Board Recommends Firing Phoenix Sergeant Phil Roberts
I am not sure who is corrupt here.
Is Phoenix Sergeant Phil Roberts being fired for corruption? Or for exposing Phoenix police corruption??
Does Phoenix Police Chief Daniel Garcia want to fire Sergeant Phil Roberts because he is a corrupt cop, or because he is exposing corrupt cops.
I suspect the answer may be both.
A Review Board Recommends Firing PPD Sergeant Phil Roberts for Rampant Allegations Against Fellow Cops
By Monica Alonzo Thursday, Jan 24 2013
Phoenix Police Chief Daniel Garcia is mulling whether to fire Sergeant Phil Roberts, who investigators say lobbed numerous false allegations against fellow cops and city officials — and did so in a very public way.
Sergeant Phil Roberts remains on paid leave pending Chief Daniel Garcia's decision.
Sergeant Phil Roberts remains on paid leave pending Chief Daniel Garcia's decision.
Roberts gained notoriety in 2010 after accusing former Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon, former Public Safety Manager (Police Chief) Jack Harris, and others of conspiring to defraud the federal government of grant money in 2009 by exaggerating the number of home invasions and kidnappings tied to drug and human smuggling.
Roberts complained that when he "blew the whistle" on the "corruption and fraud," he became a victim of retaliation. He claimed he was transferred to unwanted assignments, given undesirable work shifts, and wasn't permitted to work off-duty jobs (which can mean lucrative extra pay for cops.)
However, a series of internal, state, and federal investigations revealed there was little truth in the multitude of allegations that Roberts fired off through some 500 pages in the more than 40 memos he wrote between August 2009 and August 2010.
After investigating Roberts' mountain of allegations — and exonerating those he accused of engaging in discrimination, covering up botched investigations, and creating a hostile work environment — the Phoenix Police Department's Professional Standards Bureau turned its attention to Roberts.
An internal affairs investigation completed on October 12, 2012, also revealed that Roberts failed to notify his superiors "when releasing information pertinent to the department" and used city resources and his position "for personal benefit or gain."
A month later, an in-house disciplinary review board recommended that Garcia fire Roberts, and the 28-year police veteran was placed on paid administrative leave.
The investigative report — largely based on 20 hours of interviews with Roberts and, ironically, his plethora of memos — concluded, in part, that Roberts' false allegations "caused irreversible damage to the reputations of the city of Phoenix, the Phoenix Police Department, and the employees named in his documents."
Investigators say Roberts violated a police policy that prohibits employees from revealing official police business "except as directed by a supervisor or under due process of law."
Although Roberts told investigators he was unaware of such a policy, he was warned in November 2009 about "providing memos to unauthorized persons." And his own memos reflect his understanding of the "seriousness of 'leaking' information," according to the report.
Roberts sent his inflammatory memos to many organizations and individuals, including the leaders of police and civilian employee unions, the Department of Public Safety, the Maricopa County Attorney's Office, the state Attorney General's Office, the FBI, the U.S. Department of Labor, then-state Senator Russell Pearce, the U.S. Attorney General, and individual City Council members.
He told investigators he sent the memos to various entities because "he believed his chain of command might have been compromised" and so outside law enforcement agencies could "start 'probing around' because there was a cover-up," an internal affairs report says.
City policies don't bar cops from filing complaints through the proper channels, but once reported, employees have to allow appropriate entities the opportunity to investigate, the internal affairs report notes.
"Sergeant Roberts chose instead to bombard them with additional memoranda containing redundant and embellished information," the report states. "Sergeant Roberts' 'facts' were often based upon hearsay, rumor, or innuendo, [and] his conduct was so outrageous that attempts to correct performance would be fruitless."
Investigators also determined that Roberts violated department policies by writing many of his complaints on official city letterhead and accessing criminal databases, not for a "criminal justice purpose" but to build his "defense" against the city and its police department. And, investigators say, he did it while out for several months on voluntary "stress leave."
The investigative report also details eight examples of false allegations that Roberts leveled against police officials. Lieutenant Lauri Burgett was among his primary targets.
A New Times investigation in 2011 traced Roberts' animus toward Burgett to 2008 and 2009 when she twice passed him over for a job managing the Home Invasion and Kidnapping Enforcement unit, which tracks down kidnappers.
Before Burgett became his supervisor, he had headed up such high-profile investigations. He relished the media attention, making more than a dozen appearances on national TV, where he repeatedly cited the same statistics he later alleged were inflated.
When he was in charge, he also pocketed hefty overtime pay associated with working complicated cases that involved trying to locate and rescue kidnapping victims from drug dealers and human smugglers.
City records show that Roberts pocketed more than $150,000 worth of overtime and on-call pay in the four years he worked on kidnap and extortion cases.
His resentment of Burgett only intensified in late 2009, when her team moved to the Drug Enforcement Bureau and out of the Robbery unit, where Roberts was stationed ("The Numbers Game," July 7, 2011).
In his memos, which started a month before HIKE's scheduled relocation, he frequently accused Burgett of felony crimes — and he wrote that then-Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon granted her immunity from criminal or administrative investigations.
He wrote in nine separate memos between February and July 2010 a variation on his claim that Burgett told fellow lieutenants (who in turn told him) that Gordon assured her "she had nothing to worry about."
Roberts later denied making allegations against Gordon and Burgett, but his own memos plainly show he repeatedly did.
Investigation after investigation of Roberts' assertions — dating back to complaints he filed as early as 2008 — has cleared Burgett and others.
In 2010, the Attorney General's Office investigated Roberts' accusations that Burgett had discriminated against him, but it found no evidence to substantiate his claims.
About a year ago, federal investigators concluded that Roberts neither was the whistle-blower he fancied himself nor the victim of retaliation from his superiors. Police investigators determined that "pretty much everything" in Roberts' nearly 500 pages of memos was "untruthful."
Phoenix police officials' lackluster effort to review the veracity of their own kidnapping statistics allowed Roberts to continue his attacks, further damaging the department's integrity. Then-Chief Harris stood by the figures, even claiming they had been verified.
It wasn't until March 2011, when City Manager David Cavazos convened a panel of experts to review the home-invasion and kidnapping statistics that it was made public that the figures actually were grossly under-reported — not inflated, as Roberts alleged.
The panel discovered there were twice as many kidnapping cases than first believed. It attributed the problems mostly to shoddy record keeping.
While the panel vindicated the city against Roberts' allegations, it also criticized officials for failing to call for an audit sooner. The fracas effectively ended Harris' reign — he retired shortly after Cavazos reassigned him to oversee the security of municipal buildings at Sky Harbor International Airport.
A scandal of Roberts' creation caused his colleagues the anguish of fighting false allegations, called into question police and city officials' integrity, and cost a police chief his decades-long law enforcement career.
But, in the end, the controversy he sparked with a yearlong memo-writing campaign may be what ends Roberts' own decades-long career with the PPD.
Medical pot advocates: Target illegal clubs, leave law alone
Medical pot advocates: Target illegal clubs, leave law alone
Hmmm... just who are these unnamed "medical pot advocates" that want to shut down “compassion clubs”???
Personally I suspect these unnamed "medical pot advocates" are really elected officials or cops who want to shut down the “compassion clubs”!!!
Medical pot advocates: Target illegal clubs, leave law alone
By Yvonne Wingett Sanchez The Republic | Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:55 PM
Dispensary owners, patients and advocates of medical marijuana are asking state lawmakers to reconsider an attempt to repeal the 2010 law that legalized the drug to treat certain medical conditions.
Instead of taking the medical marijuana issue back to voters, they urged the Legislature Thursday to clamp down on unregulated marijuana clubs — often called “compassion clubs,” — to ensure patients receive their recommended drugs within the guidelines of the new law.
There are no provisions for such clubs in the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act, and they are not regulated by the Department of Health Services, which oversees the medical marijuana program and regulates dispensaries where patients and caregivers can legally buy marijuana.
The compassion clubs typically ask patients to pay a fee to obtain marijuana even though the law does not allow people to exchange anything of value for the drug except in dispensaries. However, the clubs popped up statewide as patients waited for the opening of dispensaries, which were delayed because of prolonged legal battles between medical marijuana advocates and state and county officials. In a few known instances, law enforcement has taken action against the clubs. In the two most high profile cases, police raided the clubs and the Maricopa County Attorney's Office prosecuted the operators under existing drug laws.
Ryan Hurley, an attorney specializing in medical marijuana law, said the law should not be repealed, but that police, prosecutors and lawmakers, should target the unregulated clubs to ensure patients receive their medication in a controlled and secure environment.
“If there are abuses in the system, that's where they can be addressed, with law enforcement, the Department of Health Services, (and) we're happy to work with the Arizona Legislature to regulate and to reform, where needed," he said.
Medical marijuana advocates say lawmakers who want to repeal the law either don’t understand how the drug helps patients, or they are putting their politics before the will of voters.
Jim Dyer, 60, a Republican and former attorney said during a Thursday news conference that conventional painkillers and muscle relaxants aren’t an effective treatment for his Multiple Sclerosis because they put him to sleep or further affect his muscles. Medical cannabis, he said, is the only remedy.
“I don’t understand why the legislature wants to get in the face of the voters again and tell them, oh hey, we want you to vote on this again,’” he said. “That’s insulting to me, and it should be insulting to the rest of the voters in Arizona.”
Rep. John Kavanagh, R-Fountain Hills, has introduced a bill that would refer the marijuana law back to the ballot in November 2014. House Concurrent Resolution 2003 would require the Legislature's approval but not Gov. Jan Brewer's signature.
Kavanagh said voters deserve the right to rethink whether the law, approved by them in 2010, should have passed in the first place, pointing out that voters approved the law by a narrow margin of about 4,300 votes.
He said the program is seriously flawed, citing recent findings that only a portion of the state’s physicians are recommending marijuana, that some teens report they are obtaining pot from medical-marijuana cardholders, and that most patients are citing chronic pain as debilitating conditions —not cancer, as he says voters were led to believe.
Kavanagh questioned the effectiveness of marijuana in treating medical conditions and cited a decision by a three-member panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, which rejected a petition to reclassify marijuana from its status as a dangerous drug with no accepted medical use.
“There are so many yellow flags that say this program is full of abuse … that the voters should be allowed to reconsider,” he said. “Everybody’s heart has to go out to people who have debilitating and painful illnesses, and mine does also. But these people have to be protected from ineffective and dangerous drugs.”
About 34,000 Arizonans are allowed to smoke or grow marijuana, according to the state Department of Health Services. Of them, 3.76 percent use marijuana to ease cancer symptoms; less than 2 percent cite glaucoma. The overwhelming majority, 90 percent, cite severe and chronic pain.
Voters’ will goes to pot — again
EJ Montini seems to realize the folks in the legislator are tyrants who can't be trusted by the people. But for some reason EJ Montini doesn't seem to think we need the Second Amendment to keep these tyrants in check!!!!
For the record Arizonans have voted at least 4 times on medical marijuana and at least 2 of those measures have passed.
Voters’ will goes to pot — again
If state legislators believe that Arizona citizens want to reconsider the medical marijuana law they should go out and collect signatures and put an initiative on the ballot, just like Arizona citizens have done three times, passing a medical marijuana law each time.
Instead, Rep. John Kavanagh and the Republicans who control the legislature want to put the issue on the ballot in 2014 without having collected a single signature. (See the latest article here by Yvonne Wingett Sanchez.)
It’s a little perk legislators have that the rest of us do not.
Not long ago, when I wrote a column about this, I asked Kavanagh if he thought he could get the question on the ballot if he weren’t a member of the legislature.
“No,” he said. “The opposition to the medical-marijuana initiative raised a grand total of about $10,000. While we call it the people’s initiative, unless you’ve got big bucks in today’s modern, high-population Arizona, you are not getting an initiative on the ballot. They just can’t raise the money.”
But is it the money or the desire?
Have you seen any large group of people demonstrating at the capitol to reverse the medical marijuana law?
Me neither.
Because there is none.
Some politicians simply don’t like citizens taking matters into their own hands when it comes to issues like this.
Instead of beating the opposition in a fair fight, they keep putting the issue before voters, making it difficult, if not impossible, to get a workable system up and running.
Investors get squeamish, not knowing if their business will suddenly become illegal.
It’s a backhanded attempt to thwart the will of the voters.
The people they’re supposed to represent.
Ex-Mesa cop convicted of tasing stepson
This is kind of unusual. Cops rarely get arrested for crimes they commit, and when they do they usually get a slap on the wrist if they are punished at all.
Usually when this happens, the cop is being punished for p*ssing off his bosses, not for the crimes he committed.
Ex-Mesa cop convicted of tasing stepson says it was self-defense
Posted: Thursday, January 24, 2013 1:15 pm
By Navideh Forghani, | 0 comments
A former Mesa police officer could lose his badge for good after being convicted for using his department-issued stun gun on his stepson.
An investigation into the 2007 incident revealed Officer Larry Kelso was upset at his stepson for getting a bad grade on his report card.
“He was ironing clothes in my room, and I was looking at his report card. I started to yell at him about his grades. He started cursing and yelling. Suddenly, he came at me with the iron,” said Kelso.
Kelso went on to say, ”I reacted naturally as a trained officer. I just grabbed my Taser and tased him. I had to get the situation under control."
Kelso says his actions would have been justified if he had told police the truth. Instead, he says he lied telling Mesa PD he used to Taser to get an aggressive dog under control. He says it was to protect his son from having charges on his record.
“He had dreams of joining the air force. I know if I had told the truth, it would have destroyed his future,” said Kelso.
The allegations didn’t surface until years later, when the officer was getting a divorce from the boy's mother.
“She wanted to take everything away from me,” said Kelso.
Kelso was convicted of the abuse, and now could lose his certification to be a police officer in Arizona.
“I truly regret the situation. I really do,” said Kelso.
The Arizona Peace Officers Standard and Training Board is still reviewing his case.
San Bernardino deputy arrested on suspicion of sex with inmate
San Bernardino deputy arrested on suspicion of sex with inmate
January 24, 2013 | 10:32 am
A San Bernardino County sheriff’s deputy has been arrested after allegedly engaging in sexual activity with a jailed inmate, authorities said.
Deputy Johnathan Miller, 27, was booked into West Valley Detention Center Wednesday, according to a department report. He was released Thursday after posting a $25,000 bond and is on paid administrative leave.
Investigators received an allegation of improper sexual conduct between him and a 25-year-old female inmate at Glen Helen Rehabilitation Center, a department-run lockup for inmates serving time for misdemeanors, according to the report.
Detectives interviewed Miller and searched his home, then placed him under arrest.
Anyone with information in the case is asked to call the department’s Specialized Investigations Division at (909) 387-3589.
U.N. expert launches investigation of drones, targeted killings
U.N. expert launches investigation of drones, targeted killings
Personally I don't have any more faith in the corrupt UN, then I do in the corrupt American government.
But drone murders by the American government are a serious problem if you ask me!!!!!
U.N. expert launches investigation of drones, targeted killings
By Emily Alpert
January 24, 2013, 1:16 p.m.
A United Nations expert has launched an investigation of drone attacks and targeted killings, scrutinizing a deeply controversial tool in the United States’ battle against Al Qaeda.
“The plain fact is that this technology is here to stay,” U.N. special rapporteur Ben Emmerson announced Thursday in London, “and its use … is a reality with which the world must contend.”
Drones are not the only way to carry out targeted killings, but the relative ease with which they are used and their devastating effects have spotlighted the legal unease around them, the U.N. expert said. The world urgently needs ways to regulate their use and keep it in line with international law, which has yet to settle how to handle such killings, he stated.
“To shine the light of factual truth on some of these very abstract debates,” a team of investigators will delve into targeted killings, Emmerson told the Los Angeles Times. The experts will scrutinize 25 attacks in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan and the Palestinian territories, the U.N. rapporteur said at the London press briefing.
Though other countries are believed to have drones or the technology behind them, the debate over the unmanned aircraft most often swirls around the United States, which has intensified drone use under the Obama administration.
U.S. officials have defended drone strikes as a justified use of force against Al Qaeda and its allies that has spared pilots’ lives and forestalled deeper military involvement abroad. Such strikes have killed major militants, including Abu Yahya al Libi, the second-in-command in Al Qaeda.
However, the rising use of drones as a tool of war has alarmed human rights groups around the world, who argue that the secretive practice of targeted killings runs afoul of international law. The U.S. has been sued over drone killings of three U.S. citizens in Yemen, including an Al Qaeda cleric and his 16-year-old son.
“The Obama administration seems to have decided that wherever it conducts a targeted killing, it is by definition engaged in armed conflict, even far from any obvious battlefield,” James Ross of Human Rights Watch said last year. “What would the U.S. say if Russia or China took the same approach to attack perceived enemies in the streets of New York or Washington?”
The New America Foundation estimates that since 2004 as many as 3,279 people have been were killed by U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan, including as many as 305 civilians and hundreds of others “unknown.” U.S. lawmakers have challenged the accuracy of such tallies, The Times reported in June.
Emmerson said investigators will gather evidence until May, probably visiting Pakistan, Yemen and the Sahel, then seek reactions from the countries involved. In October, Emmerson plans to make recommendations to the U.N. about nations’ duty to investigate such attacks.
He was optimistic that the U.S., Britain, Pakistan and Yemen would cooperate. “I approach this inquiry with an entirely open mind,” Emmerson said.
Fontana school police are armed with semiautomatic rifles
Fontana school police are armed with semiautomatic rifles
By Stephen Ceasar, Los Angeles Times
January 23, 2013, 7:26 p.m.
Police officers in the Fontana Unified School District were armed recently with semiautomatic rifles, drawing sharp criticism and sparking an effort to ban such weapons on school campuses.
The Colt military-style rifles, which cost about $1,000 each, are kept in safes when officers are on campus and will be used only in "extreme emergency cases" like the massacre in Newtown, Conn., Supt. Cali Olsen-Binks said.
The district purchased the rifles in October and received them in December, before the tragedy in Newtown, where a gunman killed 26 people — 20 of them children — at an elementary school. The shooting sparked debate on whether armed school guards could prevent these types of tragedies.
The purchase was not spurred by a specific event, Fontana Unified School District police Chief Billy Green said. The rifles are designed to increase shooting accuracy and provide the 14 officers with more effective power against assailants wearing body armor, Green said, adding that those capabilities are necessary for officers to stop a well-armed gunman.
"If you know of a better way to stop someone on campus that's killing children or staff members with a rifle, I'd like to hear it," he said. "I don't think it's best to send my people in to stop them with just handguns."
"I hope we would never have to use it," Green said. "But if we do, I'd like them to be prepared."
Several other school districts have similar weapons but policies differ on whether they are brought on campus or left in patrol car trunks or administration buildings.
Fontana school police bought the guns for about $14,000, which fell below the threshold that requires school board approval. School board members were not informed until after the purchase.
Board member Leticia Garcia said the police chief and superintendent should have alerted the five-member board and held a public hearing on the issue. She said arming officers with such weapons is a policy matter and should have been decided by the entire school district community, especially in light of the ongoing debate around the country.
Garcia, whose son attends Fontana High School, said she is working with local state legislators to draft a bill that would keep school police departments from taking these types of weapons onto campuses.
"We're turning our schools into a militarized zone," she said.
But the Fontana school superintendent said she believes it's a necessary evil to have the guns on campus to keep the 40,000-plus students and staff members safe. Officers have gone through training for the weapons, Olsen-Binks said.
"It balances providing that community-oriented openness at schools without compromising any kind of security for students and employees," she said.
Although she stopped short of saying the matter should have been put before the board, Olsen-Binks said doing so might have helped ease concerns.
"Having an opportunity for more community discussion is always a good thing," she said.
The rifles are kept either in the trunk of the police officer's vehicle or in a safe on campus.
Still, Garcia worries that bringing such a weapon on campus could lead to it falling into the wrong hands. An officer could be overtaken or someone could gain access to the safe, she said.
"Teenagers can get creative," Garcia said.
Green, however, dismissed that concern as unrealistic.
The Los Angeles Unified School District's police department has issued "patrol rifles" to officers on an as-needed basis, the district said in a statement. The department does not disclose the number of rifles given to officers.
Most San Diego Unified School District police officers have AR-15 rifles, Lt. Joe Florentino said. But the department did not buy the weapons; rather, officers were allowed to purchase their own — which many did, he said.
The rifles are kept in the trunk of the officer's vehicle and are not brought into school buildings. Although there is no policy yet, bringing the rifles into buildings is something the department is looking at, Florentino said.
"From a safety standpoint, we have police officers that want the weapons close by," he said. "If we keep them in the vehicle trunk, they would have to run to the car and grab it if they need it."
Woman gets 10 years for giving child a pain killer
While crooked Tempe City Councilman
Ben Arredondo
gets a slap on the wrist for stealing thousands from the taxpayers, this woman gets 10 year in prison for the victimless crime of giving her child a pain killer.
Mom gets 10 years giving boy Methadone
By Cecilia Chan
Arizona Republic-12 News Breaking News Team
Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:52 PM
A woman accused of overdosing her son with a mixture of Kool Aid and methadone was sentenced Thursday to 10 years in prison, the Maricopa County Superior Court reported.
Judge Edward Bassett, following a plea agreement, also gave Jennifer Campos a lifetime probation for child abuse and attempted child abuse, officials said.
Campos, 26, and Anthony Casillas, 38, were arrested in 2011 after suspecting of giving their then-2-year-old son a mixture of the punch and prescription painkiller, according to court documents.
The couple were staying at a motel near Black Canyon Highway and West Griswold Road in Phoenix when the incident occurred.
At some point during the motel stay, the boy apparently became fussy. His gums were bleeding and his teeth were rotting, according to the documents.
The parents mixed the narcotic with Kool Aid and gave the drink to the child, authorities said.
The child's lips swelled, prompting friends at the motel room to call authorities. Responding police officers found the toddler unresponsive and not breathing, according to the documents.
The court records indicate the child had methadone, amphetamine, acetone and nicotine in his system.
Gilbert, Arizona declares war on alcohol!!!!
Sorry guys, but I hate to tell you this, America's last war on alcohol, which was called the Prohibition was a dismal failure, just like America's current "war on drugs"
The hypocritical war on alcohol
Tea-totaler: The war on alcohol has resurfaced in Gilbert. Jared Taylor, a newly elected town councilman, has pledged to vote against all liquor licenses, while Mayor John Lewis and Vice Mayor Ben Cooper joined him in voting against alcohol samples at Sprouts because — gasp! — children could see adults drinking in a grocery store.
Efforts to curb alcohol in town have surfaced several times over the last few years, almost exclusively from its socially conservative elected leaders. They seem to think booze degrades Gilbert’s “family-friendly image,” whatever that means.
In reality, their efforts make the town seem boring and backward — hardly the place young, educated types would want to live, much less visit. Which leads me to this excerpt from a 2010 column I wrote:
This viewpoint doesn’t square with the reality of life in Gilbert. If anything, it perpetuates a stereotype that doesn’t exist.
Don’t believe me? Pay attention to what people are buying the next time you’re in line at the grocery-store checkout. I see lots of six-packs and bottles of wine in carts, and there are always people in the alcohol aisle, often with kids in tow. …
Though some might suggest otherwise, not everyone who lives here takes such a hard-line view on alcohol. There are plenty of us who think that society will be just fine if kids witness adults drinking responsibly.
If looks could kill: If a picture is worth a thousand words, two shots say all that needs to be said about Wednesday’s congressional hearings on Benghazi. BuzzFeed offers two hilariously curt images from departing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Arizona Sen. John McCain, one of her loudest critics. Clearly, there is no love lost here.
Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe and Chandler Mayors are gun grabbers????
From this article it sounds like Mesa Mayor Scott Smith, Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton, Chandler Mayor Jay Tibshraeny and Tempe Mayor Mark Mitchell are gun grabbers who want to flush the Second Amendment down the toilet!!!
Of course they all say they support the Second Amendment and then follow it with a BUT clause which means they are gun grabbers.
Southeast Valley mayors cautiously tuned to debate on guns
By Maria Polletta The Republic | Fri Jan 25, 2013 8:50 AM
Mesa Mayor Scott Smith, a former National Rifle Association member and a gun owner for most of his life, took safety classes from the NRA as a youngster and later put his children through the same program.
Chandler Mayor Jay Tibshraeny is not and has never been a member of the NRA.
Though their personal histories with guns differ, all Southeast Valley mayors have adopted a measured approach when it comes to the public gun debate sparked in the wake of the Newtown, Conn., school shooting. They say they’re following the federal conversation closely, offering starting-point suggestions in the meantime rather than definitive solutions.
Most have held off on membership in gun-control organizations. Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton was the only Valley mayor in the Mayors Against Illegal Guns coalition, for example, until Tempe Mayor Mark Mitchell recently joined.
“There’s just a lot of dialogue right now, and it’s hard to bring it all together,” said Gilbert Mayor John Lewis, who is not a member of the NRA.
Lewis said he prefers to wait and weigh in on specific legislation rather than sign on to efforts like the mayors’ initiative or other groups.
Last year, for example, Lewis said he opposed a bill that would have allowed guns on university campuses and used his connections at the state level to voice his opinion.
“I think that’s the approach I’ll take, as the ideas and thoughts are starting to come more on the basis of what the proposals are,” he said.
Smith said he refuses to “jump on the gun-control bandwagon,” lamenting the U.S. tendency to seek knee-jerk solutions after major crises such as 9/11 and recent financial scandals.
“To me, it’s not a sound-bite issue,” he said.
Smith believes that there must be some way to keep guns out of the hands of the wrong people and has said he is open to the idea of closing background-check loopholes. He says there should be stern punishments for what he called poor stewardship with guns, such as allowing them to fall into the hands of children.
Smith also said the law has a legitimate role in forbidding the willful sale of guns to criminals and in forbidding “straw buyers” who would channel weapons inappropriately.
But overall, he said, gun violence is “a complex issue that involves a culture of violence, involves society, involves mental health.” In particular, he says that the country is devoting inadequate resources to mental-health issues.
“I believe we should strengthen our gun laws,” Smith said.
But whatever is done must be within the context of the Second Amendment, which the courts have ruled confers the right to individual gun ownership.
“I don’t think someone who is an honest person who owns guns legally should have their rights infringed,” he said.
Tibshraeny said he believes in Second Amendment rights, “but I also believe in making sure our citizens can live a full and productive and safe life.”
“We need a legitimate debate without people being so entrenched that you can’t have any meaningful dialogue,” he said. “That’s what I’m going to be looking for as we move forward.”
Tibshraeny echoed Smith’s mental-health-related concerns, saying, “A lot of these folks that have done this (mass shootings) are seriously mentally disturbed” and mental-health-care funding is “a factor that I look at on this issue.”
“At the state level, better reporting of mental-health records would be good,” he said. “We’ve got folks that are unstable and applying to get guns. A lot of their health history is on record, and it needs to go into a database that is checked as they’re applying.”
Tibshraeny said Chandler has been focusing on doing what it can at the local level, with public-safety officials sitting down to talk safety policies and procedures with Chandler schools.
Mitchell also has experience with local efforts to combat gun violence, an issue thrust into the Tempe spotlight last year when a March shooting at a club during a rap concert injured 16 people.
“First and foremost, for any elected official, the public safety and well-being of our residents is at the forefront,” he said. “Whether it’s working with the police chief and Police Department to make sure they have the necessary resources, it’s important that we work together collaboratively for the public safety of children as well as adults.”
Mitchell, who is not an NRA member, said he considered joining the Mayors Against Illegal Guns coalition a responsible decision, but he declined to say whether he would support additional gun restrictions, including an assault-weapons ban.
He said he would need to further research a sweeping package of federal gun-control measures proposed by President Barack Obama, as well as similar policies to limit gun violence recently approved in New York, before making a decision.
“That’s something I need to look at,” he said.
Republic reporters Gary Nelson, Parker Leavitt, Dianna Náñez and Erin Kelly contributed to this article.
Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery tries to can Prop 203 - Again!!!!
Again government tyrant Bill Montgomery is trying to flush Arizona's medical marijuana laws down the toilet.
I suspect it's tyrants like Bill Montgomery that caused the Founders to write the Second Amendment!!!
County attorney seeks Arizona Supreme Court ruling on medical pot
By Yvonne Wingett Sanchez The Republic | Fri Jan 25, 2013 9:47 PM
Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery is petitioning the Arizona Supreme Court to bypass the appellate court and hear his arguments on a high-profile medical-marijuana case.
The case centers on whether the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act is pre-empted by federal law.
A Maricopa County Superior Court in December ruled that federal drug laws do not pre-empt the state’s medical-marijuana program and that public officials must implement the voter-mandated law.
In his petition, filed Friday, Montgomery stressed the importance of quickly resolving whether that ruling should stand.
“The issue presented — whether the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act is pre-empted by the federal Controlled Substances Act — is an important issue of statewide impact,” the petition says.
Voters approved the state’s medical-marijuana law in 2010.
More than 33,000 people have permission to use medical marijuana in Arizona.
State health officials in August selected nearly 100 dispensary owners who are authorized to sell and grow marijuana if they meet state regulations.
In his ruling, Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Michael Gordon made it clear that marijuana is illegal under federal law, but he wrote that the U.S. Constitution allows Arizona to make different policy choices from the federal government when it comes to decriminalizing and regulating medical marijuana.
The Arizona Medical Marijuana Act does not undermine the federal Controlled Substances Act, which makes possession, sale or use of marijuana a crime, he wrote.
Border Patrol agent steals water, food, blanks left for Mexicans!!!