Politicians are not held accountable for their actions???
Judge dismisses Salvador Reza lawsuit against Russell Pearce
I am not sure who is right or wrong in this issue.
But my point is politicians don't like to be held accountable for their actions.
On the other hand politicians expect us serfs to be 100 percent accountable for our actions, even if we don't know or understand the law.
Last just banning Salvador Reza from the Senate building without giving him a trial or hearing doesn't seem right. Salvador Reza wasn't charged with any crimes, and it seems he was falsely arrested.
Judge dismisses suit against Russell Pearce
by Alia Beard Rau - Dec. 28, 2012 02:30 PM
The Republic | azcentral.com
A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit that activist Salvador Reza filed against then-Senate President Russell Pearce after Pearce had Reza thrown out of the Senate building in 2011.
Reza was among protesters at a marathon hearing of several immigration bills in February 2011 that drew a rowdy crowd of opponents to the Senate. Two days later, when Reza returned to the Senate, police told Reza he'd been banned from the building, with approval from Pearce. Reza refused to leave and was arrested on suspicion of trespassing. No charges were ever filed.
Democratic lawmakers accused Pearce, the Republican lawmaker behind the controversial immigration law Senate Bill 1070 who was later recalled, of banning certain immigration-rights leaders. Pearce denied it, saying he gave Capitol police the authority to ban anyone who had been disruptive during the immigration hearing.
Pearce said the decision was a security issue. Reza alleged he was targeted because of his Mexican ancestry and his public criticism of Pearce.
Reza sued Pearce, alleging his rights of freedom of speech, assembly, association, to petition and communicate with his elected representatives, and his right to due process and equal protection were violated.
In his ruling Thursday, Judge Frederick Martone said the Senate building is a "limited public forum" where some First Amendment restrictions are permissible as long as they are reasonable and not an effort to suppress speech just because public officials oppose the speaker's view. Thus, he said, restricting access to the Senate building is constitutionally permissible if is was reasonable and viewpoint neutral.
Martone said Reza was unable to provide any evidence to support his claim that his rights were violated because of his Mexican ancestry or political viewpoint.
Judge dismisses activist’s suit against Pearce
Associated Press Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:06 PM
A federal judge has dismissed an immigration activist’s lawsuit accusing former Arizona Senate President Russell Pearce of illegally barring him from the Senate buildings.
U.S. District Judge Frederick Martone’s ruling on Thursday said activist Salvador Reza was properly barred from the Senate buildings by Pearce after security officials identified him as a person who was disruptive at a hearing.
Martone’s ruling says Reza produced no evidence to back up his allegation Pearce barred him because he is Mexican-American. And Martone wrote that Pearce’s actions were reasonable given his role in maintaining decorum in the Senate.
Reza was among vocal protesters attending a Feb. 22, 2011 Senate hearing on immigration bills. The next day, police arrested Reza on suspicion of trespassing but he was never formally charged.
Using the Connecticut shooting to create a jobs program for cops???
I suspect most of these proposals to put armed police officers in schools are just jobs programs for cops.
Do each of the nations approximately 70,000 schools need a police officers to protect against an incident which only happens one or twice every 10 years or so? I don't really think that is a cost efficient solution.
However if you are a police chief and want to expand your empire, hiring 70,000 new cops sounds like a great idea for an empire building bureaucrat. Even if it isn't cost efficient it is a way to increase your pay and empire size.
Experts: Trained police necessary to protect schools
John Gastaldo
Rich Agundez
Associated Press
WASHINGTON - The student's attack began with a shotgun blast through the windows of a California high school. Rich Agundez, the El Cajon policeman assigned to the school, felt his mind shift into overdrive.
People yelled at him amid the chaos but he didn't hear. He experienced "a tunnel vision of concentration."
While two teachers and three students were injured when the glass shattered in the 2001 attack on Granite Hills High School, Agundez confronted the assailant and wounded him before he could get inside the school and use his second weapon, a handgun.
The National Rifle Association's response to a Connecticut school massacre envisions, in part, having trained, armed volunteers in every school in America. But Agundez, school safety experts and school board members say there's a huge difference between a trained law enforcement officer who becomes part of the school family and a guard with a gun.
The NRA's proposal has sparked a debate across the country as gun control rises once again as a national issue. President Obama promised to present a plan in January to confront gun violence in the aftermath of the killing of 20 Sandy Hook Elementary School students and six teachers in Newtown, Conn.
Agundez said what happened before the shooting in the San Diego County school should frame the debate over the NRA's proposal.
After a shooting at another county school just weeks before, Agundez had trained the staff in how to lock down the school, assigned evacuation points, instructed teachers to lock doors, close curtains and turn off the lights. He even told them computers should be used where possible to communicate, to lessen the chaos.
And his training? A former SWAT team member, Agundez's preparation placed him in simulated stressful situations.
The kids in the school knew to follow his advice because they knew him. He spoke in their classrooms and counseled them when they came to him with problems.
In the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre, school boards, administrators, teachers and parents are reviewing their security measures.
School security officers can range from the best-trained police officers to unarmed private guards. Some big-city districts with gang and crime problems formed their own police agencies years ago.
Others, after the murder of 13 people at Columbine High School in 1999, started joint agreements with local police departments to have officers assigned to schools - even though that was no guarantee of preventing violence. A trained police officer at Columbine confronted one of two shooters but couldn't prevent the death of 13 people.
"Our association would be uncomfortable with volunteers,"
said Mo Canady, executive director of the National Association of School Resource Officers - whose members are mostly trained law enforcement officers who "become part of the school family.' "
Canady questioned how police agencies responding to reports of a shooter would know whether the person with a gun is a volunteer or the assailant.
Former Rep. Asa Hutchinson, who also was a top Homeland Security official and will head the NRA effort, said the program will have two key elements.
One is a model security plan "based on the latest, most up-to-date technical information from the foremost experts in their fields." Each school could tweak the plan to its own circumstances, and "armed, trained, qualified school security personnel will be but one element."
The second element may prove the more controversial because, to avoid massive funding for local authorities, it would use volunteers. Hutchinson said in his home state of Arkansas, his son was a volunteer with a local group "Watchdog Dads," who volunteered at schools to patrol playgrounds and provide added security.
He said retired police officers, former members of the military or rescue personnel would be among those likely to volunteer.
There's debate over whether anyone should have a gun in a school, even a trained law enforcement officer.
"In general teachers don't want guns in schools, period," said Dennis Van Roekel, president of the National Education Association, one of the two large unions representing teachers. He added that one size does not fit all districts and said the union has supported schools that wanted a trained officer. Most teachers, he said, do not want to be armed themselves.
"It's a school. It's not a place where guns should be," he commented.
The security situation around the country is mixed.
• Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne proposed a plan to allow one educator in each school to carry a gun.
• Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio says he has the authority to mobilize private citizens to fight crime and plans to post armed private posse members around the perimeter of schools. He said he hasn't spoken to specific school districts and doesn't plan to have the citizen posse members inside the buildings.
• The Snohomish School District north of Seattle got rid of its school officers because of the expense.
• The Las Vegas-based Clark County School District has its own police department and places armed officers in and around its 49 high school campuses. Officers patrol outside elementary and middle schools. The Washoe County School District in Nevada also has a police force that was authorized about a decade ago to carry guns on campus.
• In Milwaukee, a dozen city police officers cover the school district but spend most of their time in seven of the 25 high schools. In Madison, Wis., an armed police officer has worked in each of the district's four high schools since the mid-1990s.
• A Utah group is offering free concealed-weapons permit training for teachers as a result of the Connecticut shootings.
"I would select an experienced, tactically trained, on-duty police officer. I would have them in every school in the United States, preschool through college" - The author who is an ex-cop and owner of a police training school has a vested interest in hiring more cops.
Only armed guards can protect against shootings
Saturday December 29, 2012 4:39 AM
The discussion concerning active-shooter situations needs to remain productive and on-topic.
Some of that discussion involves the controversial option of arming teachers and other qualified concealed-carry-permit holders. Some politicians and media folks have attempted to hijack the narrative on the subject and offer nonsensical solutions.
Those of us in law enforcement must reinforce those who voice legitimate solutions. Our kids are being murdered in elementary schools. We have no choice but to make ourselves heard.
Law-enforcement professionals have done a pretty good job over the past 14 years in training and preparing for such situations.
As a former police officer and co-owner of North American SWAT Training Association, I have been directly involved in this training and preparation for thousands of officers and educators throughout the United States since 1999.
In many cases, responding officers and educators have limited the number of casualties. This comprehensive approach to training and preparation must continue and be improved upon.
Historically, a homicidal-suicidal active shooter stops killing innocent people only when he or she is confronted by a responsible person carrying a gun.
Therefore, we must cause this confrontation to take place within seconds of when an active shooter starts his or her rampage.
The only way to ensure this is to have a responsible and armed person at the scene when the situation begins. Like most, I would prefer to hand-pick those individuals for this assignment. I would select an experienced, tactically trained, on-duty police officer. I would have them in every school in the United States, preschool through college.
But I'm not convinced that we have enough sworn personnel or resources to accomplish that task.
Another option: Recruit off-duty and retired police officers, paid or volunteer. How many active and retired officers, former military personnel and other qualified gun owners already volunteer in their kids’ and grandkids’ schools? I would gladly volunteer for the assignment.
Another option: Arming responsible teachers who are proficient in the use of firearms. It has worked successfully in some school districts throughout Texas and other states. The Harrold School District in Texas has an excellent plan that includes all of the necessary selection, training and policy procedures.
Law enforcement would need to assist educators in establishing a safe and workable plan.
Like most officers, I want to be there when an active-shooter situation erupts. If I can't be there, I want a fellow officer to confront the shooter. If we can't be there in the first 30-90 seconds, I want someone else armed and prepared to end the situation.
When the lives of our children are at stake, we can't afford to take any solution off the table.
Politicians and celebrities are provided individualized, armed security 24/7. How can we justify depriving our children of at least one armed security professional per school?
General partner, North American SWAT Training Association
City Council members use discretionary accounts to rip off taxpayers???
City Council members use discretionary accounts to steal money from the taxpayers???
Discretionary council funds scrutinized
By David Madrid The Republic | azcentral.com Sun Dec 30, 2012 12:16 AM
A Phoenix councilman
used more than $20,000 to attend conferences.
A West Valley councilwoman
used $18,000 to pave a road in her district.
A small-city mayor
spent nearly $70 to buy shirts and monogram “mayor” on them.
All three tapped so-called discretionary funds, public money that is spent at a council member’s discretion with little public scrutiny.
In the last two years, 10 Valley cities have spent $1.2 million in taxpayer funds for meals, travel, construction projects and iPads, an investigation by The Arizona Republic has found.
The money also was used to pay for more run-of-the-mill expenses like photos, picture frames, candy for a parade and appreciation plaques.
These purchases were made as recession-battered cities have cut jobs, delayed maintenance and asked residents to cope with fewer services.
Supporters of discretionary funds say they are a useful tool and can pay for neighborhood projects, charity donations, lobbying trips and training for newly elected leaders.
Critics worry that the main beneficiaries are council members themselves.
While the funds are just a sliver of a multimillion-dollar city budget, local politicians can use the money to take pricey trips or raise their profile by splurging on favored projects in their districts, some say.
Despite city leaders’ best intentions, discretionary funds are ripe for misuse or even abuse, according to ethics experts and some city leaders.
“You can spend on just about anything you want,” said Surprise City Councilman Mike Woodard, who has been critical of the funds and helped change how they are handled in his city.
“It’s not appropriate,” he said.
How it works
A discretionary account is a pool of money, often taken from a city’s general fund, that is set aside for an individual council member to use at his or her discretion. It’s a common practice among city councils around the country. In the Valley, 10 cities, including Phoenix, Peoria, Glendale, Mesa, Chandler and Avondale, maintain discretionary funds, which range from $500 to more than $30,000 a year.
Council members vote on the amount they are allowed to spend each year. In some cities, mayors receive more than other council members.
Although the amounts are outlined in the city budget, details on how the money is spent is not discussed in public meetings.
Still, most communities have discretionary-fund policies, though they vary widely in the level of oversight. Some cities won’t cut a check unless an expense meets discretionary-fund rules. Others merely ask council members to provide receipts.
Avondale’s policy, for example, is informal. “Council member discretionary funds ... can be used for any legal public purpose such as official City travel, educational opportunities such as training or conferences, support of non-profit organizations, etc.,” it states.
Several cities allow council members to “roll over” unused dollars to the next year or to borrow money from council colleagues when they run out of cash.
The Phoenix council has an executive assistant who acts as a gatekeeper approving each expense.
Tracking the spending often falls to a city administrator, who can’t hold a public official accountable, said Judy Nadler, a senior fellow in government ethics at Santa Clara University, in Santa Clara, Calif.
The Republic examined council and mayor discretionary funds with travel and capital spending for fiscal years 2010-11 and 2011-12.
Other Valley city councils without discretionary funds pay for these expenses through the budget process. The Republic did not examine those budgets.
Conferences and travel
The Republic analysis shows that about 15 percent of discretionary funds were spent on travel and conference-related expenses in 2010-11 and 2011-12.
Officials in Valley cities without discretionary funds also use taxpayer money to travel but do it through the budget process, allowing public input.
Local leaders who support the out-of-town trips say they help cement federal support for local programs. Conferences help council members learn how to better represent their constituents.
The benefits of such travel, supporters and critics agree, can be hard to quantify.
Phoenix Vice Mayor Michael Johnson spent more than $22,000 in discretionary funds on conference-related hotels and travel. He spent more discretionary funds on hotels and travel than any other council member or mayor in the Valley. That included hotel bills for National League of City conferences totaling more than $5,000 for two stays at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel.
For those conferences, he stayed in the hotel for at least a week, said Johnson, who serves on the Advisory Board of the National League of Cities. He was also the president of the National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials, a group within the league.
The benefits to the city of his trips far exceed the money he spent on travel, Johnson added.
In addition to attending the conferences, he met with the state’s congressional delegation and had a sit-down meeting with President Barack Obama.
However, it is difficult to calculate how many dollars exactly those trips brought to Phoenix, Johnson said. “It’s hard to say, ‘Well, can you tell me the exact amount you were responsible for?’ That would be difficult to say,” he said.
Those meetings helped Phoenix get utility subsidies for the poor and allowed the city to keep its share of Community Development Block Grants, a federal program that aims to spur development in low-income neighborhoods, the councilman said. The trips also helped bring the league’s 2011 Congress of Cities conference to Phoenix, which generated $4.5 million in direct spending, Johnson said.
Avondale Mayor Marie Lopez Rogers, who is president of the National League of Cities, said conferences are valuable for new and experienced city leaders alike. At league conferences, council members learn about open-meeting laws, new technological advances and how to handle the relationships between city leaders and city employees, Rogers said. She used discretionary funds for her travel to conferences but was reimbursed for most of it by the national league.
But Phoenix City Councilman Sal DiCiccio said he doesn’t see the value in extensive conference attendance. “Quite frankly, if it was that important for someone to go, you don’t have to have more than one person go to those things to represent your city,” DiCiccio said.
And in the age of teleconferencing, such travel can be reduced, said Kevin McCarthy, president of the Arizona Tax Research Association.
But Rogers said that in politics a conference call is not always as effective as an in-person visit. When Goodyear and Litchfield Park needed to prod federal officials about polluted groundwater or when federal grants to cities were on the chopping block, local leaders had to travel to Washington, she said.
“Certainly we can use technology,” she said. “We use technology as much as we can, but politics is about relationships, and if you don’t build those face-to-face contacts, you lose something.”
Construction projects
Some city leaders pour discretionary funds into neighborhoods, using it to pay for projects that might not otherwise receive funding but also to bolster council members’ political profiles. The money can pay to stucco old walls, paint graffiti-covered fences, and help local homeowners associations pay for improvements. For example, Peoria City Councilwoman Joan Evans spent $1,275 for community-pool improvements at Lake Pleasant Estates.
Council members say this is often an ideal way to spend the money, making small, badly needed upgrades in their community.
Ethics experts warn that this kind of spending may encourage council members to use the money for political advantage.
In February, Glendale Councilwoman Norma Alvarez paid Vulcan Materials Co. $18,138 from her discretionary account to provide asphalt for repairs to Griffin Lane, a quarter-mile-long, dead-end neighborhood street. City workers paved the road.
It was legitimate discretionary spending: Glendale’s policy allows each council member to spend up to $15,000 on construction or equipment.
Alvarez said that south Glendale is not the city’s priority but that the repaving was something constituents wanted. The city could not otherwise have afforded it at a time when Glendale was cutting library services and recreation programs.
“The project was needed,” she said. “I was told I had miscellaneous money to go to conferences and so forth. ... I have spent all the money in the neighborhoods.”
Stuart Kent, Glendale executive director of public works, said Griffin Lane was on a list of streets identified as below standards and in need of work. City employees repaved the road at Alvarez’s request, he said.
In Peoria, Vice Mayor Ron Aames spends almost 75 percent of his discretionary funds on neighborhood-improvement projects,
some of which he features prominently in newsletters he sends to constituents. The articles feature photographs of Aames and residents smiling in front of the improvements such as neighborhood-entry signs.
Aames, who was unopposed in his bid for a second term in the November 2010 election, said he isn’t campaigning using discretionary funds. He defended the newsletters, saying his constituents have a right to know what he is doing.
“Communication is important,” he said. “I do it primarily so people know who I am and are aware that they can make such requests, and we do this in the district.”
It is difficult to say whether officials are touting such projects to lay the groundwork for their next election, said James Svara, a professor in the School of Public Affairs at Arizona State University. “Is that a project of sufficient importance that it warrants being done, compared with other uses that money could be put to?” he asked.
Aames said the projects return tax money to citizens.
Using discretionary funds allows him to work directly with residents, instead of directing them to a city program.
Another popular, and significant, discretionary expenditure is donating money to charity.
Especially in bad economic times, discretionary money helps non-profits provide valuable services to residents, council members say. But the donations can raise questions about relationships between city leaders and those who benefit from the gift.
Phoenix City Councilwoman Thelda Williams spent almost $3,000 at Turf Paradise for a dance and dinner to raise money for the Pioneer Arizona Living History Museum and Village, a city park in her district. She said the Pioneer ball raised $15,000 for the museum.
“I do an annual fundraiser for them, and we do it there, because they give us the best price,” she said of Turf Paradise, a horse-racing track, which isn’t in her district.
Williams received a $430 campaign donation from Ronald Simms, a co-owner of Turf Paradise. But Williams said the donation had nothing to do withher choosing the racetrack for the event. “You’re talking horses. It’s in the pioneer theme,” she said.
In 2010, Woodard, the Surprise councilman, donated $1,200 to a holiday-lights extravaganza at a private home known as the “Christmas House.” Woodard said he was criticized for giving money to private citizens, and people speculated that he bought decorations for the house or paid the electric bill. Rather, the money paid for toys to give to hundreds of children who came to see the house, Woodard said.
“I would do it again given the opportunity, but the way it is now, it would have to be approved by the council,” he said.
Another Surprise politician, former Mayor Lyn Truitt, made several unusual purchases using discretionary funds. While Truitt was mayor, the council bought iPads using the funds. He said council members had a choice between iPads or laptops. Other cities have purchased iPads for council members but went through the public budgeting process to buy them.
Truitt also spent $68 on shirts and a jacket, which he had embroidered with his title and name. That way, residents and visitors who didn’t know him could identify him, he said. “I believe it was an appropriate council expenditure,” he said.
Future accountability
While some city leaders are uneasy about how discretionary funds are being spent, few outside groups monitor them.
The money is a small fraction of overall city budgets. For example, in Phoenix, City Council and mayoral discretionary spending totals about $80,000 annually, while the city budget is $3.5 billion.
Still, some are advocating changes in the way discretionary funds are handled.
In Surprise, Woodard has successfully pushed for change. This year, the council agreed to cut its discretionary budget and pool the money in a community-outreach pot. Any spending from the community-outreach fund requires a council vote.
Earlier this month, Glendale’s City Council offered to reduce each council member’s discretionary fund from $33,000 to $9,000 annually. The decision comes as city leaders consider eliminating 64 full-time positions to save $6 million during the next fiscal year.
Nadler, the university ethics fellow, said she doesn’t see any movement across the country to end discretionary funds or revise how they are handled. But, she said, given cities’ financial struggles, the time has come to do so. “We’ve reduced police forces. We’ve reduced the hours at the library,” she said.
“So we cannot afford to waste one dime on expenses that are not legitimate and that do not advance the work elected officials are charged to do on behalf of the public,” Nadler said.
Phoenix: Spending limit not exceeded - Honest that's what the mayor says!!!!
Remember the police officer has your driver's license which contains your birth date and you middle name.
And don't voluntarily give your cell phone password to the police officer as many people do according to this article.
You are under no obligation to tell the police anything including the password to your phone or the combination to your safe. Take the 5th Amendment and refuse to tell anything to the police.
Many of our ancestors died fighting to give us our 5th Amendment rights. Don't give us that right just because some crooked police officer threatens you.