrong with using drugs which are physical addictive. Of course if you use drugs that are physically addictive and the drugs are illegal or very difficult to acquire, like most opiate drugs are people are going to have problems. Of course the problem isn't that the drug is addictive, the problem is the drug is illegal. So I don't have a problem with the addictive drugs mentioned in this article. But I do have a problem with the drug companies trying to hide the fact that the drugs are addictive. It's cold!!!!! Brrrrrr!!!!!!Source N.C. governor signs pardons for Wilmington 10According to this article outgoing North Carolina Gov. Beverly Perdue issued pardons Monday to the Wilmington 10, a group wrongly convicted 40 years ago in a notorious Civil Rights-era prosecution that led to accusations that the state was holding political prisoners.An encounter with a racist Black guyToday I saw some Black guy who was walking down the street.He made a comment to me saying something that the cops and government treat Black people like sh*t. I told him that the government and the police are racist to the core and I agreed with him. For some reason that offended him and he started following me around blaming me for all the problems racist White folks have cause for Black people. I don't waste my time arguing with people who are too stupid to understand when they are wrong so I pretty much ignored him until he left. I wasn't going to try to explain to him that I am not responsible for all the racist White jerks that abuse Black people. Nor was I going explain to him that I am not the cause of the racist criminal justice system in American. I hate it just as much as the Black folks who are screwed by it. In fact one of my lines is that the government and cops are equality opportunity racists, because they treat me, a White guy, just as bad as they treat Black folks. Happy New Years - I probably won't get killed tonightFor the last few days I have been staying at a house while the people are on vacation.When I am sleeping out in the desert one of my fears on New Year's day and on the 4th of July I will be killed by some nut job who shoots a bullet in the air to celebrate the holiday. That probably won't happen tonight, because I am sleeping inside. And if you are reading this web page today, you probably figured out I started working on it a few days before January of 2013. Members-only marijuana clubs open in ColoradoAccording to this article the first LEGAL marijuana club in the nation opened up in Colorado.Now that marijuana is legal in Washington and Colorado, lets hope we can re-legalize marijuana in the rest of the world. It's not about the children, it's about the money!!!In this article the bureaucrats in the Higley Unified School District had an election asking the parents for more money.The parents shot their request down. Instead of sucking it up and living within their budget the bureaucrats that run the Higley Unified School District called for another election asking for more money. “The district’s message ... was that the voters were ‘ignorant’ and lacked understanding regarding the ballot measures.” And of course this shows that it's not about educating the children, it's about raising money to pay the government bureaucrats. Higley Unified School District wants more MONEYIn this article the bureaucrats in the Higley Unified School District had an election asking the parents for more money.The parents shot their request down. Instead of sucking it up and living within their budget the bureaucrats that run the Higley Unified School District called for another election asking for more money. “The district’s message ... was that the voters were ‘ignorant’ and lacked understanding regarding the ballot measures.” And of course this shows that it's not about educating the children, it's about raising money to pay the government bureaucrats. I'm not dead!!!!Well I didn't get hit by any gun fire on the New Year.I did hear a lot of gun fire, explosions and fireworks as New Year's day broke, but I quickly went back to sleep after the gunfire and fireworks stopped. Man arrested for torching homeless women in Los AngelesAccording to this article Dennis Petillo was arrested for setting a homeless woman on fire in Los Angeles.Let's hope this guy really did it and he isn't just some schmuck the cops falsely arrested to make themselves look like heroes in solving the case. I am sure you have seen the numerous other articles I have posted where the police routinely falsely arrest innocent people and send them off to prison, only to have DNA test prove they are innocent after they serve 10, 15 or 20 years in prison for a crime they didn't commit. Federal bureaucrats put on PAID leave can get stuck in an ill-defined limbo for yearsIn this article Paul Brachfeld is a Federal employee who earns a $186,000 government salary.Currently he is on an indefinite PAID leave from his job. Paul Brachfeld collects his $186,000 government salary and is paid to do NOTHING all day. Federal bureaucrats put on PAID leave can get stuck in an ill-defined limbo for yearsIf you read the last paragraph you can skip reading this one. This paragraph is also about the article that says there are Federal jobs that pay $186,000 to do nothing!!!!!This practice of wasting millions of dollars of taxpayer moneys isn't unique to the Federal government in Washington, D.C. I know that here in Phoenix, Arizona cops who are accuses of minor or major violations or crimes can be put on PAID leave for months, or even years before they are fired. It must be nice working as a government bureaucrat with a $186,000/yr or $93/hr job where you can sit at home and do nothing for 365 days a year. Of course if you are a taxpayer, who pays these useless government bureaucrats to do nothing, you probably can think of why the Founders created the Second Amendment. Are you running Internet Explorer versions 6, 7 and 8???If you are running Internet Explorer versions 6, 7 and 8 this article says you have some major security holes on your computer and by just visiting some websites you could let hackers take over and destroy your computer.Elgin Police Department is racist???According to this article the Elgin Police Department is being sued for racism.Using highly paid cops to do the work of low paid grunt laborers???In this article well paid police officers that work for the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office are being air lifted into remote marijuana farms to do the work of low paid grunt laborers!I suspect this is more about creating a jobs program for overpaid and under worked cops then anything else. Religious Grand Canyon University wants a government handout????According to this article the Christian Grand Canyon University is seeking government religious or corporate welfare to help build it's new campus.I can understand why Grand Canyon University would love to sucker the citizens of Arizona into giving them millions of dollars in corporate welfare, but these politicians should know that both the U.S. Constitution and the Arizona Constitution forbid mixing government and religion and forbid giving any taxpayer dollars to a religious institution. Simple Things to Protect Your Internet PrivacyMost people don't think of these things until their computer or cell phone has been stolen by either common criminals or police criminals. Or until their website or computer has been hacked, again by either common criminals or police criminals.So here is a few things you can do to protect yourself and your privacy against common criminals, hackers, government criminals and police criminals. 7 good reasons not to mix government and religionAccording to this article gunmen in northwest Pakistan killed five female teachers and two aid workers on Tuesday in an ambush on a van carrying workers home from their jobs at a community center.Prescott Valley Police Chief Bill Fessler Denies Bar-Fight AllegationsAccording to this article Prescott Valley Police Chief Bill Fessler says he wasn't one of the police motorcycle gang members involved in beating up a Glendale man.In fact Prescott Valley Police Chief Bill Fessler says he resigned from the police motorcycle gang and is no longer a member. Trust us, cops NEVER lie!!! Well at least that's what the piggies tell us!!!!!! Off-Duty Cops at Prescott Bar Mistaken for Motorcycle Gang by Glendale Assault VictimAccording go this article all the cops dress like members of a criminal biker gang in the bar claim they didn't didn't beat up that smuck from Glendale. He was beaten up by members of another motorcycle gang that just left the bar.Honest!!!! Swear to God!!!! Cops never lie!!!! Yea, you, me and the rest of the world think that the cops involved in this are lying thru their teeth. But the sad thing is when juries hear these cases they usually believe the lying cops even when the rest of us don't. How do you spell revenue - DUI ticketsAccording to this article over the holidays the cops stopped 81,934 people to write 4,400 DUI tickets.With a DUI ticket being minimum fine of $2,000, and an aggravated DUI fine being over $5,000 I suspect the cops raised over $10 million in fines. In the article Arizona Highway Safety Office Director Alberto Gutier said the goal of the DUI task forces is “to reduce crashes, fatalities and injuries. It seems like Arizona Highway Safety Office Director Alberto Gutier forgot to mention the most important goal, which is to raise REVENUE. Like the $10 million raised in this case. More Emancipation Proclamation MythologyLet's face it slavery sucks and slavery is wrong!But the government created some mythology claiming that Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves, which is a lie. The Emancipation Proclamation was not a legally binding law, it was a political statement created by Lincoln to help win the Civil War. The 13th Amendment was the law that actually freed the slaves, and it went into effect about 2 years after the Emancipation Proclamation. More on the Emancipation Proclamation mythology. SRP to give Super Bowl $1 million in corporate welfareAccording to this article the Salt River Project or SRP is going to give the rich businessmen that own the NFL and run the Super Bowl $1 million of your hard earned tax dollars to welcome them to the Valley of the Sun.Why on earth is the Salt River Project giving $1 million of your hard earned tax dollars to the rich businessmen that run the NFL? Well it seems that David Rousseau who is the President of SRP is also the head of the welcoming committee that is bringing the Super Bowl to the Valley of the Sun and he decided to forget about his responsibility to the tax payers and SRP members of providing the lowest electric and water rates and instead sell out to the special interest groups in NFL and give them $1 million of your hard earned tax dollars. Sadly this is how government usually works. Government almost always ends up helping the elected officials that run the government. And of course those elected officials that run the government almost always give handout and government welfare to the special interest groups that helped them get elected. Rock Show at Mesa Community CollegeThis week there is going to be anther one of those gem, mineral and rock shows at MCC.For more info check out this URL. Obama continues to be a clone of George W. BushRenditions continue under Obama, despite due-process concernsAccording to this article the tyrants that run the American government continue to round up people thru out the world that p*ss them off and kidnap them to the United States where they are brought for trial.If these people were committing crimes on American soil I could understand the US government arresting them and putting them on trial. But it is hard for me to believe that the American government is arresting foreign citizens that have never been to the USA, for crimes that are nothing more then supporting people the American government doesn't like. NYC cops lose evidence, but ask courts to convict!According to this article Hurricane Sandy destroyed evidence needed for hundreds of criminal cases in New York City.Sadly instead of dropping the charges and letting the accused criminals go free, the New York Police and prosecutors are saying the people are guilty and they don't need any stinking evidence to convict them. Sadly the courts are allowing this insane line of logic. Sadly in American, like most police states, it seems like people are now guilty until they prove themselves innocent. American occupation of Afghanistan is a failure, just like Soviet occupation.According to this article the failed American invasion and occupation of Afghanistan is turning out to parallel many of the failures of the failed Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.The article doesn't mention how the failed American invasion and occupation of Afghanistan is also pretty much a clone of the failed American war in Vietnam. Taliban likens US Afghan role to Vietnam WarWhoppie!!!! We won the war in Vietnam!!!! Or was that Iraq or Afghanistan???Who cares, we lost all three wars. The only important thing is the American government will soon stop murdering innocent civilians in Afghanistan. And yes the Taliban are right. The American victories in Iraq and Afghanistan are just like the American victory in Vietnam. In all 3 case we declared we won the war and left the country in defeat. Read more about the Taliban statement here. Best Buds: The Top Ten Strains of 2012Sure the "War on Drugs" sucks, and millions of Americans are in prison for victimless drug war crimes. But I guess things are improving, a tiny bit. I never thought I would see an article with the title "Best Buds: The Top Ten Strains of 2012" in a mainstream American newspaper.Arizona community colleges seek more government pork!!!OK, the bureaucrats that run Arizona's community collegs didn't exactly say it that way. What they said in this article was:Arizona community colleges seek clout at CapitolBut that is just a politically correct way of saying they want more then their "fair share" of government pork!!! While we are talking about this is there a definition of what a persons "fair share" of government pork is??? I suspect most government bureaucrats will tell you they will be happy when they have taken every last penny out of your wallet. After all it's impossible to get blood out of a turnip. Mesa targets do-it-yourselfers who don't get proper permitsIn this article the city of Mesa is shaking down people to get permits for trivial home construction projects.I like to think of it as a jobs program for messy yard cops and zoning inspectors. Let's face it, it's not about safety, it's about revenue!!!! It's also a jobs program for the zoning inspectors. I called Mesa and asked them what the fee would be to replace an electric water heater with a gas water heater. They told me the fee is based on the number of inspections. If one inspection is required the fee is $187.20 That's $187.20 inspection fee to replace a water heater you can buy for $150 at Home Depot. I suspect that if people were required to get building permits before they were allowed to buy the raw materials at Home Depot, Lowe's and other home improvement stores all the stores would go bankrupt because of the government bureaucracy that makes constructions project super expensive. SD alcohol 38-BI decided to check out what my toothpaste is made of.It contains SD alcohol 38-B which seems to be a $100 word for denatured alcohol. And of course denatured alcohol is another $100 word for good old ethanol alcohol which has been mixed with a poison so you can't drink it. And of course why would anybody mix poison with an alcohol to make it a poison so you can drink it? And of course that brings us back to government. The government requires people who use ethanol alcohol for non recreational purposes, like in toothpastes to mix it with a poison so people can't drink it. Here is what Wikipedia says about it: Denatured alcohol is not, in itself, a preferred product — that is, it is not something that would be normally demanded if given the alternative of normal ethanol. Denatured alcohol and its manufacture are a public policy compromise. The supply and demand for denatured alcohol arises from the fact that normal alcohol (which in everyday language refers specifically to ethanol, suitable for human consumption as a drink) is usually very expensive in comparison with similar chemicals, being highly taxed for revenue and public health policy purposes (see sin tax). If pure ethanol were made cheaply available as a fuel or solvent, people would drink it.Aren't you glad government is here to protect you from yourself??? Mesa police arrest dishwasher for using invalid Social Security numberAccording to this article the Mesa police arrested an employee of Applebee’s Resturant for using an invalid, fake or made up Social Security number.Jesus, don't these pigs have any real criminals to hunt down??? You know like robbers, rapists and murders? Not some poor slob who uses a fake Social Security number to get a job as a dishwasher!!! Mesa police arrest dishwasher for using made up Social Security numberAccording to this article the Mesa police arrested an employee of Applebee’s Resturant for using an invalid, fake or made up Social Security number.Jesus, don't these pigs have any real criminals to hunt down??? You know like robbers, rapists and murders? Not some poor slob who uses a fake Social Security number to get a job as a dishwasher!!! New York newspaper that reported gun permits using armed guardsHypocrites!!!According to this article the New York state newspaper that created a public outcry when it published the names and addresses of residents with handgun permits is being protected by armed guards. Pakistan: U.S. drones murder 13According to this article a pair of U.S. drone strikes in northwest Pakistan near the Afghan border murdered 13 people Thursday, including a senior militant commander who had a truce with the Pakistani military.Priest gets 8 years in prison for looking at dirty picturesJesus, don't these pigs have any real criminals to arrest???You know criminals that hurt people like robbers, muggers and rapists. In this article a priest was sentenced to 8 years in prison for the victimless crime of looking at dirty pictures. While I certainly don't think the guy should be put in prison for the victimless crime of looking at dirty pictures, I still think our religious leaders are hypocrites for giving up the usual line of "Do as I say, not as I do". Growing up as a little Catholic boy I always remember the priests and nuns attempting to suppress our sexual desires by threatening to sentence us to hell for eternity if we even thought about sex. Those are the same perverted priests and nuns who on are more or less regular basis are caught doing the same kinky sexual things they tell us not to do. Medical marijuana: let’s just be honest about itIn here rant about medical marijuana Laurie Roberts conveniently forgets to mention kids who are getting illegal drugs like alcohol and tobacco from their parents.She also forgets to mention kids who are getting other prescription drugs like downers and uppers from their parents. Boy, 6, suspended from Silver Spring school for pointing finger like a gunIn this article the parents of a 6-year-old Silver Spring boy are fighting the first-grader’s suspension from a Montgomery County public school for pointing his finger like a gun and saying “pow,” an incident school officials characterized in a disciplinary letter as a threat “to shoot a student.”It's cold outside!!!! Brrrr!!!!For a whole week I stayed at some friends house while they were on vacation.Last night was my first day sleeping on the streets again and I froze my butt off. Man it's cold. Mostly my hands were cold even though I was wearing gloves. Also the line between my pants and shirt gets cold too. My pants slip down and my shirts slip up leaving an exposed piece of skin between my pants and shirt which freezes. I suspect the real problem is we have had a rather warm winter this year and we have not had any real cold weather until this week. I woke up several times during the night because I was cold. The low for tomorrow is 37°F and the high is expected to be 60°F. 'Fiscal cliff' bill filled with 'pork'According to this article the so called 'Fiscal cliff' bill is filled with 'pork'.Did you really expect anything different from the crooks in Washington D.C.??? Ever year we go thru the same mess and the results are always the same, more government rules the micro-manage our lives and high taxes that make us poorer and the crooks in Washington D.C. along with the special interest groups that helped them get into power wealthier. A good reason to password protect your cell phone!!!!!You should always password protect you cell phone to protect yourself from illegal searches of your cellphone by the police.In this article the Mesa police were originally going to charge the guy for possession of marijuana, but after they searched his cell phone they jacked up the charges to sales of marijuana, because of texts they found on his cell phone. New York Newspaper publishes gun owner addressesIn this article a New York newspaper used the Freedom of Information Act to get the names of all gun owners in it's area and published the names.This stupid stunt reminds me when alleged Libertarian Ernie Hancock was going to publish all of the names of all the Arizona voters on the internet about 15 years ago. Thank God Ernie didn't do that stupid publicity stunt. Even though Ernie didn't go thru with his silly stunt the state of Arizona passed a law making it illegal to publish voter registration lists on the internet. And of course that law was just as stupid as the dumb publicity stunt which Ernest Hancock planned to do. Washington Post article on socialist Kyrsten SinemaIf you hate guns, you will probably love Kyrsten Sinema. If you love taxes you will probably love Kyrsten Sinema. Kyrsten Sinema is the Arizona politician who tried to slap a 300 percent tax on medical marijuana. Thank God that bill didn't pass. I don't think Kyrsten Sinema has ever seen a tax she didn't love, based on her voting record. Here is an article in the Washington Post about Kyrsten Sinema, Arizona's newest Congressman, or I should say Congresswoman. Rep. John Kavanagh hopes to repeal medical-marijuana lawAccording to this article Arizona Rep. John Kavanagh is a government tyrant who wants to ignore the will of the people and repeal Prop 203 which is Arizona's medical marijuana law.F*** the pigsIn this article a judge in a New York Federal court says it's OK to raise your middle finger and send a message to the cops that says "F*** You".In the article John Swartz is suing the pigs who arrested them for giving the pigs a message with his middle finger that the piggies are not welcome. Arizona Republic hates medical marijuanaIn this editoral the Arizona Republic is demanding that medical marijuana be made illegal again because a survey done by the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission says a few kids illegally acquire marijuana from adults who have marijuana prescriptions or recommendations as the law calls them.Cops accused of egging superior’s houseIn this article 3 Newton, Mass cops were caught egging a home in Framingham.You want to know if the cops got arrested and charged with a crime? Don't make me laugh!!!!!! You didn't really expect the Framingham piggies to arrest their fellow criminals on the Newton police force did you???? It ain't rape if you have a gun and a badgeIn this article some narcotics police officers in the Los Angeles police department rape some hot female suspects.I suspect their line of reasoning is that it isn't rape if you have a gun and a badge. Of course the rest of us know it's wrong but some how cops who claim to be of higher morals then the rest of us, just don't get it. LAPD narcotics agents forced sex acts on women???In this article some in the Los Angeles police department narcotics officers have been raping woman on the streets for the past 10+ years.I suspect their line of reasoning is that it isn't rape if you have a gun and a badge. Of course the rest of us know it's wrong but some how cops who claim to be of higher morals then the rest of us, just don't get it. Cops hate it when DNA proves they framed peopleIf this article comes to a good conclusion Joseph A. Buffey will be another person that DNA tests prove was framed by the police for a crime he didn't commit.According to the article Joseph A. Buffey has spend the last 10 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit. DNA tests prove Joseph A. Buffey was framed???If this article comes to a good conclusion Joseph A. Buffey will be freed from prison after spending 10 years there for a crime he didn't commit.Fired State Trooper Accused of Faking DUI ArrestsIn this article fired Utah Highway Patrol trooper Lisa Steed is accused of arresting and framing at least 40 people on bogus DWI or DUI charges.Rep. John Kavanagh wants to ban medical marijuanaHere is another article on government tyrant Rep. John Kavanagh attempt to ban medical marijuana and start throwing medical marijuana patients in prison.Tempe shakes down drivers that visit Downtown Tempe!!!!How many times do I have to say it, government is the cause of the problem, not the solution to the problem.In this article the greedy crooks on the Tempe city council are causing nothing but problems for the people that shop on Mill Avenue with their effort to shake down people that visit downtown Tempe and extract every penny from their wallet and force them to shove it into the parking meters. People complaining about 25 mile medical marijuana grow limitIn this article people are complaining about Will Humble interpretation of the 25 mile limit on growing medical marijuana for Prop 203.Will Humble says that if a person who has to drive 50 miles to get to the nearest medical marijuana dispensary, but only lives 24 miles, as the crow flies from the nearest medical marijuana dispensary, that they are not allowed to grow their own medical marijuana. First Amendment null and void for slobs in Mohave CountyIn this article it sounds like if you live in Mohave County and dress like a slob that the First Amendment is null and void.The Mohave County supervisors passed a silly dress code preventing people from attending the supervisors meeting if they are not dressed properly. Mexico considers marijuana legalization after ballot wins in U.S.Wow, Mexico is considering legalizing marijuana according to this article in the LA Times.Iron Brotherhood Motorcycle Club beats up Glendale man???According to this article a 23 year old Glendale man was beaten up by members of the Iron Brotherhood Motorcycle Club.According to the article the Iron Brotherhood Motorcycle Club is a police motorcycle gang. No bond for jail escapee Kenneth ConleyThe other guy who escaped from a Federal Prison in Chicago by climbing down bedsheets for 15 floors has been captured according to this article.Look guys, nice escape, but we don't root for real criminals on this web site. \ Of course that isn't to say your escape by climbing down 15 floors on the outside of a Chicago prison on bedsheets wasn't impressive. It was. On the other hand we certainly are unhappy with the millions of people both the state and federal government routinely put in prisons for victimless crimes like using drugs, gambling, prostitution, not mowing your law, or even looking at dirty pictures. We don't think those things are crimes and we certainly don't think the government should be putting those harmless people in prison. Silver Lake resident told to tear down part of his homeAccording to this article the messy yard cops in Los Angeles are ordering this home in Silver Lake to be torn down because of trivial zoning violations.Woman is deported after $1,200 casino winFrom this article it looks like a government issued photo ID is required to collect any money you win at a casino over a certain amount.And in the case of Mirna Valenzuela it looks like the folks at the Casino del Sol Resort used that ID to determine that she was in the USA and get the INS or ICE to deport her. Sadly she never go the $1,200 she won. California Park workers hid $20 million for 10+ yearsAccording to this article high ranking employees in the California Parks Department hid $20 million dollars for 10 years from their bosses at the state capital.If this had happened in the private sector I am positive the employees would have been arrested for embezzling and a number of other crimes. But when government bureaucrats commit crimes they are rarely punished or charged with crimes. In this case the California bureaucrats who hid the $20 million from their masters and from the taxpayers have not yet been charged with any crimes. And of course I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for these government crooks to be charged with a crime. It probably won't happen. Court rejects SF plan on chronic drinkersFrom this article it sounds like either the members of the San Francisco City Council or San Francisco Board of Supervisors are making up a lot of lame excuses which have no legal backing whatsoever to jerk around the alcoholics in their beautiful city.Criminal Justice Commission study on medical marijuanaIt seems like the study by the Criminal Justice Commission on medical marijuana is just a sham study for the cops, prosecutors, and elected official to demand that medical marijuana be made illegal again.Cops will use any lame excuse to railroad a person for murderIn this article it sounds like the police are using a rather lame excuse in an attempt to railroad Ricardo “O’’ Woods for murder.The cops say that the murder victim, who was David Chandler, blinked when the cops said the name of Ricardo “O’’ Woods, and thus that make Ricardo “O’’ Woods guilty of his murder. Look, Ricardo “O’’ Woods may or may not be the killer, but just because Mr. Chandler blinked when the cops said Ricardo Woods name, that does not make Ricardo “O’’ Woods the killer. It's not a bribe if they take the money before Jan 7????Well at least that is what our government masters want us to think.
In this
the congress critters in Arizona government are doing every thing possible
to get their last Rocks to p*ss off Homeland SecurityI went to a rock show last week and was considering buying two cool rocks that certainly would p*ss off the tyrants at Homeland Security and possibly get me throw into jail for the victimless crime of owning a rock.One rock was a cinnabar rock from Spain. The owner told me the mine where they came from had the highest concentration of mercury in the world. He said they were in plastic bags so the mercury that oozes out of the rocks would not be spread around. I bet this post is going to keep the Homeland Security goons up all night (being paid overtime with our tax dollars) trying to find out what crime a person could use cinnabar to commit. I also saw a couple of radioactive uranium rocks. Pitchblende and yellow cake rocks. I know yellowcake is the name of the uranium ore extracted from the rock, and I think it may also be the name of the rock. I suspect if I had purchased any of these radioactive uranium rocks the Homeland Security goons would have arrested me on attempted possession of a nuclear bomb. After all these rocks have some U-235 which in theory I could extract from my nuclear bomb laboratory which is located a few feet from where I sleep at night in the Arizona desert and use the extracted U-235 to make a nuclear bomb. Don't worry my plan to separate the U-235 from the U-238 using a centrifuge I made out of prickly pears and saguaro cactus needles was a dismal failure and I have to start all over on that plan. Chicago deputy fire chief busted for attempted murder and rape???According to this article Gary Swiercz, a Chicago Ridge deputy fire chief was being held on $150,000 bond after prosecutors alleged that he broke into a neighbor's home wearing a ski mask and carrying a knife. He has been charged with attempted murder, home invasion, aggravated unlawful restraint, aggravated attempted criminal sexual assault and residential burglary, authorities said.Doctor wants to do marijuana research at University of ArizonaIn Prop 203, which is Arizona Medical Marijuana law it says that the state of Arizona shall let doctors give medical marijuana prescriptions or recommendations as the law calls it for new uses of marijuana to cure people's illnesses.Arizona's director of the the Department of Health Services spit in the face of the people who voted for Prop 203 by saying that he will not approve ANY new uses of medical marijuana unless they are documented by medical research. Of course that is just a lame excuse to flush Prop 203 down the toilet, because for all practical purposes the DEA makes it impossible to do ANY medical research on marijuana because the DEA classifies marijuana as a drug with no medical uses whatsoever. In this article Sue Sisley, a specialist in internal medicine and psychiatry, has formed Americans for Scientific Freedom, which she will chair and is asking the state of Arizona to allow medical marijuana research to be conducted at the University of Arizona. U.S. gives Lebanon 200 armored vehiclesWhy on earth is the American government giving millions of dollars of military equipment to third rate dictatorships around the world.According to this article the American government has given 200 armored vehicles to Lebanon!!!! Arizona Criminal Justice Commission study on medical marijuana is a sham!!!!!In this letter to the editor Marvin N. Jarecki of Glendale, Arizona seems to think that the study done by the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission is just a sham study done to create any lame excuse to make medical marijuana illegal again!I suspect that Marvin N. Jarecki is right. In his letter to the editor he points out that NO ONE has been arrested for providing medical marijuana to minors or anyone else. Gun grabbing politicians don't want to obey this lawIn this article is sounds like city mayors, councilmen, councilwoman, and local police chiefs are doing the best they can to ignore this new Arizona law which makes it illegal for government bureaucrats to destroy guns and instead requires them to sell the guns.Saudi's top cleric warns against gender mixing as a "dangerous"How dare those woman think they are equal to men.Those are not my words, but that is probably how men feel in Saudi Arabia when it comes go giving woman equal rights according to this article . Sheriff Joe wants to send troops to Mexico????According to this article which is in Spanish, Sheriff Joe wants to send troops to Mexico.Joe Arpaio propone enviar tropas a México para frenar la violenciaPor eso articlo el alguacil de Maricopa, Joe Arpaio, famoso por sus posturas antiinmigrantes, se refirió a la violencia generada por el narcotráfico, señalando que para frenar ese problema el gobierno de Estados Unidos debería enviar tropas a México.Tom Horne's spinmaster resigns!!!According to this article Tom Horne's spokesman, or perhaps better spokeswoman Amy Rezzonico will soon resign from the high-profile post.Amy Rezzonico, who first began working for Tom Horne a decade ago, said she can no longer work at the Arizona Attorney General Office because of the high-profile controversies that have enveloped the agency in the past year. And wow spinmasters, spinmeisters, propaganda chiefs, spokesmen and spokeswomen certainly get paid well. Amy Rezzonico was being paid $105,000 a year with YOUR tax dollars, for the sole purpose of making her boss Tom Horne look like a superstar in the media. Sal Gomez says mix religion and government pass Obama Care???In this letter to the editor Sal Gomez seems to think that we should mix religion and government and pass Obamacare.Mixing government and religion at the Gangplank????I think there is a good chance that the city of Chandler, Gangplank and Jacobs’ Well Church are mixing government and religion in this article.I believe that the Gangplank is a private organization, but Gangplank gets most of it's money from the city of Chandler. According to this article the Gangplank is now allowing a church named Jacobs’ Well to operate out of it's building. If the Gangplank is forcing the Jacobs’ Well Church to pay the fair market value for it's use of the building I don't have a problem with this. But if the Gangplank is give the Jacobs’ Well Church free stuff, which is paid for by the city of Chandler government it certainly is a violation of both the First Amendment and of the Arizona Constitution. Former porn actress makes new start as Chandler momWow, first we read about Madison Scott in the Mesa Community College school newspaper and now she is featured in the Arizona Republic.More on MCC Student Madison Scott and Crystal HaydenWow, first we read about Madison Scott in the Mesa Community College school newspaper and now she is featured in the Arizona Republic.In Arizona voting is not a RIGHT, but a PRIVILEGE granted to you by the governmentWe are told that in American voting is a right that citizens have.But sadly in Arizona the politicians have taken the right to vote away from us and made it a privilege that is only granted to a person who complies with the government's request for proof of citizenship. More on that in this article. And of course if the government can force you to prove you're citizenship to give you the privilege of voting they make other strings be attached to the privilege of voting. Handcuffed Priest can't set himself free!!!!!OK, OK, I know it is very easy for any smuck to escape from a pair of handcuffs with a bobby pin, safety pin or paper clip.But before you start locking yourself with your handcuffs and playing Houdini you should practice, practice, practice getting out of them. As in this article it's awfully embarrassing when you have to call the cops and ask them to let you out of YOUR handcuffs. Steve Benson - Gun GrabberLike many of the editorial folks who work at the Arizona Republic Steve Benson is a gun grabber.This is odd, because Steve Benson is also a reserve cop who works for the city of Gilbert, Arizona. I guess Steve Benson thinks that only our government masters, whom he is one of should have guns. |
Spend Now, Tax LaterPoliticians love to spend your money now, and force the next generation of polticians to raise taxes to pay for the money they stole.They usually do this by borrowing the money at the state, county and city levels. Of course at the Federal level this isn't a problem because they simply print the money. In this article they talk about his problem in Illinois and Chicago. Wow it's hot in AustraliaAccording to this article in the purple area on this map it is 129.2° F or 54 °C.That is a tab bit hotter then the record here in Phoenix which is 122°F or 50°C which has been hit several times in the past. Maybe I should get out my canoe and paddle to Australia while they are having this nice warm weather. The cold weather here in Phoenix is getting to me. |
Gun Grabbing Gabrielle GiffordsIn this article Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is turning into a gun grabber.Or perhaps I should say Mark Kelly, the husband of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is using Gabrielle Giffords to advance Mark Kelly's gun grabbing desires. More on Gun Grabbing Gabrielle GiffordsIn this editorial Laurie Roberts uses Gabrielle Giffords to advance her gun grabbing desires or perhaps the gun grabbing desires of the Arizona Republic.A rant from gun grabber EJ MontiniIn this editorial EJ Montini gets into one of his usual gun grabbing rants.Obama wants to take our gunsAnd of course gun grabbing President Obama is using the Connecutcit shooting to advance his agenda of taking away guns from Americans in this article.FBI changes focus of firearms trainingIn this article the FBI says it is now training cops for close range gun fights.I am kind of surprised at that. In almost all the shooting incidents I remember since Columbine I remember the cops being cowards and waiting away from the shooting incident for the gun fire to stop before coming in and checking things out. The cops were cowards and didn't want to risk their lives to hunt down and shoot a killer who was murdering innocent people. I can understand most people not wanting to risk their lives to stop a gun man from killing people, but these are cops who routinely brag to us that they risk their lives on a daily basis to protect us. What liars!!!!!! These are the same cops who are always demanding higher pay because they claim they risk their lives to protect us. Again, what liars. Judge Limits a Police Stop-and-Frisk Program in the BronxIn New York City the 4th Amendment has been null and void for years. In New York City the cops routinely illegally stop people, mostly Blacks, Mexicans and Latinos to illegally search them for guns and drugs.In this article a judge ordered that practice to stop. But don't count on it happening. The police consider themselves above the law and will do what they feel like. And of course who is going to arrest the cops for breaking the law??? Using a "corporation" to drive in the car pool lane???When I started to read this article I thought the guy was a nut job who was claiming that his corporation was a person.But the article says that per California traffic laws a corporation is defined as a person. Sadly the judge didn't buy this guys logic, or apply California law to his case. Babeu: Make Pinal lieutenants, captains at-will employeesEither way you go on this issued government bureaucrats are going to abuse the system.In this article Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu wants to make his top cops "employees who can be fired at will". That's good if you want to fire corrupt cops or incompedent workers. But it also encourages creating a good old boy network that is accountable only to Paul Babeu. On the other hand with the current system where employees have seniority rights and are almost impossible to fire, it creates a government system where the employees are almost unaccountable to the taxpayers who pay them and who are almost impossible to fire. The CIA's double standard on secrecyIn this article it says the CIA has a double standard for secrecy.The CIA doesn't want the American public to know the dirty, evil, unconstitutional and frequently criminal things it does and effectively classifies just about everything as secret, claim it is needed to protect American from bad guys, when in reality it is to protect the CIA from the American public. The article says that on the other hand when disgruntled CIA employees become whistle blowers and attempt to expose the crimes and dirty deeds done by CIA criminals those employees are prosecuted for leaking secrets. Brrr!!!! It's going to be cold!!!!!Hace mucho frio!!!!!The last couple of days I have been freezing my b*tt off.Yesterday I threw on two more thermal underwear shirts and one more thermal underwear pants to keep warm. According to these article it's going to get below freezing for a couple of days. Court weighs warrantless blood tests in DUI casesIn this article President Obama and the state of Missouri are asking that the courts allow warrentless searches of a persons body for drugs or alcohol. In this case a man was arrested for DUI or DWI and refused to consent to a blood test and the cop took him to a hospital where they forcibly took his blood.Petition to label Westboro Baptist Church a ‘hate group’Most people including me are unhappy with the Westboro Baptist Church's "God Hates Fags" message.But from the point of separation of Church and State asking the government to discriminate against the Westboro Baptist Church because of their hate towards gays is just as bad as the Westboro Baptist Church asking people to hate gays. Separation of Church and State should mean total separation of Church and State. Not separation of Church and State only on issues we agree on. Here is the article about the petition on the White House web site to have the Westboro Baptist Church declared a hate group. Cops place fake prostitution ads!!!!Jesus, don't these pigs have any real criminals to hunt down??? You know real criminals that hurt people like robbers, rapists and murderers!!! Not pathetic horny old men who have to pay a hooker to have sex with them.According to this article the cops are placing ads in Phoenix area newspapers which appear to be ads by prostitutes offering their services. In the article Former Sunflower Farmers Market CEO Michael Gilliland was sentenced to 30 days in jail and one year of probation after he pleaded guilty to attempted pandering. Gilliland answered a decoy newspaper ad for an escort, and when he called the number, an undercover police detective played the part of a prostitute and told Gilliland she was only 17 years old. Gilliland showed up anyway at a hotel room near Interstate 17 and Dunlap Road, where he was arrested. Even more on Gun Grabbing Gabrielle GiffordsHere is another article on gun grabbing Congressman Gabrielle Giffords and her gun grabbing husband former astronaut Mark Kelly.In the article Gabrielle Giffords and Mark Kelly have created a “super PAC” called "Americans for Responsible Solutions" to help the government take our guns and flush the Second Amendment down the toilet. Politicians use Connecticut murders to demand more cops and gun controlAs usually our government masters are doing the wrong thing and using the Connecticut murders to call for more cops and more gun control, despite the fact that more cops and less guns will not prevent future shootings like the Connecticut murders.Read more in this article. Phoenix cop accused of sex with 2 teen boys gives interviewPersonally I don't think that consensual sex should ever be a crime. When a person is forced to have sex against their will that is rape, and rape should always be a crime.But when two or more people have consensual sex that should never be a crime. In this article Phoenix Police Officer Christopher J. Wilson who is accused of committing several felonies by having sex with underage boys gives an interview with the press. Personally I don't think that Phoenix Police Officer Christopher J. Wilson did anything wrong by having consensual sex with those boys. But I consider Phoenix Police Officer Christopher J. Wilson to be hypocrite because as part of his job he has probably arrested other people for the same victimless crimes which it appears he routinely commits. BATF makes up imaginary gun lawsFrom this article it sounds like the BATF or Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is making up imaginary gun laws and selectively enforcing them against gun dealers in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.AZ Republic wants to expand the insane "War on Drugs"In this editorial the twits at the Arizona Republic want to expand the insane, unconstitutional and failed war on drugs by allowing the police to arbitrarily, on the fly simply make new drug they don't like illegal.Boneheads at FDA require lower dosages for sleeping pills???According to this article the boneheads at the FDA are going to require manufacturers of sleeping pills to lower the dosage of the drug in the pills.Of course any moron will tell you that if the boneheads at the FDA order the manufactures of sleeping pills to cut the dosage of the pills in half, people will just take twice as many of the pills to the same effect they used to get from half as many pills. Another boneheaded solution to a non-existent problem from the morons in our Federal government. Sorry to be so insulting to the Homeland Security thugs that routinely read my web pages, but YOU guys made the decision to work for the government, not ME. YOU could have picked an honest profession to work in, but YOU didn't. Obama hasn't reined in Big MoneySadly there isn't a dimes difference between Emperor Obama and John McCain, Mitt Romney or George W. Bush.In this article Obama sucks up the money from special interest groups. Politicians call this money campaign contributions. The rest of of call it what it is, "bribes". Palisades Park - Santa MonicaSanta Monica bureaucrats build a park and complain when people use it!!!This article is a great example of why government doesn't work.In Santa Monica, every loves Palisades Park. In fact they love Palisades Park so much they want to prevent OTHER people from using it. American Presidents - Life Time Emperors???According to this article Obama just signed a law giving the American President Secret Service protection for life.Wow, not the President will treated like an Emperor for life. Yuma Police ordered to return marijuana they stole from California womanAccording to this article the police in Yuma, Arizona were ordered to return some medical marijuana they stole from a California woman who had a California medical marijuana permit or prescription.Valerie Okun was falsely arrested by the Border Patrol and Yuma police despite having a California medical marijuana prescription or recommendation, which is valid under Prop 203 which is Arizona's medical marijuana law. ACLU joins challenge to school’s Jesus portraitAccording to this article the American Civil Liberties Union has written to a southern Ohio school district challenging the continued display of a large portrait of Jesus that has been at a middle school building since 1947.A government issued photo ID to buy a magic marker????Children with writing instruments are assumed to be criminals???In this article the do gooders want to turn Phoenix into a police state over potential graffiti artists and other messy year criminals.A government issued photo ID will be required to buy a writing instrument such as a magic marker or spray paint. Any children found with writing instruments will automatically be assumed guilty of being graffiti criminals. Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton will say anything to get elected????According to this article Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton told the people that he would repeal a Phoenix sales tax on food in April of 2013.From this article it sounds like that was just a big lie Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton made up to get the people to vote for him. Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton lied about repealing the Phoenix sales tax on food????According to this article Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton told the people that he would repeal a Phoenix sales tax on food in April of 2013.From this article it sounds like that was just a big lie Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton made up to get the people to vote for him. Chandler Police hunt down and arrest dangerous criminalAccording to this article the police in Chandler, Arizona hunted down and arrested a dangerous criminal who is accused of - GASP - leaving his child unattended for over an hour and a half.Jesus, don't these overpaid under worked pigs have any real criminals to hunt down???? You know real criminals who hurt people, like robbers, rapists and murderers, not some smuch who left his child unattended for an hour and a half while he went to Circle K to buy a pack of cigarettes. Chandler Police arrest man for leaving child unattended for over an hour!!!!!!According to this article the police in Chandler, Arizona hunted down and arrested a dangerous criminal who is accused of - GASP - leaving his child unattended for over an hour and a half.Jesus, don't these overpaid under worked pigs have any real criminals to hunt down???? You know real criminals who hurt people, like robbers, rapists and murderers, not some smuch who left his child unattended for an hour and a half while he went to Circle K to buy a pack of cigarettes. Who do you want your children to buy their pot from???In this letter to the editor Kirk Muse asks if you would rather have your children purchase their pot from a dope dealer or a medical marijuana patient.U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan on rise for 2013Only 10 days into 2013 and the American Empire has already launched 7 drone strikes on Pakistan according to this article.Detective Esteban Flores commits perjury in Mesa murder trial???Sadly the police routinely lie to convict people they suspect are criminals.And sadly these mistakes, or perhaps better said, these police crimes are never detected or detected years later when DNA testing proves the person the police framed for the crime didn't do it. In this article Mesa Police Detective Esteban Flores is accused of committing perjury in an attempt to frame Jodi Arias for murder. Mesa Police Detective Esteban Flores seems to have changed his story on what happened in an attempt to guarantee that his testimony will convict Jodi Arias. Sadly the police are often worse criminals then the criminals they pretend to protect us from. Texas cops used junk science to frame Ed Graf for arson and murder???According to this article there is a good chance that police in Texas used junk science to frame Ed Graf for arson and murder.The only good news is that Ed Graf has not been murdered by the state of Texas, but rather has rotted in prison since 1988 for this crime he didn't commit. NYC to restrict painkillers in emergency roomsThis is insane according to this article the government telling hospital to restrict the use of pain killers because it might let a few dopers feel good. I guess the governments position is f*** all the really sick and hurt people who are in real pain.Porn producer sues to block L.A. condom lawAccording to this article a major adult filmmaker sued to block a new Los Angeles County law requiring porn actors to wear condoms, calling it a threat to free expression.Sex film star Amber Lynn has a better way of putting it: “The idea of allowing a government employee to come and examine our genitalia while we’re on set is atrocious” Did God tell him to jump into the mine shaft???According to this article rescuers pulled a 28-year-old California man from a mine shaft in the bottom of Meteor Crater Friday morning after he jumped into it.Singh said he jumped in to “appease the gods.” Hmmm... Did God tell this guy to jump in or did he do it on his own??? Honolulu light rail will be a dismal failure???I suspect Hawaii's light rail system will be a fantastic success when it comes to giving government welfare to the special interest groups located along the light rail system.I also suspect it will also be a dismal failure at providing low cost transportation and reducing car traffic in Honolulu. Just like every other light rail system in the USA. Here is the article about Hawaii's light rail system which will be build on the island of Oahu. San Francisco Housing projectsWow America has certainly become a socialist country.In this article this Housing Authority in San Francisco operates 6,476 units of low-income housing at 45 public housing projects. It is one of 114 housing authorities in California. The city of San Francisco only has a population of about 800,000 people. That compares to Mesa, which has a population of around 500,000. The San Francisco Bay area which includes Oakland and San Jose has a population of about 7.5 million compared to the metro Phoenix population of 4.5 million. You can't deduct your marijuana expenses on your Food Stamp applicationAccording to this article the Department of Agriculture last month sent out a memo ordering states to stop allowing food stamp recipients to claim deductions for medical marijuana. .Of course I am a Libertarian and I think that is wrong for the government to give out Food Stamps. Of course as a Libertarian I also think it is wrong for the government to throw people in jail for victimless "Drug War" crimes that don't hurt anybody. If you ask me all drugs should be re-legalized, just like they were before 1914 when the insane and unconstitutional "Drug War" began with the passage of the "1914 Harrison Narcotic Tax Act". For you pot smokers, marijuana was legal for another 23 years after that until the "1937 Marihuana Tax Act" was passed. U.S. tax code longer than BibleTo really screw things up it takes either the government or religion.According to this article the U.S. Tax Code is longer then the Bible. I bet that is certainly true. The article also says Congress wants to simplify the tax code and make it fairer and simpler. Don't make me laugh. The crooks in Congress will never do that. Spend Now - Tax Later????Crooks always love to steal from people who put up the least resistance.That's why crooks prefer that their victims be unarmed. When it comes to government crooks, you know the local crooks in your city hall building. Or the light weight crooks on your county's board of supervisors. Or the big time crooks in your state legislator, or even the professional crooks in the U.S. Congress. When these guys steal your money, or as they call it tax you to death and take every penny out of your wallet they would prefer that you don't even know that you have been robbed by them. That is why they would prefer to spend your money now and have some other politician in the distant future be required to actually steal the money from you. And this article discusses the methods both small time government crooks and big time government crooks use to do that. Phoenix Light Rail Construction starts todayAccording to this article Phoenix will start construction on a 3 mile extension of the current light rail system from Bethany Home Road to Dunlap.The construction will cost $300 million which is $100 million per mile. The system will provide 5,000 new light rail trips per day. The construction cost will be $60,000 per trip. Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton thinks that great and says “It’s critical to Phoenix and the area of 19th Avenue. We can’t be a great city unless we have a great light-rail system”Personally I think Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton has saw dust for brains. If you want to waste our tax dollars, light rail is a fantastic way to do it. U.S. Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick is a gun grabber!!!!In this article U.S. Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick sure sounds like a gun grabber.The article says that U.S. Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick claims to be a big supporter of the Second Amendment, but is flip flopping and deciding instead to flush the Second Amendment down the toilet. Jesus loves you, but Pastor Terry Greer wants to kill you!!!According to this article the Reverend Pastor Terry Greer murdered his wife and attempted to murder his daughter before attempting to commit suicide.Wow! The Christian God Jesus sure has a lot of nutty followers. Some states unhappy about the idea of happy hoursIn this article they tell us there are lots of government rulers who would love to take away our God given right to drink half price booze at happy hours across the United States.Let's fact it these elected officials are not the "public servants" they claim to be but royal government rulers who think they have a God given right to micro-manage our lives. Disabled Arizona man's giant controller helps other video gamersIn this article a former government crook who worked as an agent for the Border Patrol gets an honest job making or inventing game controllers for disabled people like himself.OK, Luis Pena didn't wake up one day and say "I am tired of being a government crook and I am going to get an honest job". No it didn't happen that way. Luis Pena was in an auto accident and became a quadriplegic. It was an accident that got Luis Pena to retire from his government job and get an honest job inventing stuff. Dream Act activist’s family taken into custody in MesaAccording to this article the mother and brother of Erika Andiola who is a Mesa leader of the Dream Act movement were picked up by federal immigration officers Thursday night, drawing a national outcry from immigration reform advocates.Barry Jones angry about SRP's $1 million gift to Super BowlIn this letter to the editor Barry Jones of Queen Creek, Arizona is pretty ticked off about the Salt River Project (SRP) giving $1 million of our tax dollars as corporate welfare to the million owners of the Super Bowl.70% of Pentagon pork goes to contractors???According to this article 70 percent of the pork at the Pentagon goes to contractors.The article is about the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), which is a union representing Federal government employees. The union seems to be advocating not that pork should be cut, but that their members should get a bigger cut of the pork. They don't like the idea that outside contractors get 70 percent of the pork and federal bureaucrats in their union only get 30 percent of the pork. Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum misses $500,000 rental paymentAccording to this article the financially strapped Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Commission has failed to pay $500,000 in rent to the state of California.Sadly almost always these taxpayer financed stadiums for professions sports lose money and end up being a government welfare program for the millionaires that own the sports teams. In this case I think USC or the University of Southern California, which is a PRIVATE school is the receiver of the government welfare. Oracle's Java is not safe from hackers???According to this article Oracle's Java has some holes in it that can be exploited by hackers to take over your computer???This is a warning from the goons at the Homeland Security and I usually take anything they say with a grain of salt. I am not quite sure why they issued this press release. Homeland Security urges computer users to disable JavaAccording to this article Oracle's Java has some holes in it that can be exploited by hackers to take over your computer???This is a warning from the goons at the Homeland Security and I usually take anything they say with a grain of salt. I am not quite sure why they issued this press release. High electric use lets cops find marijuana farmers????If marijuana were legal, farmers would be growing the stuff outside using a free energy source called the SUN.But of course marijuana is illegal and that causes many pot farmers to grow the stuff indoors to make it harder for the police to find them. With the high profit margins made selling illegal drugs, pot farmers can easily pay the electric bills required to grow their crops indoors. But because the police often get power companies to snitch on people in residential areas with high electric bills as suspected marijuana farmers many pot growers resort to stealing the electricity they use as in this article. And as usual, the government is the cause of the problem, not the solution to the problem. Arizona National Guard Crimes Covered UpAccording to this article it sounds like Arizona Governor Jan Brewers investigation into corruption within the Arizona National Guard resulted in nothing more then a cover up of the crimes committed.Utah Attorney General John Swallow corrupt???Nevada Senator Harry Reid also linked to the corruption???Here is an interesting article that in addittion to saying Utah Attorney General John Swallow is corrupt also links Nevada Senator Harry Reid to the corruption.The article says Utah Attorney General John Swallow and Nevada Senator Harry Reid wanted St. George businessman Jeremy Johnson to give them $600,000 to make a criminal investigation go away. Feds make big deal out of farting employeeIs guess if you are a Federal government bureaucrat and don't have a lot of work to do you will grab any task that passes by and use it to justify the existence of your job.In this article some Federal government bureaucrats that work for the Social Security Administration are making a big deal out of a farting employee. Jesus, don't these government bureaucrats have any real issues to spend our hard earned tax dollars on. Hey, you guys in the Homeland Security Administration who are paid to spy on me every day and read my emails and web pages. Do you guys have problems with your co-workers who fart while reading my web pages and emails??? When you are not wasting our tax dollars spying on some homeless guy in Arizona are you wasting our tax dollars arguing about you co-workers farting habits??? Mesa Police Officer Bill Richardson is a gun grabber???From this article is sure sounds like former Mesa Police Officer Bill Richardson and current East Valley Tribune columnists is a gun grabber who wants to take your guns away from you.Jan Brewer wants to create a jobs program for cops in schools?In this article Jan Brewer sounds like she wants to create a jobs program for cops in schools? She creates the pork for the cops, and in exchange gets 1,000's of votes from cops.Also this is again a case of the government being the cause of the problem, not the solution to the problem. If our government masters in all 50 states had not passed unconstitutional laws banning guns on schools, criminals would not have schools that are gun free zones where they can kill people knowing that no one has a gun to defend themselves. Last but not least putting a cop in every classroom is a solution to a non-existent problem. These shootings are so rare that it is not economically justifiable to put a cop in every class room for a crime that probably won't happen. It would be much more cost efficient to let the teachers and other school employees carry guns in case one of these rare incidents happens. New FDA rules will give us safe, but unaffordable food???According to this article the FDA is introducing a whole bunch of rules that will make food safer.The article doesn't address the issue that all of these rules are probably unconstitutional. Well in addition to the FDA it's self being unconstitutional. And of course the rules will drive up the cost of food making it more expensive for the poor people who can least afford the increased costs. Chicago bans electronic devices from courts???Yea, while you have a right to a fair trial, I think our royal government masters in Cook County think that means a right to a secret trail that nobody can record electronically.And of course if nobody knows what happens in court rooms that just invites the government to turn the courts into kangaroo courts where people don't get fair trials. Read more in the article. Utah narcs bust restaurants who serve liquor before the customer orders food!!!This sounds like a huge waste of our tax dollars.In this article liquor narcs in Utah are going undercover to bust restaurants that serve drinks to customers prior to taking the customers order for food. Jesus, don't these liquor piggies in Utah have any real criminals to hunt down. Nevada to give DMV photos to the elections department?In this article the Nevada legislator is talking about passing laws to allow the DMV to share your drivers license photo with the folks in the Nevada elections department.This is "supposedly" to prevent election fraud by preventing Mr. X from showing up at the poll and voting as Mr. Y. Of course this type of voter fraud is extremely rare, and these silly laws are used to make it difficult for folks who are members of the minority parties to vote. Hemp legalization effort gathers steamIn addition to giving people a nice buzz, marijuana is a miracle plant with hundreds of commercial and industrial uses.Sadly the use of marijuana or hemp was made illegal for all those other uses when the Feds made marijuana illegal for recreational use. In this article farmers are attempting to re-legalize the use of marijuana or hemp for those many industrial and commercial applications. San Diego halts all actions against marijuana dispensariesI am really not found of government tyrants, but it's nice to see that in this article the royal rulers of the city of San Diego, California are backing off in their war against medical marijuana.In California, It’s U.S. vs. State Over MarijuanaPresident Obama is a habitual liar who will say anything to get elected???From day one Obama has said he didn't have a problem with medical marijuana users. While at the same time he was also sending his DEA thugs to bust medical marijuana dispensaries in California. This article is about Matthew R. Davies who is a bright young businessman who was making big bucks opening and operating medical marijuana dispensaries in California, operating 100 percent within California law and paying taxes. Well, at least until Obama sent in his DEA goons to shut him down. Obama lied about having "bigger fish to fry" than recreational marijuana usersPresident Obama is a habitual liar who will say anything to get elected???From day one Obama has said he didn't have a problem with medical marijuana users. While at the same time he was also sending his DEA thugs to bust medical marijuana dispensaries in California. This article is about Matthew R. Davies who is a bright young businessman who was making big bucks opening and operating medical marijuana dispensaries in California, operating 100 percent within California law and paying taxes. Well, at least until Obama sent in his DEA goons to shut him down. Facebook helps the government jail people for looking at "dirty pictures"According to this article Facebook helps the government jail people for the victimless crime of looking at "dirty pictures".If the government were hunting down people that rape or physically abuse children we wouldn't have a problem with that. But the government isn't doing that. The government is throwing people in prison for the victimless crime of possessing or looking at dirty pictures. What's next, will the government be putting people in prison who have photos of the American government murdering civilians in our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Those American government murders are just as bad as the civilian creeps who make child porn. And I am sure the government would love to suppress people viewing criminals acts by the government. 18 SWAT Team members to bust 1 guy for looking at dirty pictures???The "War on Dirty Pictures" sounds like a jobs program for cops, just like the "War on Drugs" is.In this article 18 machine gun toting SWAT team members are needed to arrest one pimple face 22 year old kid in San Jose accused of the victimless crime of looking at dirty pictures. Congress is addicted to spending other people money???In this editorial Tom Patterson rants about how the crooks in Congress routinely steal our money and spend it.Sadly Tom Patterson doesn't call the crooks in the House and Senate for what they are, a bunch of thieve and crooks. In artilce Tom Patterson also mentions that in Obama self proclaimed drive to force Congress to balance the budge and cut spending Obama did exactly the opposite and actually increased spending. For every dollar in spending cuts President Obama negotiated $41 in tax increases. Obama negotiated $41 in tax increases for every dollar of spending cutsIn this editorial Tom Patterson rants about how the crooks in Congress routinely steal our money and spend it.Sadly Tom Patterson doesn't call the crooks in the House and Senate for what they are, a bunch of thieve and crooks. In artilce Tom Patterson also mentions that in Obama self proclaimed drive to force Congress to balance the budge and cut spending Obama did exactly the opposite and actually increased spending. For every dollar in spending cuts President Obama negotiated $41 in tax increases. Massive corruption case going to trial in LAIn this article six former officials of the scandal-ridden city of Bell go on trial this week in a massive corruption case that nearly bankrupted the Los Angeles suburb.Those set to go on trial Tuesday are former Mayor Oscar Hernandez, former vice mayor Teresa Jacobo and former council members George Mirabal, George Cole, Victor Bello and Luis Artiga. Tempe Mayor Mark Mitchell - Sorry Mark there ain't no free lunchIn this article Tempe Mayor Mark Mitchell seems to be a fool who believes the line of"Government is the great fiction through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else."given to us by Frederic Bastiat. Really I don't think Tempe Mayor Mark Mitchell is stupid enough to beleive that line of BS, but I suspect he thinks the voters are, and thus promises them free stuff that will be paid for other people. In the article Tempe Mayor Mark Mitchell is quoted as saying "it would also narrow the tax base, leaving residents to shoulder a larger share of taxes"That is in reference to Tempe Mayor Mark Mitchell hope that the state of Arizona will force cities outside of Tempe to force taxpayers in Phoenix and other cities to be force to pay for bills that Mark Mitchell and the other royal rulers of Tempe create. Mesa Police violate people's rights with mobile fingerprint scans???From this article I suspect the Mesa Police are using these mobile fingerprint scanners to violate the rights of people who take the 5th Amendment and refuse to tell police their name, by forcibly taking their fingerprints in an attempt to identify the person.When I was stopped by the Mesa police a few years back and refused to identify myself they pretty much flushed my 4th and 5th Amendment rights down the toilet in an attempt to identify me. Back then they didn't have those high tech mobile fingerprint scanners, but I suspect if they did they would have force me against my will to take my fingerprints. Honest I don't hate law abiding honest cops. But sadly most cops are just crooked thugs who view the Constitution and Bill of Rights as nothing more then toilet paper to wipe their butts with. Link between pot smoking, IQ drop challengedPot doesn't make you stupid???According to this article a previous study that said smoking marijuana as a child makes you stupid, may have been improperly done and incorrect. Sadly most of the research done on marijuana which is almost always done by the same government rulers that want to keep marijuana illegal seems to be done with the intent of proving marijuana is bad, bad, bad, so the government can justify it's insane war on drugs. I believe that here in the USA in order to do research on marijuana you have to get permission from the DEA. Yes, that's the same DEA that is in charge of arresting people that use, sell and smuggle marijuana. So with that in mind it's not surprising that the DEA only seems to allow marijuana research that will prove that marijuana is bad, bad, bad. I remember in high school they showed us the movie "Reefer Madness" in an attempt to keep us from using marijuana. About all I learn from the racist movie "Reefer Madness" was that if a Black man smokes one marijuana cigarette he will go out and rape 6 White woman. Despite being in high school I was smart enough to figure that the movie "Reefer Madness" was just a bunch of lies designed to make people think marijuana was an evil drug that will make you go insane. And of course the lies continued after high school. Back in those days when the police arrested a person with an ounce of marijuana which cost $10, they would claim to have busted $40 worth of marijuana. They said that was because you could take a 1 ounce bag of marijuana and make it into 40 marijuana cigarettes so they would pretend in their press releases that they really busted $40 worth of pot, instead of the $10 the guy actually paid for the ounce bag of weed. In those days you could buy a kilo of marijuana for $100. But when ever the cops would bust a kilo of pot they would put out a press release telling the media that they busted not a $100 kilo of weed, but a kilo of weed that was worth $1,600. Their reasoning was that a kilo of week had 40 ounces of marijuana in it which sold for $10 each, so it was really worth $400, not $100. Then the cops would stretch the lie a little bit bigger and say that each of those ounce of weed was not worth $10, but $40 because each ounce could be made into 40 marijuana cigarettes which sold for $1 each, making an ounce bag of weed that sold for $10 worth $40, and the kilo of weed they busted which sold for $100 worth $1,600. I have not kept up with the prices of drugs now days, but the police still seem to greatly inflate the value of the drugs they bust by at least an order of magnitude or two. New York tyrants to pass more gun control laws???In this article the government tyrants in New York state are about to pass more gun control laws.Lets face it the Founders didn't create the Second Amendment to allow people to kill defenseless, unarmed school children. The Second Amendment was created to allow people to kill well armed government tyrants. In 1776 that meant allowing the people to have swords, flintlock rifles and canons. In 2012 it means allowing the people to have machine guns, rocket launchers, anti-tank guns and all the other weapons the well armed government tyrants have. Sadly the Second Amendment has been flushed down the toilet and the people are more or less defenseless against the well armed American government which spends more on weapons then all the other countries of the world combined. A lot of people will point out that letting people have guns will allow nut jobs to murder a few innocent children like in the recent Connecticut school shooting. And those people are 100 percent correct. Those same people seem to forget that not allowing people to have guns has allowed government nut jobs and tyrants like Hitler, Stalin, Mao and others to murder millions of innocent civilians. Jan Brewer brings Obamacare to Arizona???From this article it sounds like phoney baloney conservative Republican Jan Brewer has sold out to the special interest groups and is going to bring socialized medicine or Obamacare to Arizona.Isn't this the same government tyrant that brought Bank One Ball Park to Phoenix when she was on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors??? You know the $1 billion plus government welfare program for Jerry Colangelo and his professional sports. You know the Phoenix Suns and the Arizona Diamondbacks. Jan Brewer brings socialized medicine to Arizona???From this article it sounds like phoney baloney conservative Republican Jan Brewer has sold out to the special interest groups and is going to bring socialized medicine or Obamacare to Arizona.Isn't this the same government tyrant that brought Bank One Ball Park to Phoenix when she was on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors??? You know the $1 billion plus government welfare program for Jerry Colangelo and his professional sports. You know the Phoenix Suns and the Arizona Diamondbacks. Arizona drug-related DUIs risingI suspect this article is mostly a propaganda piece put out as a press release by the police in order to make themselves look like heroes and more importantly to help justify the police receiving more money from the government. According to the article drug related DUIs are increasing.The article seems to say that detecting people who are stoned on drugs and driving is very difficult. But because cop are are trained to detect drug related DUIs, that the arrests for drug related DUI has increased. Of course my question is if these people who are allegedly stoned on drugs are almost impossible to detect except by specially trained cops, then they are probably not intoxicated enough to be arrested for DUI. But I guess the dollar signs in the eyes of the police keep them from understanding that reason. After all each time they arrest a person for DUI, the cop get a cut of the fine which now starts at about $2,000 and goes up. Cop left child to die in hot car, prosecutor saysAccording to this article Richmond Phillips, Washington D.C. cop, is on trial for murdering Wynetta Wright and her daughter, Jaylin.Maybe Richmond Phillips murdered then both. On the other hand maybe he didn't. I don't know, but I suspect that Richmond Phillips is being railroaded by his fellow cops, because in my view the circumstantical evidence in the article doesn't even come close to proving he murdered Wynetta Wright and her daughter, Jaylin. Perhaps some of you Homeland Security cops in the D.C. area that routinely read my emails along with these web pages can tell us the straight dope on Richmond Phillips? Cops evacuate Mesa apartment complex because of imaginary gun fire.In this article the cops in Mesa, Arizona evacuated an entire apartment complex for almost 4 hours because of imaginary gun fire.Please don't look at it like the cops wasted the time of all these people by removing them from their homes for almost 4 hours. Think of it as part of a jobs program for cops, where the cops come up with all kinds of silly ways to make themselves look like heroes and justify their high pay. As H. L. Mencken said: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." Steve Benson's worst cartoon in historySteve Benson used to be a nut job Christian who ridiculed people who didn't share the same superstitious beliefs that him and his fellow Mormon's held.Of course when Steve Benson became an atheist after figuring out that religion is nothing more then a bunch of superstitious rubbish he now realizes some of the stupid things he did back when he was a Christian and wanted to force his Christian ways on the rest of us. I suspect Steve Benson will realize this cartoon was one of his worst ever, if he ever figures out that government, like religion is not the solution to the problem, but rather the problem. In this silly cartoon Steve Benson glorifies Emperor Obama, who is in the running for one of the worst Presidents ever. It is unlikely that President Obama will be worse then Lincoln or FDR, but Obama is in the run for being in the top ten of the worst President's ever. Let's see
Chicago uses anti-marijuana laws to raise revenueAccording to this article the city of Chicago is raising boat loads of money since it decriminalized marijuana and is starting to shake down people who commit the victimless crime of smoking marijuana by hitting them with fines instead of prison sentences.In fact the article says pot smokers are sent to the same kangaroo courts that raise revenue by shaking down people for photo radar traffic tickets and DUI tickets. NYPD looks to GPS bottles to combat pill banditsAccording to this article cops in New York City are asking drug stores to put GPS tracking devices into bottles of pain pills, hoping that when the pills are stolen the GPS device will help locate the thieves.Of course again we have the case of government being the cause of the problem, not the solution to the problem. If drugs were legal a bottle of opiate based pain killers wouldn't cost any more then a bottle of aspirin. But because of the governments insane and unconstitutional war on drugs, the drug war has created a black market that has jacked up the price of drugs like opiate based pain killers and makes it very profitable for criminals to steal them. 59% of Arizonans support medical-pot law, poll saysAccording to this article 59% of Arizonans think medical marijuana should be legal.The politicians and the police are clearly out of touch with the people they pretend to serve and protect. Sadly the "War on Drugs" is nothing more then a jobs program for the police. The half-baked plan to re-vote on potIn this editorial Joanna Allhands says that State Rep. John Kavanagh attempt to get Arizona voters to rescind the state’s medical-marijuana law is a half backed idea.Arizona voters have approved medical marijuana at least 2 or 3 times. In 1996 voters first approved not only medical marijuana, but medical heroin, cocaine, LSD and any other illegal drug your doctor thinks will help you by a 65-percent margin. The tyrants in the Arizona Legislature overturned that voter approved law. That was part of the reason voters approved another voter initiative in 1998 that prevents the Legislature from overturning voter-approved initiatives and referendums. The 1996 law required doctors to write prescriptions for any illegal drugs they prescribed for their patients. The Federal government also effectively repealed the 1996 law because they said they would revoke any doctors license to write prescriptions if the doctor wrote a prescription for an illegal drug. And of course that caused all the medical marijuana initiatives after that to require that a doctor write a recommendation for the patient, instead of requiring a prescription like the 1996 law did. That way the Feds couldn't yank the doctor's license to write prescriptions for legal drugs. In 1998 Arizona voters again voted on a medical marijuana initiatives. I am not sure what the results of this election was. I thought it passed. Some articles on the web say it passed, others say it was rejected by voters. A third initiative in 2002 to legalize small amounts of marijuana was rejected. In November 2010, voters passed the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act, which is also called Proposition 203 or Prop 203. A $55,000 hospital bill for a minor cat bite???In this article David Lazarus a writer at the LA Times went to the UCLA Medical Center in Santa Monica and received a $55,000 bill for treatment of a minor cat bite.The article doesn't blame the government for this insanity, but I SUSPECT that it is a result of government policies. Let me repeat that, the article DIDN'T blame the government for this insanity, but I SUSPECT it is a result of the government subsidizes given to hospitals. ASU seeks to end staff contractsAccording to this article all the staff that are hired at Arizona State University are hired with 1 year contracts and ASU wants to change that and make them at will employees.Sounds like a good idea. On the other hand eliminating these government universities is probably an even better idea. I am sure the private sector can do a better job then the government run universities. And I also suspect the private sector can do it at a lower cost. Maricopa County Supervisor Andy Kunasek shakes the county down for $123,000According to this article Maricopa County Supervisor Andy Kunasek has shaken down Maricopa County for $123,000.Wow you certainly get a sweet deal if you are a government ruler and file a claim against the government entity you run. Yes, I know Maricopa County Supervisor Andy Kunasek doesn't deserve to have his constitutional rights violated by Sheriff Joe's goons any more then the rest of us. But when Sheriff Joe's goons violate the rights of a normal person Maricopa County almost always will force them to use the expensive process of suing to get an settlement. But hey Maricopa County Supervisor Andy Kunasek who just happens to be one of the royal rulers of Maricopa County is special and he gets a $123,000 out of court settlement. Mesa Police Department offering free self-defense classes for women onlyAccording to this article the Mesa, Arizona police are offering free self defense classes for woman.I suspect that is a violation of the "Equal Protection" clause of the Arizona Constitution which reads: No law shall be enacted granting to any citizen, class of citizens, or corporation other than municipal, privileges or immunities which, upon the same terms, shall not equally belong to all citizens or corporations.On the other hand the Mesa Police know that they can say f*ck the Arizona Constitution, we have guns and badges and we are going to do whatever we want to do! You going to come arrest us for breaking the law? Obama administration gets America involved in Mali war!!!From this article it sounds like Obama is itching to get America involved in a war in Mali.Sadly President Obama is just as much of a war monger as President Bush was. Of course government bureaucrats love war because it gives them an excuse to get more power and increase taxes. As H. L. Mencken said: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." Obama to announce expansive gun-control agendaFrom this article it sure sounds like President Obama wants to flush the Second Amendment down the toilet and take away our guns.Arizona legislators spit in the face of the people they pretend to serveCourt: Ariz. education spending must account for inflationFirst of all I disagree with the law that the voters passed which is talked about in this article.I think that all the government schools, or public schools as most people call them should be eliminated and replaced with private schools. But this article is a perfect example of how our elected officials who love to call themselves "public servants" almost always behave like royal government tyrants, not the "public servants" the pretend to be. The article says that the voters approved a law which required schools to receive funding based on inflation. And of course the royal rulers in the Arizona legislator decided they would rather give the cash they steal from us taxpayers to the special interest groups that bribe them, oops, I mean give them campaign contributions, so they disregard the voter passed law and didn't provide schools with the funding that the law demanded. Again I am totally against the law. But if the voters passed the law the politicians should at least obey the law, which they have not. The article says the court has ordered the folks in the Arizona Legislator to comply with the law and give the schools the money which the withheld. Teacher fired for porn work not allowed to return to classroomWho cares if the woman is an ex-porn star!!!! The real question the government bureaucrats who fired Stacie Halas should be asking is the woman a good teacher. And they apparently don't care about that.Here is the article on the government school bureaucrats in Oxnard railroaded Stacie Halas out of her job as a 8th grade teacher. Worlds largest gun show is in Las VegasSHOT Gun Show - Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Trade ShowHere is an article about the worlds largest gun show which is being held in Las Vega, Nevada this week.The show is called the SHOT Gun Show which stands for Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Trade Show. The show is put on by the National Shooting Sports Foundation of Newtown, Conn. The show is not open to the public I suspect anybody that is associated with the gun or sporting industry can get in for free if you pre-register. Menlo Park police officer caught naked with prostituteMore of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from the police and our government masters.According to this article Menlo Park police officer Jeffrey Kenneth Vasquez was caught naked with prostitute. Cops routinely tell us that they are held to a higher standard then the rest of us but Menlo Park police officer Jeffrey Kenneth Vasquez because his fellow cops conveniently forgot to testify against him. Yea, sure cops are held to a higher standard then the rest of us, what BS!!!! Sadly cops routinely get away with almost all the crimes they commit, including murder. NRA hits Obama over ‘hypocrisy’ of armed guards for daughtersIn this article the National Rifle Association on Tuesday accused President Barack Obama of hypocrisy for having the Secret Service protect his daughters even as he opposes the NRA's call for armed guards in schools.I suspect most government tyrants don't like guns because they know the Second Amendment was created to allow "The People" to protect themselves against government tyrants. But it sounds so much better to say they want to take our guns away from us to protect innocent children from violence, rather then to protect themselves from "The People".
President Obama’s 23 gun grabbing policyIn this article they list Obama 23 steps he is going to use to take our guns away from us.The article includes a PDF file which you will have to click on to see the 23 steps Emperor Obama is going to use to take our guns away from us. Gun grabbing Obama unveils $500 million gun violence packageThis is an article from the LA Time which announces President Obama's new gun grabbing program.New NRA ad denounces Obama as a hypocriteHere is an article the LA Times in which the NRA or National Rifle Associaition calles President Obama a hypocrite for having armed Secret Service guards protect Obama's children at school.Ben Arredondo wants leniency because he was an elected official???According to this article Apparently Tempe crook Ben Arredondo thinks he deserves leniency because he was a government bureaucrat at the time he committed all of his crimes.Why on earth should having a job as a part time elected official be a basis for leniency when you commit crimes??? Apparently Tempe crook Ben Arredondo thinks he should have leniency because he worked at a part time job as a city council member of Tempe, and because he worked at a part time job as a member of the Arizona State Legislator. That's silly. It's like a purchasing agent who works at Motorola and gets caught taking kick backs and then demands leniency because he was a purchasing agent at Motorola. Sen. Rich Crandall wants a cop in every classroom in Arizona???From this article it sounds like Arizona Sen. Rich Crandall wants to create a jobs program for cops where we have an armed cop in every classroom in Arizona???If you are a police chief or elected sheriff who wants to build a huge empire to justify a pay increase for your self it sounds like a great idea. If you are a taxpayer who has to pay the bills this plan really sucks. Do we really need several armed police officers in every one of Arizona's 2,000+ schools to protect the kiddies against a rare event that only occurs in the USA once every 5 or 10 years??? Taxpayers foot $222,000 bathroom renovation for interior secretary Dirk KempthorneAccording to this article the Federal government spent $222,000 to remodel the 10 foot by 10 foot bathroom of U.S. interior secretary Dirk Kempthorne.
For those of you who don't use the silly Let's see that is a 100 square foot bathroom so the cost was $2,220 per each square foot. And for those of you who don't use the silly American system of feet, the bathroom is about 9 square meters with a cost of about $24,500 per square meter. Sure the U.S. Constitution says the government can't have royalty, but f*** the Constitution. Well at least that's what our royal rulers in Washington D.C. say!!!! No wonder Obama wants to take our guns. She must be a member of the Tyranny Response TeamWhistle-blower files lawsuit against AG Tom HorneAccording to this article Margaret “Meg” Hinchey, who works for Horne, filed the lawsuit Tuesday in Maricopa County Superior Court against the state and Horne and his Chief Deputy Eric “Rick” Bistrow, both personally and in their capacities as state officials.Margaret “Meg” Hinchey is the criminal investigator who informed the FBI that Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne may have acted illegally and unethically, as a candidate for the office and in his duties as the state’s top prosecutor. Jan Brewer pushes socialized medical care in ArizonaAccording to this article Phony baloney conservative Republican Arizona Governor Jan Brewer pushes socialized medicine, i.e. Obamacare in Arizona. What a hypocrite!!!!!On the other hand when politicians flip flop on issues like this is usually only means one thing - somebody greased their hands with a bribe, oops, I mean a legal campaign contribution. NRA begins pushback with Web ad criticizing ObamaIn this article we have more on the NRA or National Rifle Association calling Emperor Obama a hypocrite for protecting his children with armed Secret Service agents, while taking the guns away from the rest of us.ER visits tied to energy drinks double since 2007After reading this article that seems to demonize energy drinks such as Red Bull I am begining to wonder if the government is using the same hype against energy drinks that they use against quasi illegal drugs like "spice" or "bath salts"?I routinely read articles where the cops demonized drugs such as "spice" and "bath salts" when people who used them visit hospitals. After reading this article about the dangers of "energy drinks" I am beginning to suspect that using "spice" or "bath salts" isn't any more harmful then using an "energy drink" like Red Bull. I suspect cops, firemen and doctors like to make a big deal out of anybody takes a drug and has a bad reaction to justify their jobs and make themselves look like heroes. Vaguely I remember the same hype back when I was a child reading about people on bad LSD trips going to emergency rooms. And of course all the dangers from so called bad trips from LSD was almost all hype. Yes, you can have bad trips on acid, but they rarely cause any real damage. Remember what H. L. Mencken said: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." Obama takes on gun extremistsIn this editorial E.J. Dionne Jr. implies that anybody who believes in the Second Amendment is a nut job gun extremist.I wonder, does E.J. Dionne Jr. think that anybody who believes in freedom of the press and the First Amendment is also a nut job "freedom of the press" extremist? Does E.J. Dionne Jr. think that reporters should be required to get a $200 "freedom of the press" permit before they are allowed to publish articles in a newspaper, like people who want to exercise their Second Amendment rights and have to first get a $200 "machine gun" permit before buying a machine gun? How about people who want to go to church. Should they be required to get a $200 "church goers" permit before they are allowed to go to church on Sunday, like people who want to exercise their Second Amendment rights and have to first get a $200 "machine gun" permit before buying a machine gun? Obama’s far-reaching gun-proposals face uncertain fate in divided Congress |
The White House demonized the NRA for talking about Obama's children in the latest gun control debate.
Of course the White House hypocrites had Obama pose with a bunch of children in the photo used for this this article. This article says the gun-control agenda that President Obama unveiled with urgency on Wednesday now faces an uncertain fate in a bitterly divided Congress, where Republican opposition hardened and centrist Democrats remained noncommittal after a month of feverish public debate. The latest shooting victim - The Bill of Rights |
3 Schaumburg cops accused of robbing drug dealersAccording to this article 3 Schaumburg police officers will appear in court this morning accused of robbing drug dealers, officials said.John Cichy, Matthew Hudak and Terrance O’Brien were taken into custody by agents from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration on Wednesday, sources said. They were arrested following an investigation by DuPage County authorities working with the DEA, a village source said. Freedom of Religion for Beer Drinkers & Bullies???In Chicago a democracy sounds more like a royal fiefdomAlderman's veto power within his ward costs city $800,000In this article about Chicago Alderman Robert Fioretti democracy at work sounds more like a royal king or dictator at work.Of course democracy is nothing more then a royal kingdom or dictatorship, where the king, dictator, President or mayor is elected by the people and holds office for 4 years. I Went After Guns. Obama Can, Too.They always claim to have good intentions when they take your guns!!!!Here is an article by John Howard a former Australian Prime minister who was responsible for taking away guns from the people of Australia.The article is a glowing review of how John Howard's gun control laws have made Australia a wonderful place, but the author seems to be omitting the fact that after the laws were passed crime actually increased in Australia as a result of the laws. Who Says You Can Kill Americans, Mr. President?Gun control won't stop Obama from committing more drone murders!!!!This editorial is about President Obama's use of drones to murder innocent civilians throughout the world with drones. And that included murdering American citizens.Gun-friendly Arizona may feel bigger impact than other statesAccording to this article Arizona is one of the most gun friendly states in America.If Obama really wants to make America safer he should ban cars, not gunsThis is the same article that says Arizona is one of the most gun friendly states in the USA.I added some comments to the article pointing out that if Obama really wants to make America safer he should also ban automobiles, cars and trucks. In 2011 32,367 people died in auto accidents. Almost all of those deaths were accidental and could have been prevented. In 2010 31,672 people died from guns. I suspect only a few of those deaths were accidental and preventable. Court weighs San Francisco public nudity banAccording to this article a federal judge is set to consider San Francisco’s new law that bans public nudity.Public nudity activists are requesting that U.S. District Judge Edward Chen on Thursday block the law from going into effect on Feb. 1 while he considers their lawsuit seeking to invalidate the ordinance. The Second Amendment wasn't created to kill defenseless childrenAccording to this letter to the editor the 2nd Amendment was created to allow the people to kill well armed government tyrants.Using kids as props limits the gun debate |
In this
Doug MacEachern talks about how both President Obama and the
NRA are using children as props in their arguments for or against
gun control.
I guess the mantra here is lets forget about what is right and wrong
and hope people will side with your side of the argument because
your children are cuter or whatever.
We didn't get very far, when I noticed that one
switch on the TV had been turned on to mute
or turn off the sound.
The switch was in a very inaccessible place on the
back of the TV.
I suspect it would have been impossible for the dogs
to accidentally slide the switch into the off position.
The dogs are not that tall.
It also would have been impossible for a human
who just got near the TV to slide the switch to the
off position.
If a human was working on the TV, it would have been
difficult to accidentally slide the switch to the off position,
but it might be possible.
The folks from the cable TV came on the day that the
TV lost sound.
They were blamed for the problem.
But based on the position of the switch it would have been
damn near impossible for them to accidentally turn off the
And I don't even think they went behind the TV.
They just played with the remote controls.
I wonder if the jerk sabotaged the TV???
Here are some prior
on the Jerk.
And here are some more
on the Jerk.
Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton is a gun grabber???From this article it sure sounds like Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton is a gun grabber. In this article Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton says he thinks you should have to get permission from the government before you can buy a gun by requiring a background check.The Founders passed the Second Amendment to allow the people to protect themselvers from government tyrants. I suspect the Founders would consider any government bureaucrat who demands that you get permission from the government before buying a gun to be a tyrant. Mesa Mayor Scott Smith is a gun grabber???From this article it sure sounds like Mesa Mayor Scott Smith is a gun grabber. In this article Mesa Mayor Scott Smith says he thinks you should have to get permission from the government before you can buy a gun by requiring a background check.The Founders passed the Second Amendment to allow the people to protect themselvers from government tyrants. I suspect the Founders would consider any government bureaucrat who demands that you get permission from the government before buying a gun to be a tyrant. No charges in $33,000 theft from Surprise Police evidence roomIn this article Did you really expect the Susprise cops to hunt down and arrest and jail a fellow cop that stole $33,000 from the evidence room????Don't be silly, cops almost always get away with the crimes they commit. Hey, cops routinely literally get away with murder. Do you expect that a piggy will be punished for stealing $33,000 from an evidence room???? Don't be silly!!!! Howling coyotes!!!Wow last night as I was walking out to the desert the coyotes were really howling. I suspect when they are howling it is breeding time?I don't know, but you don't hear coyotes howling all the time. Just certain times of the year. Or at least that is what it seems like to this homeless guy who lives in the desert. It wasn't that cold last nightFor the last week I was living in a house. I lucked out and got to avoid the below freezing weather that hit Phoenix the last week.I was surprised because it wasn't that cold out last night. I wore one less sweater then I usually do and I didn't freeze to death. I slept well the whole night and woke up a 4 a.m. I had been waking up at 3 a.m. because of the cold weather. Another medical marijuana flashbackIn this editorial EJ Montini ridicules the effort being led by Rep. John Kavanagh to flush the will of the voters down the toilet and make medical marijuana illegal again.Rep. John Kavanagh filed a bill that would refer the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act back to the ballot in November 2014. Government tyrant Rep. John Kavanagh claims the voters didn't have enough time or some other lame excuse to logical decide the issue. What the f*** is Rep. John Kavanagh problem???? In Arizona the PEOPLE have voted 3 times to legalize medical marijuana!!!! And of course the last two times were flushed down the toilet by government tyrants just like Rep. John Kavanagh. Cop accused of groping women gets 2 yearsAccording to this article a Las Vegas cop got 2 years in prison for groping female drivers and forcing them to expose their breasts during traffic stops.This is kind of odd, cops rarely get punished for crimes they commit!! Cops rarely get arrested or even charged for crimes they commit. And in the rare cases they are charged with crimes they usually get a slap on the wrist for punishment. Prosecutors: Cops caught on tape robbing drug dealersHere is an article with more on those Schaumburg piggies who were busted for robbing dope dealers and reselling the drugs they stole from them.Let's face it the "War on Drugs" is a dismal failure and drugs should be re-legalized like there were before 1914. Marijuana was legal before 1937 when they passed the "1937 Marijuana Tax Act". Most other drugs like heroin and cocaine were made illegal in 1914 with the passage of the "1914 Harrison Narcotic Tax Act". Both laws were declared unconstitutional around 1968 as a result of Timothy Leary's arrest. Wanna buy some meth??? Ask Monsignor Kevin WallinMore of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our religious leaders.In this article in you want to score some meth you can check out Monsignor Kevin Wallin. The article Monsignor Kevin Wallin owns an adult specialty and video store in North Haven called Land of Oz that sells sex toys and X-rated DVDs. Sources: Cross-dressing meth priest liked sex in rectoryMore of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our religious leaders.In this article in you want to score some meth you can check out Monsignor Kevin Wallin. The article Monsignor Kevin Wallin owns an adult specialty and video store in North Haven called Land of Oz that sells sex toys and X-rated DVDs. US commandos teach Mexico how to track drug cartelsAccording to this article US commandos will be teaching Mexico cops and soldiers how to track drug cartels like like the American government hunts down and murders members of the al-Qaida freedom fighters.It's articles these that make me wonder how long before the America Empire will be using drones to launch missile strikes against suspected drug dealers on US soil. How many times do I have to say it, "government is not the solution to the problem, government is the cause of the problem". Freezing cold gone!!! Just crummy cold now!!!I guess the good news is it is only about 3 and a 1/2 months before summer comes back to Phoenix and we start having nice 100°F+ weather.But at least the freezing temps are gone and we are back to our normal crappy too cold Arizona winters.
Phoenix area weather expected to warm up, remain sunny for weekend By Danielle Grobmeier The Arizona Republic-12 News Breaking News Team Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:01 PM Phoenix should see clear skies and temperatures in the upper 60s and lower 70s during the weekend, and freezing temperatures are not expected to return to the Valley, according to the National Weather Service. Temperatures should rise slightly and remain in the 70s during the week with Monday and Tuesday expected to be the warmest days, again with clear skies, said Charlotte Dewey, a meteorologist in the National Weather Service’s Phoenix office. Dewey said overnight temperatures should stay in the upper 40s. Is Greg Stanton waffling on food tax repeal?From this article I suspect like most politician Greg Stanton will say ANYTHING to get you to vote for him.Obama's gun grabbing won't prevent crime???According to Rob Robb in this editorial Obama's gun grabbing won't prevent any crime.Kindergartner suspended for bubble GUN remarkAccording to this article a central Pennsylvania family has hired an attorney to fight their 5-year-old daughter’s 10-day suspension from kindergarten for telling another girl she was going to shoot her with a bubble gun.No wonder the government schools don't educate our children. They are too concerned with being politically correct!!! More on that police biker gang that beat up a Glendale man!!!!In this article we have more on that police motorcycle gang that beat up a Glendale man in a Prescott bar.The motorcycle gang is the Iron Brotherhood, which is a police motorcycle gang with chapters across the USA. According to this article members of the Prescott chapter of the police motorcycle gang the Iron Brotherhood beat up a Glendale man. Chandler Mayor Jay Tibshraeny is mixing government and religion here!!!In this article it certainly seems like Chandler Mayor Jay Tibshraeny is mixing government and religion here!!!Chandler Mayor Jay Tibshraeny, will present an official proclamation lauding the Chandler United Methodist Church longevity and continued good works in the community. The war on pot is no safe bet - Protecting teens? It hasn't workedThis editorial in the Chicago Tribune points out that the "War on Drugs" is a dismal failure when it comes to protecting children from marijuana.Let's face it, it's time to end the insane, unconstitutional "War on Drugs" and re-legalize drugs like they were before 1914!!!! Australia's gun control: Success or failure?From this editorial it sure sounds like Australia Prime Minister John Howard is a liar about his gun control laws being a success???This is the article by John Howard a former Australian Prime minister who was responsible for taking away guns from the people of Australia where he claims his gun control works wonders. The death penalty doesn't work!!!!I am against the death penalty because as with anything mistakes will be made and innocent people will be murdered by the government.As of now DNA testing has freed about 300 people from death row by proving t hey were framed by the police for a murder or some other heinous crime they didn't commit. The death penalty is also super expensive and this article gets into that issue. Suit over prison medication wins $12M awardLook I am a Libertarian Anarchist and I don't think we should have prisons.But if we are going to have prisons I think we should as least provide reasonable medical care for the inmates. And in this article we find out that doesn't happen. In the article Raymond Fox received $11 million in compensatory damages and $1 million in punitive damages after he was denied the epilepsy medication while in an Illinois prison. Fired Goodyear officer may lose credentials in ArizonaIn this article Goodyear, Arizona police officer Matthew Manzano was fired for after he participated in a fake emergency call to 911.It is kind of unusual for cops to be fired for their crimes. Even for major crimes they usually get a slap on the wrist at most. I suspect that Matthew Manzano wasn't really fired for this reason. He probably p*ssed off his boss for something else and they used this incident as a lame excuse to fire him. Solar equinox is past - Days getting longer!!!Most of the religions of the world celebrate December 25 as their religious holiday because it is the solar equinox which is a big word for the shortest day of the year.Christmas was about 3 weeks ago and you can already tell the days are getting longer. I am looking forward to summer which usually comes to Arizona in April when we get our first 100°F day. Voter initiative to reduce taxes and government rulesI think this voter initiative might be a good way to allow the people to reduce taxes and the government micromanaging of our lives.The voter initiative would allow anybody to put an initiative on the Arizona ballot only if the initiative reduced taxes (or doesn't call for new taxes), and the initiative doesn't give away taxpayer money services, or the initiative allows less government micromanaging of our lives. If the politicians, i.e. the jerks in the Arizona Senate and Arizona House are allowed to put initiatives on the ballot without spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to collect the signatures on the ballot us serfs should be allowed to put initiatives on the ballot. Alcohol kills 10 times as many people as guns do!!!If we really want to make our children safe we should make alcohol illegal instead of guns.According to this article booze kills 10 times as many people as guns do. On the other hand we tried making alcohol illegal with a thing we had called the Prohibition. The Prohibition was a dismal failure. And I am sure any attempt to make guns illegal will also be a dismal failure. The current "War on Drugs" is a good example of why a "War on Guns" will also be a dismal failure. Kyrsten Sinema pretends to be a big fan of the Second Amendment???In this article newly elected Arizona Congressman Kyrsten Sinema who is also a well know gun grabber in the Phoenix area pretends to support the Second Amendment.Kyrsten Sinema pretends to be a big fan of the Second Amendment???In this article newly elected Arizona Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema who is also a well know gun grabber in the Phoenix area pretends to support the Second Amendment.People on horseback at about 2 a.m.I woke up at about 2 a.m. when I heard the sound of a horse walking around. I figured it was the cops coming to get me. Scared the krap out of me.I discovered 2 new cavesI discovered two new caves to the west of the one cave I already know about.The bad news is other homeless people also have discovered those two new caves, so I don't plan on living them. Moon, Jupiter and Mars aligned!!!Make a peace sign, or a victory or V sign with you two fingers.The tips of your two fingers will be about 1 or 2 inches apart. Now last night if you looked at the moon, Jupiter and Mars thru the space between your 2 fingers you could see all 3 celestial bodies because they are lined up that close. It was pretty cool seeing those planets lined up that closely. Another egretAs I was walking to the city yesterday morning I walked past and egret which must have been 20 feet or less from me.I was surprised the egret didn't fly away from me. While it was dark out and I couldn't tell the exact color of the egret I think it was the grey egret I have seen before in that area. That huge bird must be as least 3 feet tall. Indonesia sentences UK woman to death over drugsThe laws against drugs are much more dangerous then the drugs themselves are.In this article the Indonesian government is going to murder British grandmother Lindsay June Sandiford for trying to smuggle 8.4 pounds of cocaine in their country. Congress trying to avoid actual work!!!! |
Hmmm ... sounds like Wiley also has read H. L. Mencken "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." Death by blood noseMan my nose was bleeding so bad last night I though I was going to die from death of a bloody nose.I didn't have any tissue so I couldn't stop my nose from bleeding and things were messy. My arms were covered with blood. My shirt was covered with blood. My face was covered with blood. I was afraid that when I got on the bus somebody would claim that I had murdered someone because I was so bloody and the cops would arrest me and make me prove I was not guilty of murder. Las Vegas cop murder wife and sonWow!!!! I wonder if this Las Vegas Police lieutenant who murdered his wife and sun before committing suicide in the article would have been one of the cops placed in government school classrooms to prevent mass murderers from killing our children.The bottom line is just because you work for the government doesn't mean that you are a good guy who can be trusted with a gun. GuaranaI was reading an article in on of the local Spanish language newspapers about Guarana and gasp!!!, the drug actually makes people feel good.Don't tell the Feds they will probably run and pass some silly law making the drug illegal. The plant produces a lot more caffeine, then the coffee plant does. Sarasota police run homeless out of town???Look even if I am homeless I am not a socialist who thinks that homeless folks deserve a handout from the government.The only thing homeless people deserve from the government is to be treated the same way the rest of the people are. And of course in Sarasota, Florida that is not true. According to this article the police in Sarasota, Florida are attempting to run all the homeless folks out of town. American still tortures Afghan prisoners???According to this article the American government or perhaps better said, the puppet government installed by the American Empire to run it's colony in Afghanistan is still torturing POWs.Ain't you proud to be an American??? I certainly am not, and I am ashamed of my government actions worldwide. Ben Arredondo, a regular DisHonest AbeOK, I lied about the title of the article, really Laura titled itBen Arredondo, a regular Honest AbeBut I suspect Laura was just doing that to make fun of the crook Ben Arredondo, not because she thinks he is an honest law abiding citizen. Marijuana still a drug with no accepted medical useAccording to this article marijuana will continue to be considered a highly dangerous drug under federal law with no accepted medical uses, after a U.S. appeals court Tuesday refused to order a change in the government's 40-year-old drug classification schedule.If the court can say that with a straight face, don't expect to ever get a fair trial if you are ever arrested for using marijuana. For that matter don't expect to get a fair trial if you are arrested for anything. The government could care less about your right to a fair trial and is more concerned with teaching us serfs the lesson that we are to OBEY and not question the authority of our government masters. Supreme Court rejects atheist's appeal over crossIf you ever sue demanding the government obey the Constitution about separating religion and government don't expect to get a fair trial, something which should be obvious from this article.Robert Sherman says it better then I can with: "This action by the Supreme Court affirms that our nation's court system is a joke, refusal to take my case means that any legislative (body), whether it be Congress, a state legislature or a municipal board, can make blatantly unconstitutional grants to advance religion simply by naming an executive branch agency as a middleman in the transaction"The Supreme Court said that Robert Sherman didn't have standing to sue over the government flushing the Constitution down the toilet and erecting this cross which clearly mixes government and religion. Prayers for Obama, Biden at National CathedralFrom this article it's pretty ovbious that President Obama thinks he is a royal Emperor who is above the laws.Just what part of the First Amendment doesn't Emperor Obama understand which says religion and government must be kept separate. Coroner IDs Vegas officer who killed family, committed suicideIn this article we find out the Las Vegas police lieutenant who killed his wife, son and himself was Hans Pieter Walters, who died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.I wonder was this one of the cops who would have been protecting our children from nut jobs with guns in our government schools. Some how I don't feel any safer with nut jobs like Las Vegas police lieutenant Hans Pieter Walters protecting our children from gun nuts. I much better way would be to let teachers and school employees bring their guns to work. Mixing religion & government in Colorado CitySadly government is usually the cause of the problem, not the solution to the problem.Both the Arizona Constitution and the U.S. Constitution very specifically forbid mixing government and religion. But sadly our government masters seem to ignore both Arizona and the US Constitutions and pretty much allow religion in both Arizona and at the national level. In this article Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne wants to weaken the power of religions. Sorry in this article Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne has got it backwards as he usually does. The problem in this case is that the state of Arizona has for years allowed both the Arizona and the US Constitution to be flushed down the toilet and allowed religion to be mixed in the Arizona and Utah cities of Colorado City, Arizona and Hilldale, Utah. If Tom Horne had demanded that the Arizona Constitution be obeyed we would not be having these problems. Court: Sex-offender Facebook ban unconstitutionalSadly our elected officials routinely think they are royalty which doesn't have to obey the Constitution.In this article the royal rulers in Indiana don't think that the First Amendment applies to them or to convicted sex offenders in their state. Former lawmaker Ben Arredondo set to be sentencedAccording to this article former Tempe City Councilman Ben Arredondo and former Arizona State Legislatore Ben Arredondo will be sentenced today in Federal court for crimes he has committed against the people of Tempe and the people of Arizona.Rep. Bob Thorpe thinks kids should be required to take a loyalty oath to the Arizona government.According to this article Rep. Bob Thorpe of Flagstaff thinks that your children should be forced to take a loyalty oath to the Arizona government.If Rep. Bob Thorpe of Flagstaff sounds like a royal ruler that reminds you of King George please raise you hand now and swear that you will love and worship Rep. Bob Thorpe for the rest of your life. Who the h*ll is Jesus Malverde????Lousy DayFirst I realized I forgot my wallet after I caught the bus. So I had to go back and get it.Then when I caught the second bus I missed my next two connections. First the light rail connection, and then the bus connection. Then going home it was just as bad. My first bus didn't show up so that put me a half hour behind. The second bus broke down which put me another half hour behind. Medical pot advocates: Target illegal clubs, leave law alonePersonally I don't know any of these so called "medical pot advocates" who want to shut down compassion clubs according to this article.I think anybody that is a member of the Phoenix NORML chapter who said that would be tarred and feathered and ran out of the group. I suspect these unnamed "medical pot advocates" are really government employees - cops, or elected officials who want a lame excuse to continue their war on medical marijuana users. Voters’ will goes to pot — againFrom this article EJ Montini seems to realize the folks in the legislator are tyrants who can't be trusted by the people. But for some reason EJ Montini doesn't seem to think we need the Second Amendment to keep these tyrants in check!!!!For the record Arizonans have voted at least 4 times on medical marijuana and at least 2 of those measures have passed. Board Recommends Firing Phoenix Sergeant Phil RobertsIn this article I am not sure who is corrupt.Is Phoenix Sergeant Phil Roberts being fired for corruption? Or is he being fired for exposing Phoenix police corruption? Does Phoenix Police Chief Daniel Garcia want to fire Sergeant Phil Roberts because he is a corrupt cop, or because he is exposing corrupt cops. I suspect the answer may be both. Elgin puts safety — of its City Council — firstGovernment tyrants always try to disarm the serfs they rule over and of course keep themselves well armed to protect themselves from these serfs.According to this article the Chicago area city of Elgin is creating a fortress in it's city hall to protect the royal rulers of Elgin from the serfs they rule over. Government rulers protect themselves from us serfs!!!Government tyrants always try to disarm the serfs they rule over and of course keep themselves well armed to protect themselves from these serfs.According to this article the Chicago area city of Elgin is creating a fortress in it's city hall to protect the royal rulers of Elgin from the serfs they rule over. Fontana school police are armed with semiautomatic riflesAfter the shooting in Connecticut school shooting the political mood is for our government masters to disarm us serfs.They claim it is to "protect the children", but in reality it is usually to protect themselves from us serfs. While our government masters are trying to disarm us serfs they rule over the cops in Fontana are arming themselves very well to protect themselves from us according to this article. Ex-Mesa cop convicted of tasing stepsonIn this article a Mesa, Arizona police officer was convicted of tasing his stepson.This is kind of unusual. Cops rarely get arrested for crimes they commit, and when they do they usually get a slap on the wrist if they are punished at all. Usually when this happens, the cop is being punished for p*ssing off his bosses, not for the crimes he committed. To be honest I don't know if the Mesa cop is a bad guy who tased his stepson, or if he ticked off his police masters and is being railroaded for that reason. U.N. expert launches investigation of drones, targeted killingsIt seems like the favored weapon of the American Empire to murder it's political enemies are drones.This really makes me angry, but there isn't much I can do to stop the criminals in our government from murdering people with drones. According to this article the folks in the UN are investigating this problem. Of course I don't have any faith that the corrupt UN government will stop these murders by the American Empire. San Bernardino deputy arrested on suspicion of sex with inmatePolice officers seem to think that having a gun and a badge means they can have sex with any woman they see.According to this article San Berdanrdino Deputy Johnathan Miller subscribes to that theory. Woman gets 10 years for giving child a pain killerAccording to this article Jennifer Campos gets 10 years in prison for the victimless crime of giving her child a pain killer.Of course just yesterday crooked Tempe City Councilman Ben Arredondo and Arizona House of Representatives member Ben Arredondo got a slap on the wrist received for stealing thousands from the taxpayers by accepting bribes. Let's face it the criminal justice system is corrupt to the core when crooked politicians get a slap on the wrist for real crimes that hurt people and the serfs they rule over get draconian prison sentences for victimless crimes. Gilbert, Arizona declares war on alcohol!!!!According to this article the twits in Gilbert, Arizona have declared war on liquor.Sorry guys, but I hate to tell you this, America's last war on alcohol, which was called the Prohibition was a dismal failure, just like America's current "war on drugs" Tempe City Councilman Ben Arredondo avoids prison timeAccording to this article Tempe City Councilman Ben Arredondo and Arizona legislator Ben Arredondo avoided prison and was sentenced to 18 months of home confinement for his felony convictions for accepting bribes while he was a Tempe city councilman and stealing $49,000 from a scholarship fund he established for poor children giving the money to seven of his relatives.Arizona Legislator Ben Arredondo avoids prison timeAccording to this article Tempe City Councilman Ben Arredondo and Arizona legislator Ben Arredondo avoided prison and was sentenced to 18 months of home confinement for his felony convictions for accepting bribes while he was a Tempe city councilman and stealing $49,000 from a scholarship fund he established for poor children giving the money to seven of his relatives.Ben Arredondo gets slap on the wrist in corruption caseAccording to this article Tempe City Councilman Ben Arredondo and Arizona legislator Ben Arredondo avoided prison and was sentenced to 18 months of home confinement for his felony convictions for accepting bribes while he was a Tempe city councilman and stealing $49,000 from a scholarship fund he established for poor children giving the money to seven of his relatives.Harry Mitchell sticks up for crook Ben ArredondoAccording to this article U.S. Congressman Harry Mitchell also thinks his buddy who is crooked Tempe City Councilman Ben Arredondo doesn't deserve to be punished for accepting bribes as a Tempe City Councilman and stealing $49,000 from a scholarship fund he established for poor children giving the money to seven of his relatives.The article seems to say that Congressman Harry Mitchell thinks it's OK for politicians to break the law if it's for a good reason. Of course U.S. Congressman Harry Mitchell and former Tempe Mayor Harry Mitchell always seem to punish the citizens of Tempe with an iron fist when they broke the law under his reign. Clearly U.S. Congressman Harry Mitchell and former Tempe Mayor Harry Mitchell has a double standard when it comes to punishing elected officials as opposed to punishing the serfs they rule over. Harry Mitchell looks at the bright side of corruptionAccording to this article U.S. Congressman Harry Mitchell also thinks his buddy who is crooked Tempe City Councilman Ben Arredondo doesn't deserve to be punished for accepting bribes as a Tempe City Councilman and stealing $49,000 from a scholarship fund he established for poor children giving the money to seven of his relatives.The article seems to say that Congressman Harry Mitchell thinks it's OK for politicians to break the law if it's for a good reason. Of course U.S. Congressman Harry Mitchell and former Tempe Mayor Harry Mitchell always seem to punish the citizens of Tempe with an iron fist when they broke the law under his reign. Clearly U.S. Congressman Harry Mitchell and former Tempe Mayor Harry Mitchell has a double standard when it comes to punishing elected officials as opposed to punishing the serfs they rule over. Ben Arredondo Pleads Guilty to Two FeloniesAccording to this article Tempe City Councilman Ben Arredondo and Arizona legislator Ben Arredondo avoided prison and was sentenced to 18 months of home confinement for his felony convictions for accepting bribes while he was a Tempe city councilman and stealing $49,000 from a scholarship fund he established for poor children giving the money to seven of his relatives.Ben Arredondo reveals he ran a scholarship scamAccording to this article Tempe City Councilman Ben Arredondo and Arizona legislator Ben Arredondo avoided prison and was sentenced to 18 months of home confinement for his felony convictions for accepting bribes while he was a Tempe city councilman and stealing $49,000 from a scholarship fund he established for poor children giving the money to seven of his relatives.Tempe council member Ben Arredondo gets house arrestAccording to this article Tempe City Councilman Ben Arredondo and Arizona legislator Ben Arredondo avoided prison and was sentenced to 18 months of home confinement for his felony convictions for accepting bribes while he was a Tempe city councilman and stealing $49,000 from a scholarship fund he established for poor children giving the money to seven of his relatives.Tempe city manager expects to be fired???According to this article Tempe city manager Charlie Meyer thinks he will soon be fired by the Tempe City Council members and sent out an email to all city of Tempe employees telling them about the firing he suspects he will get in a few days to couple of weeks.Tempe city manager Charlie Meyer to be fired???According to this article Tempe city manager Charlie Meyer thinks he will soon be fired by the Tempe City Council members and sent out an email to all city of Tempe employees telling them about the firing he suspects he will get in a few days to couple of weeks.Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe and Chandler Mayors are gun grabbers????From this article it sounds like Mesa Mayor Scott Smith, Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton, Chandler Mayor Jay Tibshraeny and Tempe Mayor Mark Mitchell are gun grabbers who want to flush the Second Amendment down the toilet!!!Of course they all say they support the Second Amendment and then follow it with a BUT clause which means they are gun grabbers. Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery tries to can Prop 203 - Again!!!!According to this article Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery is again trying to flush Arizona's medical marijuana laws down the toilet.I suspect that it is tyrants like Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery who refuse to honor the will of the people they pretend to serve that caused the Founders to pass the Second Amendment. Border Patrol steals water, food, blanks left for Mexicans!!!According to this article a U.S. Border Patrol agent was caught on camera stealing water, food and blankets left for Mexicans in the desert.I suspect this is the same type of stuff Hitler's thugs did to any thing that they thought was associated with Jews in Nazi Germany. Of course this isn't 1933 in Nazi Germany, this is 2013 and the American government is doing the same type of things to Mexicans that Hitler did to the Jews. I killed people in Afghanistan. Was I right or wrong?I wonder if Marine Capt. Timothy Kudo will ever figure out that all the murders he committed in Afghanistan were wrong.In this article while he seems to realize that he was murdering innocent people for the American government's illegal and unconstitutional war in Afghanistan Marine Capt. Timothy Kudo doesn't seem to understand that those murders were wrong. While we are on this subject, I wonder if David Dorn will ever figure out what he did to me was wrong??? I doubt it!!!!! There is a paid snitch in your jail cell????Intersting we are talking about David Dorn and out of nowhere comes an article on government snitches.Remember if you are ever arrested there is a good chance their are paid government snitches in your jail cell that the government put there just to help dig up information on you so the government can lock you up for life. Sadly most of the people in American prisons are in their for victimless drug war crimes. So if you are in jail for one of those victimless drug war crimes or some other victimless crime like gambling or prostitution, remember keep your mouth shut and say nothing about your case to fellow inmates, who often are paid government snitches. In this article the Orange County Sheriff put a snitch in the jail cell of Scott Dekraai who tape recorded hours of conservations with him in their jail cell. The crime of murder which Scott Dekraai is accused of is wrong, but sadly most people in American prisons are not there for real crimes that hurt people, like murder, but rather there for victimless drug war crimes which hurt no one and which should be legal, and which many legal experts say are unconstitutional per the 9th, 10th and 14th Amendments. Tucson Gem, Mineral & Fossil ShowcaseHere is an article about the worlds largest gem, rock and mineral show which is in Tucson, Arizona every year.The show is so big it is all over Tucson in a whole bunch of locations. Mesa Community College rock and mineral showHere is an article about the second largest gem, rock and mineral show in Arizona.The show is every year at Mesa Community College in the south parking lot on Dobson Road. The Flagg Gem and Mineral ShowHere is an article about the second largest gem, rock and mineral show in Arizona.The show is every year at Mesa Community College in the south parking lot on Dobson Road. TSA thugs steal 54 guns at Sky Harbor AirportAccording to this article the gun grabbing thugs in the TSA or Homeland Security stole 54 guns from people at Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix!!!!!What part of the Second Amendment don't those TSA thugs understand??? OK, the TSA thugs probably don't understand any parts of the Bill of Rights which also includes the 1st, 4th and 5th Amendments which the TSA thugs and Homeland Security thugs routinely violate. Court rules Obama's appointments unconstitutionalAccording to this article a federal appeals court panel ruled Friday that President Barack Obama violated the Constitution in making certain recess appointments and moved to curtail a chief executive's ability in the future to circumvent the Senate in such scenarios.I suspect Obama will respond with "I'm the American Emperor and don't need to follow no stinking Constitution". Justice was not served in Arredondo caseIn this letter to the editor Barry Jones of Queen Creek thinks the people got screwed in the Ben Arredondo case.LA cops shoot man who had his hands up in the air???According to this article cops with the Los Angeles County Sheriff shot a man in the back who had his hands up in the air.The cops say he was reaching for a weapon, but a woman who witnessed the police murder said he had his hand up in the air. Tempe city manager Charlie Meyer fired!!!!According to this article Tempe city manager Charlie Meyer was fired today by members of the royal Tempe City Council.Software & Documentation to create PDF filesI don't know if this is the same software described in my PHP manual, but it's software the folks at my website gave me.Here is the documentation on the FPDF Library which is also called the Free PDF library It's at I also put the above stuff on this link Miranda Rights in Mexico???According to this article Mexican cops are now required to read people accused of crimes a Mexican version of the U.S. Miranda Rights.In the US the police routinely flush people 5th Amendment rights down the toilet and the only place criminals ever hear a cop reading them their rights is on TV shows. I suspect in Mexico it will be the same. I have been arrested by the Tempe Police, Mesa Police, Mesa Community College Police, Scottsdale Police, Maricopa County Sheriff, Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) and probably a few more Arizona police agencies. During each of those arrests I took the 5th and told the cops I was going to refuse to answer their questions. In all of the above case the police threatened me numerous times telling me that if I didn't answer their questions bad, bad, bad things would happen to me. Second Amendment Rights in Mexico???Gun Rights in Mexico???Mexico also has it's own version of the Second Amendment and people are allowed to keep and bear arms. But it is a watered down version and people can only have arms that are not military quality, and the government defines what military quality is.I believe that means the only arms people in Mexico are allowed to have is .22 caliber guns and .410 shotguns. Saturday - More rain!!!!!Friday night I locked out and dodged the rain.It didn't work out that well Saturday night. About a half hour after I went to bed it started to rain and I got a good soaking as I walked away from my usual place I sleep to find cover from the rain. It's didn't rain that hard, but since it rained heavily yesterday the ground was saturated with water and the water piled up making lots of puddles and stuff that got me wet. Here is the article about our record rain storm: Source Flying ducksI thought my bike was breaking down when I heard some really weird noises.I ended up looking up and saw several flocks of ducks or other birds flying and they were making that honking sound ducks make. It must have been 50 to 100 birds. And they were making lots of noise. More government money won’t solve school safety problemIn this editorial Tom Patterson a retired physician and former Arizona state senator says wasting money to hire cops to prevent shootings in schools won't solve the problem.And of course if you ask me, it is nothing more then a government welfare program for cops and school teachers. Colorado's new growth industry: potHere is an interesting article about Colorado's new growth industry, which of course is marijuana.It can't happen here????Hitler & Mussolini were great guys????Many gun grabbers say that it would be impossible for a tyrannical government to get into power in the USA, and thus try to justify there position that the people don't need to have guns to overthrow a tyrannical government.Of course those myopic gun grabbers are wrong and it CAN happen here. In this article we have some folks who think Hitler & Mussolini were great guys and would love to see a government that murders Jews get into power. Illinois now issues driver’s licenses to illegal immigrantsNorthwest Ordinance says driver's licenses not needed for private travel???According to this article Illinois now issues driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. Personally I don't think you should be required to have a "driver's license" to travel on government roads, but if they are required anybody should be allowed to get a driver's license.Many legal scholars will tell you that per the "Northwest Ordinance", which was one of the first laws passed in the United States that state governments are not allowed to require a person to have a driver's license for non-commercial or private travel. Arizona to require hospitals to report illegals????According to this article Rep. Steve Smith R-Maricopa wants to require hospitals to report suspected illegal immigrants [read Mexicans] to the police.Hey, that's isn't anything new!!!! Didn't Hitler require German citizens to report suspect Jews to the police so they could be rounded up and murdered by the government. Look Rep. Steve Smith while the webmaster thinks you are a racist, I am sure a lot of people that hate Mexicans think you are a great guy. Just like a lot of people that hated Jews thought Hitler was a great guy. Tyrant Bill Montgomery tries to destroy Arizona's medical marijuana law!!!!In this article government tyrant Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery continues to try to flush the will of Arizona voters down the toilet and to have the courts repeal Arizona's medical marijuana law!!!!More stinking rain!!!!It's Monday morning and it's raining again. Man this sucks!!!! It has rained for the last 4 days!!!!!I guess the good news is that winter is almost over and summer will be here in another 3 months. DNA Technique Yields Little Success for the PoliceThe robber was Black, you are Black, so the cops assume you are the robber???If you ask me, that is what the DNA testing in this article is leading to. I guess you could also say "The robber had glasses on, you wear glasses, so the cops assume you are the robber???" While the logic in both cases might be true, I suspect that 99.99999 percent of the time it is FALSE. But the cops don't care. They are more concerned about arresting ANYONE so they can brag they got another dangerous criminal off of the streets. Which means they get a pay raise, even if they framed some innocent smuck for the crime. This isn't to say that DNA evidence isn't important, it is. But I DNA evidence is much better at excluding suspects saying it was impossible for person A to commit the crime. But when you use DNA evidence to do the opposite and say something like "The DNA evidence proves a White person committed the crime", it really isn't a useful tool for police to help located criminals. Anybody want to buy some cocaine????Hey, I'm not selling the stuff.But according to this article you may want to contact Texas Police Officers Emerson Canizales and Michael Miceli. From this article they seem to be sellers of the stuff. Let's face it the "War on Drugs" has always been a dismal failure and never will be winnable. And of course from this article the insane and unconstitutional war on drugs causes nothing but corruption in police departments. The only solution is to legalize all drugs. Twitter says government requests for user information are risingFrom this article it sounds like the government is using Twitter to spy on people.Jan 26 - Rain SucksOne weather forecast said there was a 95 percent chance of rain, and the other forecast said there was 100 percent chance of rain for Friday night so I figured I would get soaked and end up being wet and cold and shivering all night.But I lucked out and while I was woken up a few times during the night by rain drops pounding on my coat the expected deluge of rain didn't come. Well the rain did come, but not until I left the desert, walked to the bus stop and caught the bus back to the city. It's been raining ever since I got off the bus. Rain sucks, what more can I say!!!! Kyrsten Sinema misses first vote in HouseAccording to this article the U.S. Congress is just started and newly elected Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema has already missed one vote.Jesus Christ we are paying Congressman Kyrsten Sinema a salary of $174,000 and the woman goofs off and blows off voting. Judge Frederick Martone - it's OK for politicians to be criminalsIn this article about crooked Tempe City Councilman Ben Arredondo, Judge Frederick Martone is sending a great message to elected officials, politicians and government bureaucrats - It's OK to screw the people you pretend to serve. And hey, if you get caught committing crimes the most you will get is a slap on the wrist.Tempe City Councilman Ben Arredondo stole almost $50,000 from a scholarship fund he created for needy children and gave it to his relatives. Tempe City Councilman Ben Arredondo also admitted accepting bribes and in turn gave crooks access to Tempe city contracts. For those crimes Tempe City Councilman Ben Arredondo got a lousy slap on the wrist and won't serve a day in prison and instead gets probation. Love taxes??? Bend over you will love Scottsdale!!!According to this article Scottsdale is considering a sales tax dedicated to arts and culture.I don't think City Councilwoman Linda Milhaven said it exactly this way, but she heard that some Scottsdale residents actually had some money left over after paying their taxes. And of course Councilwoman Linda Milhaven realized that she and her fellow government bureaucrats on the Scottsdale City Council know how to spend your money better then you do so she is considering raising the Scottsdale sales tax so people won't have any money left in their wallets after paying their tax bills. David Ludwig has been waiting 5 months to be fired from his jobAccording to this article Maricopa County government bureaucrat David Ludwig has been on paid leave for the last 5 months waiting to be fired from his job.Must be nice to have a government job where you can be paid $27,000 waiting to be fired. Alaska cops being secretive about jail suicide of serial killerI wonder why the cops in Alaska are being so secretive about the suicide of alleged serial killer Israel Keyes in this article.Ex-cop, federal mole charged with extortion, selling guns to felonsAccording to this article a former Chicago police officer whose undercover work led to charges in separate public corruption probes was himself charged Monday with extorting a tow truck operator and selling firearms to a convicted felon.Gee, it sounds like Uncle Sam's "War on Guns" which really is a war on the Second Amendment isn't working much better then Uncle Sam's "War on Drugs". Atlas isn't shruggingI am not an Ayn Rand fan, but I know many Libertarians are so I posted this article.Of course I am sure the Homeland Security cops who routinely read my web page will certainly hate this blurb and anything that has do do with freedom. Well I should be more to the point and say you certainly hate it when the serfs you rule over have freedom. You guys certainly get lots of freedom. You don't have to obey the silly laws that make hundreds of victimless crimes criminals offenses. And of course when you do commit real crimes against the serfs like us that your rule over you are rarely charges with crimes like us serfs would be if we did the same things to you Homeland Security thugs. U.S. Weighs Base for Spy Drones in North AfricaThe Sun Never Sets on the American Empire???In this article the American Empire is considering a base for drones in North Africa. Biotech Firms Lobby States to Limit GenericsOr using government to drive your competitors out of businessOne common use of government is to put your business competitors out of business. All it takes is a bribe, oops, I mean campaign contribution to members of your legislator and you too can have laws passed that will help drive your business competitors out of business.Sure the Founders didn't plan it that way, but that is how the system works. In this article they discus how drug companies attempt to use the government to drive their competitors out of business. Uncle Sam is reading your email???Google will seek to limit law enforcement's access to emailsI suspect I am one of those people in this article who the government has ordered Google to let them read all of my emails.The police regularly read this web page, and I suspect they also routinely read my e-mails. Will your next bag of weed come from Washington or Colorado????With marijuana now legal in the states of Washington and Colorado there ain't much Uncle Sam's DEA goons can do to stop marijuana from being exported from those states where marijuana is legal to other states where marijuana is still illegal according to this article.After gun crime, weapon history takes time to findHere is an article on how the Feds help local cops trace down guns that were used in crimes.Tempe pigs crack down on marijuana 'compassion clubs'According to this article the tyrants in the city of Tempe are raiding medical marijuana 'compassion clubs'.Jesus, don't these pigs have any real criminals to hunt down??? You know real criminals that hurt people like robbers, muggers and rapists. Not people that commit the victimless crime of using medical marijuana, which in Arizona is legal. Cops take 2 years to bust 4 hookers for prostitution???According to this article the cops had an investigation that took almost two years to complete and it resulted in busting a lousy 4 hookers.Jesus, don't these pigs have any real criminals to hunt down??? You know criminals that commit crimes that hurt people like robbers, rapists and murders. Not people that commit the victimless crime of prostitution. Last this investigation sounds like more of a jobs program for cops. The investigation took TWO years to bust 4 stinking prostitutes??? As I said before don't these pigs have any real criminals to hunt down???? Man gets 3 years for child-porn cartoonsAccording to this article this poor smuck is going to spend 3 years in prison for the victimless crime of looking at dirty pictures!!!!!Don't these pigs have any REAL criminals to hunt down??? You know real criminals like robbers, rapists and murders. Criminals that hurt people. Not some smuck who commits the harmless crime of looking at dirty pictures?? Papers please!!! Peoria, Arizona style!!!In this article the police in Peoria, Arizona set up roadblocks demanding "Papers Please" from all the drivers that passed thru.No this wasn't an attempt to round up the Jews like Hitler did, but some people think it is an attempt to round up the Mexican. Hey, if you say it can't happen here you are wrong. This isn't Nazi Germany, but Peoria, Arizona!!! Sounds like the insurgents are winning the war.I have said all along that the word "Afghanistan" is just an Arabic word that means "Vietnam". OK, maybe it's isn't a common word, but in American military lingo "Afghanistan" is a perfect translation for the word "Vietnam".And of course in this article it certainly does seem that the word "Afghanistan" does mean "Vietnam". Sure they are a bunch of uneducated, dirt poor farmers who live off of the land, but that isn't preventing these Afghanistan freedom fighters from defeating the worlds largest superpower. And that is just what the Viet Cong did to the American military in Vietnam. And of course that is what is happening in Iraq and Afghanistan now. Kyrsten Sinema - U.S. Representative, Arizona, District 9Here is a short article on Kyrsten Sinema that was published by the Washington Post.In Arizona Kyrsten Sinema is known for her attempt to slap a 300 percent tax on medical marijuana. Kyrsten Sinema is also loved by gun grabbers for her attempt to flush the Second Amendment down the toilet. I guess the good side of Kyrsten Sinema is that she is an atheist and knows that God is make believe just like Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. Of course many folks say Hitler, Stalin and Mao were atheists. But those cases are a perfect example that says just knowing the truth about God doesn't make you a good person. Adobe PDF Virus???Fake Adobe Updater virus | Adobe Flash PluginI suspect my computer has caught the Adobe virus, the fake Adobe Updater virus or the Adobe Flash Plugin virus.This virus gives you a line of BS that says something like This plugin is vulnerable and should be updated.For me I remember the virus having an image that looks like a Lego toy block. It looks like this The Lego toy block is displayed with the messages and it is also displayed at the top of the screen in the line where you enter the URL for Mozilla, FireFox, Google Chrome or Internet Explorer. It took a while for my computer to start displaying this image and the image looks like this: On Tripod websites such as this the virus seems to be displaying a pop up menu which looks like this |
Also some times I am getting pop up messages that say Some plugins have been deactivated for your safety.This is a copy of that pop up menu |
Michigan Supreme Court judge pleads guilty to bank fraudAccording to this article Michigan Supreme Court justice Diane Hathaway had admitted screwing the bank out of around $90,000.Of course don't hold your breath waiting for this government crook to be punished with the same force of the law the rest of us are punished with. Here in Arizona, Tempe City Councilman Ben Arredondo and Arizona State House member Ben Arredondo got a slap on the wrist for his crimes and got probation with not one day in prison. Socialist Tempe Mayor Hugh Hallman to run for Arizona GovernorWow!!! The former mayor of the socialist People's Republic of Tempe, Hugh Hallman, is going to run for governor according to this article.Sigh!!!! Just what we need to do is turn the whole state of Arizona into a socialist police state like the city of Tempe is!!!!! Fox News Fires Sarah Palin |
Tempe, Mesa Streetcar FolliesFrom this article I guess the folks in Tempe, Mesa and at ASU have some money that is burning a hole in their pocket. Currently there is no bus service whatsoever along Rio Salado Parkway and 8th Street in Mesa where this silly "streetcar folly" will be located.And it is things like this that make Mesa Mayor Scott Smith look like a fool when he claims he is going to help Washington D.C. cut the pork. This project will almost certainly be an unneeded project that is financed with Federal pork. George Ryan isn't getting special treatment - HONEST!!!!!According to this article former Gov. George Ryan has already been released from the halfway house on Chicago’s West Side and will be confined at his Kankakee home until he completes his 6 ½-year sentence.Bureau of Prison spokesman Chris Burke said Ryan did not receive special treatment in order to be released to home confinement. Sheriff’s deputy charged with trumpet theftAccording to this article a San Mateo County sheriff’s deputy faces felony grand theft charges after a hotel horn heist last month.Brandon Hatt, 34, was off duty and shooting pool with friends at the Aloft Hotel in Millbrae near San Francisco International Airport early Dec. 20 when he decided to walk out of the hotel with a trumpet and a jacket he didn’t own. Forster children - it's all about the money, not the kids???From this article it sounds like the process of caring for children without parents and letting people adopt foster children is just as much about money as it is about protecting the children.The government know how to run your life better then you do!!!!I have a lot of faith in high tech medical science, even if every now and then they do make some boneheaded mistakes.But just because modern medical science is wonderful by my standards doesn't mean the government should force it on people who are Luddites and want to refuse it, or people on people who know the scientists are wrong. But in this article out government masters think they know how to run the lives of our children better then the children's parents and are forcing the parents to give their children medical services the government says are needed. Arizona Game and Fish official under investigationIn this article we find out their is a very secretitive investigation of John Romero who is a top police officer in the Arizona Game and Fish Department.When the cops are investigating a private citizen they usually tell us what crimes the person is accused of but sadly when they investigate their fellow cops they get very secretive and refuse to tell us the details. If you ask me it sounds like cops get extra special treatment by other cops. NYPD cuffed boy, 7, over $5, family saysOK, the cops busted the wrong child and had to let him go.But any cop will tell you it's better to be safe then sorry. According to this article the cops busted a really, really dangerous 7 year old and had to handcuff him to a wall for 10 hours!!! The article didn't say this but the kids looks like a Puerto Rican and the kids name sounds like a Puerto Rican name. I bet the racist cops thought this kid was a dangerous Puerto Rican child and handcuffed him for 10 hours for the safety of the cops. Well at least that's what the racist cops will probably tell us. Porn star Ron Jeremy in L.A. hospital for aneurysmI guess porn movies have become mainstream in American society if when a porn star goes to the hospital it makes headlines in major American newspapers.I guess this is a time to ask the Homeland Security goons who routinely read this web page another question. Do you guys look at porn movies? I bet you do!!! I also will bet that you will deny looking at them. One other question too. When you guys bust somebody for the victimless crime of making, selling or viewing porn movies do you guys steal the movies and keep them for you personal use? Again I but you will deny it. But I bet if some members of the "Tyranny Response Team" visited your homes they would find them packed to the roof with porn movies you guys seized when arresting people for the victimless crime of making, selling or viewing porn movies. Men report stolen pot pipes, get bustedIf you are involved in victimless drug war crimes, never, never, never call the police for anything!!!!The police are more interested in arresting YOU for your victimless drug war crimes then they are in hunting down the criminals that hurt you!!!! And of course that is exactly what the cop did in this article!!! Instead of trying to arrest the criminals that robbed these folks, the cops arrested the people who reported the crime. $87,500 for a knee operation that normally costs $3,000Yes, that is right, according to this article doctors in Los Angeles are charging people $87,500 for a routine knee operation that takes 20 minutes and normally costs $3,000.Of course you can blame a lot of that problem on the government. Read more about it here. Jail pot smokers, let government crooks go free????Hmmm ... in this editorial the folks that run the Arizona Republic think it is a waste of tax dollars to investigate crooked politicians who take bribes and in the case of Ben Arredondo crooked politicians that set up sham charities and screw donors out of $50,000.On the other hand, based on past editorials the Republic has run they seem to think the government should continue to arrest and jail people for victimless crimes like smoking or selling marijuana, gambling, prostitution and other victimless crimes. Personally I think the folks at the Arizona Republic have their values totally screwed up. Government criminals like Ben Arredondo belong in prison, not on probation. And of course the prisons are full of people who committed victimless drug war crimes. Those people should be ALL released. It is a waste of our tax dollars to jail these people for harmless and victimless crimes. Obama appoints war monger Chuck Hagel for Secretary of DefenseAfter reading this article I think that President Obama continues to be a war monger that would make John McCain or George W. Bush proud.9 must visit cities in MexicoIn this article they list Mexico's 9 coolest cities for tourists to visit. They are:
I am kind of surprised that they didn't mention Guadalajara, which is Mexico's 2nd largest city. In a number of ways Guadalajara is much cooler then Mexico City. Guadalajara population wise is about as big as the metro Phoenix area. $80,000 for one ticket to the Super Bowl??? |
According to this article if you want to go to the 2013 Super Bowl in San Francisco you will have to pay between $2,000 and $80,000 for a single ticket to get in. Jesus, when professional sports teams can make that kind of money do they really need to be on government welfare programs that give them money to build their stadiums and fund expensive light rail systems to bring fans to the game. If you ask me the answer is HELL NO!!!!! Of course the government bureaucrats who get into the Super Bowl for free in exchange for giving professional sports teams millions of dollars in corporate welfare will probably disagree with me on that. Why should they have to pay $2,000 for a ticket to get into the Super Bowl like the serfs they rule over do, when they can give professional sports teams millions of dollars of our money and get in for free. I suspect Tempe City Councilman Ben Arredondo agrees with that 100 percent. Group launches Sheriff Arpaio recall effortAnd here is another effort to recall Sheriff Joe.I have always said there is nothing wrong with any crooked politician that can't be fixed with a gun. And I suspect that the folks who wrote the Second Amendment wrote it for that very reason. Of course recalling Sheriff Joe will get the job done just as effectivelly and a lot cleaner. Glendale detectives seize over 450 pounds of marijuanaUsually when cops make a drug bust like this it is the result of an illegal traffic stop, followed by an illegal search.I wonder the the Glendale police illegally stop and search this guy??? Sadly it happens all the time and I suspect the Glendale cops did illegally stop and search the guy. Sheriff Joe Arpaio spooked by recall threat of ‘extremists’In this blog EJ Montini tells us his opinion on the Sheriff Joe recall. EJ seem to be like me and thinks Sheriff Joe is a thug, goon, or crook that deserves to be recalled.Sheriff Joe Arpaio recall already?In this editorial Laurie Roberts gives her two cents on the Sheriff Joe recall.Cops & firefighters are very well paid!!!!!According to this article Tempe police officers make on the average $103,000. Tempe firemen make on the average $109,000. The average Tempe resident earns less than $50,000.The average Tempe police officer is paid $103,000According to this article Tempe police officers make on the average $103,000. Tempe firemen make on the average $109,000. The average Tempe resident earns less than $50,000.The average Tempe fireman is paid $109,000According to this article Tempe police officers make on the average $103,000. Tempe firemen make on the average $109,000. The average Tempe resident earns less than $50,000.Union negotiations should be publicAccording to this article members of a House panel voted Tuesday to force cities and counties to negotiate with public employee unions in the open.A.J. LaFaro said the average salary of police officers in Tempe, where he lives, is $103,000, with firefighters earning an average of $109,000; by contrast he said the average Tempe resident earns less than $50,000. Sadly about two thirds of the people these well paid cops arrest are harmless people that commit victimless drug war crimes like pot smokers, not real criminals like robbers, rapists and murders. 70 percent of the Phoenix budget goes to the policeAccording to this article about 70 percent of the Phoenix general budget goes to the police department.For city government that is not an unusual figure. The article didn't get into this but when you look at the total budge of Phoenix, as opposed to the general budget of Phoenix, I think the total that goes to the police is about 40 percent. The second highest expense in the Phoenix budge is the fire department which sucks up about 20 percent of the total budges. And of course all other departments in the city have to share the remaining 40 percent of the Phoenix budget.
Riding High: Arizona's Zero-Tolerance Stance on Pot and DrivingHere is an interesting article on the legality of smoking marijuana and driving in Arizona.A couple of interesting things from the article. First while measuring you blood alcohol is a reasonable indicator of how stoned you are, measuring the tests for marijuana are almost worthless for gauging how stoned you are. A really stoned person can have a very low test level, and a perfectly straight person can have a high test level. Second Arizona crime labs usually test for three molecules when examining blood for evidence of marijuana use: THC, its primary metabolite, hydroxy-THC, and the inactive metabolite carboxy-THC. Oddly carboxy-THC doesn't get you stoned. Third, never, never admit to the cops that you are a medical marijuana users. They will use it against you in court. And never, never, never admit to the cops that you have smoked marijuana anytime in your life. Again that will be used against you in court. Fourth if you are a pot smoker you probably know this, but marijuana doesn't effect your driving anywhere near the level that alcohol does. Statistics compiled by the Arizona Department of Transportation each year show that alcohol impairment is believed by police to be responsible for five to 10 times the number of fatal and injury crashes statewide as all other illegally used drugs combined. screwed .......................................Food Stamps revoked for medical marijuana users???Research food stamp issue. Are they really booting people who have medical marijuana prescriptions??? I bet that is why they let people who have food stamps get a prescription for half price or $75 instead of the regular $150. So they can easily identify the people who get food stamps and turn them over to the Feds and have their food stamps revoked.Voter initiative to reduce taxes and government rulesI think this voter initiative might be a good way to allow the people to reduce taxes and the government micromanaging of our lives.The voter initiative would allow anybody to put an initiative on the Arizona ballot only if the initiative reduced taxes (or doesn't call for new taxes), and the initiative doesn't give away taxpayer money services, or the initiative allows less government micromanaging of our lives. If the politicians, i.e. the jerks in the Arizona Senate and Arizona House are allowed to put initiatives on the ballot without spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to collect the signatures on the ballot us serfs should be allowed to put initiatives on the ballot. Paramedicas create jobs for cops - do a blurb on thisI was at a friends house and their neighbor got bit while breaking up a fight between their dogs.They called 911, not for a crime, but to get some free medical service for the dog bite. FIRST the fire department is no longer the FIRE DEPARTMENT but rather the paramedics, so a fire truck showed up to give them the medical services. In the old days firemen put out fires. Now firemen rarely put out fires and over half their calls are for paramedics service, traffic accidents and other stuff where people are hurt. In addition to the firetruck 4 4 4 4 4 4 cops showed up. if you ask me this sounds like a jobs program for cops showing up where ever the fire department is called. finish finish finish finish finish finish finish M1M1
Jack Lowell's got a peace sign in his front yardAccording to this article Jack Lowell has a cool peace sign in his front yard.I suspect it is driving the Tempe messy yard cops nuts. Social Security - How to get your lootSure everybody knows that Social Security is a Ponzi scheme that the government uses to tax the krap out of you while at the same time lulling you into believing that your government masters are putting the money they steal from you into a banking account that you can cash out when you retire.Even if Social Security is a Ponzi scheme designed to screw you, you can get a few cents out of every dollar the government stole from you back. Here is a series of articles by the Arizona Republic on how to do that. My WillOK, in case I get run over by a truck, or killed by government goons here is a copy of my will.Spanish Ordinal NumbersOne, two three, uno, dos, tres. First, second, third, primero, segundo, and tercero. OK here are the Spanish Ordinal Numbers.The Spanish AlphabetOK, here is the Spanish alphabet.B is referred to as be grande ("big B") and the V as ve chica ("little V"). U is sometimes topped with a dieresis or umlaut, as in vergüenza. "RR" (erre doble) was once considered as a separate letter. "CH" was also considered a separate letter. Spanish Language Newspapers & Magazines in PhoenixThis url lists a bunch of Spanish language newspapers and magazines in the Phoenix metro area.Map of the Phoenix Canal SystemFor your viewing pleasure right here we have a map of the Phoenix canal systemCops try to murder homeless people???Man I got screwed up this morning. I gut stuck by a 2 inch cactus needle in my leg.Marijuana, grown in a National Park near you!!!!According these articles drug cartels are moving their operations from Mexico to places that are cheaper to operate in.And of course that means they are now growing their marijuana in American National Parks which are closer to the final destination of their drug users in the USA. Babes from the Los Angeles TimesHere are some hot babes from the LA Times. Don't worry they all have their clothes on and are legally allowed on these tripod web pages.Libertarian Party Platform April 5, 2011This is the Libertarian Parties Platform which I copied on April 5, 2011 from this site on my reading listHere are some books on my reading list.They are mostly computer geek books, or books that document the history of evil government deeds. A Table of Contents for Homeless in ArizonaA toc for Homeless in Arizona?IBM mainframe computers???Hmmm.... Just what are IBM mainframe computers?COBOL, TSO, CICS, IMS, TSO, SPF, VM/CMS, VSAM, ISAM whats all that stuff? I am a rock?I am a RockRecycle Plastic Bags - Throw a monkey wrench into the recycling program???Recycle plastic bags and throw a monkey wrench into city recycling programs???I hate those annoying government recycling programs which always lose money and the only environment they make better is the wallets of the special interest groups the government let run the program. After reading this article I may just start recycling all my plastic bags!!!! More articles on Kyrsten SinemaSome previous articles on Kyrsten Sinema.Here are some other articles on Kyrsten Sinema - Kyrsten Sinema. 1 2 3 4 If you love taxes and hate guns your will probably love Kyrsten Sinema. If you think most people are too stupid to run their own lives and that most people need a government nanny to tell then how to live you will probably get along with Kyrsten Sinema real well. If you think that marijuana should be effectively illegal by taxing the krap out of it you will probably love Kyrsten Sinema and her proposed 300 percent tax on medical marijuana.